JNTUH B.Tech Dec 2016 3rd Year 1st Sem (3-1) Question Papers Regulation R13- All Branches

We uploaded all the B-Tech 2016 Third tYear First Semester (3-1) regulation R13 Regular/Supplementary  question papers of JNTUH (Jawaharlal nehru technological university) university. These papers are useful to all the 200+ engineering colleges which are affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad.

Following branches question papers are uploaded

CE (Civil Engineering)

CSE (Computer Science And Engineering)

ECE (Electronics And Communications Engineering)

EEE (Electrical And Electronics Engineering)

Mech Engg.(Mechnical Engineering)


JNTU Hyderabad (JNTUH) B-Tech 2016 Question Papers Third Year First Semester (3-1) December R13 Regulation Computer Science Engineering (CSE)



JNTU Hyderabad (JNTUH) B-Tech 2016 Question Papers Third Year First Semester (3-1) December R13 Regulation Electronic and Communication Engineering (ECE)



JNTU Hyderabad (JNTUH) B-Tech 2016 Question Papers Third Year First Semester (3-1) December R13 Regulation Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)



JNTU Hyderabad (JNTUH) B-Tech 2016 Question Papers Third Year First Semester (3-1) December R13 Regulation Mechanical Engineering (MECH)



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Above question papers are applicable for below colleges

AAR Mahaveer Engineering College, Keshavgiri
ACE Engineering College, Ghatkesar
AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Aarushi Group of Institutions, Warangal
Abdulkalam Institute of Technological Sciences, Khammam
Abhinav Hi-Tech College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Adam’s Engineering College, Khammam
Adusumalli Vijaya College of Engineering and Research Centre, Nalgonda
Adusumilli Vijaya Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nalgonda
Aizza College of Engineering and Technology, Adilabad
Al-Habeeb College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Amina Institute of Technology, Shamirpet
Anasuya Devi Institution of Technology and Sciences, Nalgonda
Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science, Ranga Reddy
Anubose Institute of Technology, Palwancha
Anurag College of Engineering, Ghatkesar
Anurag Engineering College, Kodad
Anurag Group of Institutions, Ghatkesar
Anwarul-Uloom College of Engineering and Technology, Vikarabad
Arjun College of Technology and Sciences, Hayathnagar
Arkay College of Engineering and Technology, Nizamabad
Arvindaksha Educational Society’s Group of Institutions, Nalgonda
Ashoka Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nalgonda
Asifia College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Aurobindo Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Aurora’s Engineering College, Nalgonda
Aurora’s Scientific Technological and Research Academy, Hyderabad
Aurora’s Scientific and Technological Institute, Ghatkesar
Aurora’s Technical and Management Campus, Hyderabad
Aurora’s Technological and Management Academy, Hyderabad
Aurora’s Technological and Research Institute, Hyderabad
Aurora’s Research and Technological Institute, Warangal
Auroras Technological Institute, Ranga Reddy
Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hayathnagar
Avanthi’s Scientific Technological and Research Academy, Hayathnagar
Ayaan College of Engineering and Technology, Ranga Reddy
Azad College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
BV Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur (Also known as: BVRIT)
BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad
Balaji Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Narsampet
Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Narsampet
Bandari Srinivas Institute of Technology, Ranga Reddy
Basavaraju Krishna Bai Laxmi Educational Society Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam
Bharat Engineering College, Hyderabad
Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Bharat Institute of Technology and Science for Women, Ibrahimpatnam
Bhaskar Engineering College, Ranga Reddy
Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women, Hyderabad
Bomma Institute of Technology and Science, Khammam
Brilliant Grammar School Educational Society’s Group of Institutions, Ranga Reddy
Brilliant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hayathnagar
CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad
CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (Also known as: CMR College Hyderabad)
CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad
CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Center for Spatial Information Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Central Institute of Tool Design, Hyderabad
Chilkur Balaji Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal
Anurag Pharmacy College, Kodad
Auroras Pharmacy College, Bhongir
Auroras Pharmacy Institute, Ghatkesar
Avanthi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hayathnagar
Avanthi Institute of Pharmaceuticals Sciences, Cherukupally
Cyberabad Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Bharat School of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
DRK College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
DRK Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad
DVR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Daripally Anantha Ramulu College of Engineering and Technology, Khammam
Dhruva Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Dr VRK College of Engineering and Technology, Karimnagar
Dr VRK Womens College of Engineering and Technology, Moinabad
Elenki Engineering College, Siddipet
Elenki Institute of Engineering and Technology, Medak
Ellenki College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Ellenki Engineering College, Siddipet
Ellenki Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Farah Institute of Technology, Chevella
Bomma Institute of Informatics, Khammam
G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science For Women, Hyderabad
Ganapathy College of Engineering, Warangal
Ganapathy Engineering College, Warangal
Gandhi Academy of Technical Education, Nalgonda
Gayathri Institute of Technology and Sciences, Mahabubnagar
Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Keesara
Global Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ranga Reddy
Gnyana Saraswati College of Engineering and Technology, Nizamabad
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Gopal Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Medak
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam
Harshith Group of Institutions, Ranga Reddy
Hasvita Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Hasvita Institute of Management and Technology, Hyderabad
Hi-Point College of Engineering and Technology, Moinabad
Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Science MCA and MBA, Keesara
Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Science, Keesara
Holy Mary Institute of Technology, Keesara
Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management, Medchal
Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Siddipet
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal
Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad
JB Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
JNTUH College of Engineering, Karimnagar
JNTUH College of Engineering, Manthani
JNTUH College of Engineering, Sultanpur
Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences, Narsampet
Jagruti Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Jaya Prakash Narayan College of Engineering, Mahabubnagar
Jaya Prakash Narayan Educational Society Group of Institutions, Mahbubnagar
Joginpally B R Engineering College, Moinabad
Joginpally M N Rao Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad
Jyothishmathi College of Engineering and Technology, Shamirpet
Jyothishmathi Institute of Technological Sciences, Karimnagar
Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagar
KBR Engineering College, Nalgonda
KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Moinabad
KLR College of Engineering and Technology, Palwancha
Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women, Nizamabad
Kamala Institute of Technology and Science, Singapur
Kasireddy Narayan Reddy College of Engineering and Research, Hayathnagar
Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Khader Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Nalgonda
Khammam Institute of Technology and Sciences, Khammam
Kodada Institute of Technology and Science for Women, Nalgonda
Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology, Ghatkesar
Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology and Engineering, Ghatkesar
Kshatriya College of Engineering, Nizamabad
Laqshya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Khammam
Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Lumbini Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
Maheshwara Engineering College, Hyderabad
MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal
MNR College of Engineering and Technology, Sangareddy
Madhira College of Engineering, Nalgonda
Madhira Institute of Technology and Science, Kodad
Mother Theressa College of Engineering and Technology, Peddapalli
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Mahaveer Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad
Maheshwara Institute of Technology, Patancheru
Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad
NOVA College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Malla Reddy College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad
Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Dhulapally
Malla Reddy Engineering College and Management Sciences, Medchal
Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Secunderabad
Malla Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad
Malla Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Medchal
Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Sciences, Secunderabad
Malla Reddy Institute of Technology, Secunderabad
Mannan Institute of Science and Technology, Chevella
Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management, Hyderabad
Medak College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Megha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Ghatkesar
Mina Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, East Godavari
Moghal College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Mohammadiya Institute of Technology, Khammam
Mona College of Engineering and Technology, Nalgonda
Mother Teresa Institute of Science and Technology, Khammam
Mother Theresa Institute of Science and Technology, Sathupally
Mumtaz College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Murthy Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad
NRI Institute of Technology, Kothur
Nagole Institute of Technology and Science, Hayathnagar
Nalgonda Institute of Technology and Science, Nalgonda
Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, Ghatkesar
Nalla Narsimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions, Ghatkesar
Narayana Engineering and Technical Campus, Hayathnagar
Narsimha Reddy Engineering College, Ranga Reddy
Princeton College of Engineering and Technology, Ghatkesar
Nawab Shah Alam Khan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Netaji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nalgonda
New India College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Nexus College of Science and Technology, Ranga Reddy
Nigama Engineering College, Karim Nagar
Nishitha College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Nizam Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Noble College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad
Noor College of Engineering and Technology, Mahabubnagar
Panineeya Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad
Patanam Rajender Reddy Memorial Engineering College, Ranga Reddy
Pathfinder Engineering College, Warangal
Patnam Rajender Reddy Memorial Engineering College, Shabad Mandal
Prasad Engineering College, Warangal
Pratnam Rajendar Reddy Memorial College, Shabad
Princeton Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Ghatkesar
Priyadarshini Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad
Progressive Engineering College, Nalgonda
Pulipati Prasad Institute of Technology and Science, Khammam
Pulla Reddy Institute of Technology, Warangal
School of Information Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
RRS College of Engineering and Technology, Medak
Raja Mahendra College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam
Ramanadatirtha Engineering College, Nalgonda
Rishi MS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad
Royal Institute of Technology and Science, Chevella
Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, Karimnagar
SLC’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
SPR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
SR Engineering College, Warangal
SR International Institute of Technology, Ranga Reddy
SSJ Engineering College, Hyderabad
SVS Group of institution, Warangal
Sagar Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Sahaja Institute of Technology and Sciences for Women, Karim Nagar
Sai Spurthi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Sai-Sudhir Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad
Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Sana Engineering College, Kodad
Swarna Bharathi Institute of Science and Technology, Khammam
TRR College of Engineering, Patancheru
Scient Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Shaaz College of Engineering and Technology, Moinabad
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Shahjehan College of Engineering and Technology, Chevella
Turbomachinery Institute of Technology and Sciences, Hyderabad
Vaageshwari College of Engineering, Karim Nagar
Vaageswari College of Engineering, Karimnagar
Vathsalya Institute of Science and Technology, Nalgonda
Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Sciences, Ghatkesar
Sidhartha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Sphoorthy Engineering College, Hyderabad
Sree Chaitanya Institute of Technological Sciences, Karimnagar
Sree Dattha Group of Institutions Integrated Campus, Ibrahimpatnam
Sree Dattha Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Ibrahimpatnam
Sree Kavitha Institute of Science and Technology , Khammam
Sree Rama Institute of Technology and Science, Khammam
Sree Vaanmayi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nalgonda
Sree Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science, Mahabubnagar
Sreekavitha Engineering College, Khammam
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Ghatkesar
Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Sri Chaitanya Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam
Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Sri Indu Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Sri KS Raju Institute of Technology and Sciences, Ranga Reddy
Sri Sai Educational Society’s Group of Institutions, Kodad
Sri Sarada Institute of Science and Technology, Ghatkesar
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet
Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Ranga Reddy
St Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad
St Mary’s Group of Institutions College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
St Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad
Sudheer Reddy College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Nizamabad
Sujala Bharati Institute of Technology, Warangal
Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women, Warangal
Suprabhath College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Supraja Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal
CMR Technology Educational Societys Group of Institutions, Medchal
Anish Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
Ashoka Business School, Hyderabad
Avanthis Post Graduate and Research Academy, Hayathnagar
Balaji Institute of Management Science, Narsampet
Food and Agri Business School, Hyderabad
Holy Mary Institute of Management Studies, Keesara
Immanuel Business School, Hyderabad
JNTUH School of Management Studies, Hyderabad
Lakshya Institute of Management, Shamirpet
Laqshya College of Management, Tanikella
MC Gupta College of Business Management, Hyderabad
Mohammadiya Institute of Management, Khammam
Nova PG College MBA, Ibrahimpatnam
Ratan Global Business School, Secunderabad
Rk Business School, Hyderabad
SVS PG College, Warangal
Sahaja School of Business, Peddapalli
Siddhartha Institute of Management, Ghatkesar
Sree Chaitanya PG College, Karimnagar
Sree Dattha School of Business Management, Ibrahimpatnam
Suprabhath PG College, Hyderabad
Swami Ramananda Tirtha Institute of Science and Technology, Nalgonda
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Secunderabad
Swarna Bharathi College of Engineering, Khammam
TKR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Talla Padmavathi College of Engineering, Warangal
Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad
Tirumala Engineering College, Keesara
Trinity College of Engineering and Technology, Karim Nagar
Trinity College of Engineering and Technology, Peddapalli
Tudi Narasimha Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad
Tudi Ram Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, Bibinagar
Tudi Ram Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad
Unity PG College, Nalgonda
Ushodaya Institute of Management and Technology, Rangareddy
Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal
Vaagdevi Engineering College, Warangal
Vaageshwari Engineering College, Karim Nagar
Vaageswari Engineering College, Karimnagar
Vaageswari Institute of Management Sciences, Karimnagar
Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Vidya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Warangal
Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Ghatkesar
Vijay Rural Engineering College, Nizamabad
Vijaya Engineering College, Khammam
Vijaya Krishna Institute of Technology and Sciences, Ranga Reddy
Vishnu Sree Institute of Technology, Nalgonda
Vishwa Bharathi College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam
Vivekananda Institute of Science and Information Technology, Mahaboobnagar
Vivekananda Institute of Technology and Science, Karim Nagar
Bhaskar Pharmacy College, Moinabad
Bojjam Narasimhulu Pharmacy College, Saidabad
Bomma Institute of Pharmacy, Khammam
CMR College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
CVM College Pharmacy, Karimnagar
Chatla Venkatesham Memorial College of Pharmacy, Karimnagar
Chilkur Balaji College of Pharmacy, Moinabad
Ganga Pharmacy College, Borgaon
Geethanjali College of Pharmacy, Keesara
Gland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medak
Global College of Pharmacy, Moinabad
Gurram Bala Narsaiah Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Gyana Jyothi College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Science, College of Pharmacy, Keesara
Horizon College of Pharmacy, Keesara
JJ College of Pharmacy, Maheshwaram
Jayamukhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hyderabad
Joginpally BR Pharmacy College, Moinabad
Jyothishmathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Thimmapur
KVK College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Lalitha College of Pharmacy, Ghatkesar
MAK College of Pharmacy, Ranga Reddy
MAK Pharma College, Moinabad
MLR Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal
MRM College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Maheshwara Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Maheswara College of Pharmacy, Chitkul
Malla Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medchal
Malla Reddy Pharmacy College, Ranga Reddy
Mother Therasa College of Pharmacy, Sattupally
Nalanda College of Pharmacy, Cherlapally
Nizam Institute of Pharmacy, Nalgonda
Nova College of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Hayathnagar
Pratishtha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Durajpally
Princeton College of Pharmacy, Ghatkesar
Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda
Pullareddy Institute of Pharmacy, Jinnaram
SRR College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elakathurty
SSJ College of Pharmacy, Gandipet
SVS Institute of Pharmacy, Hasanparthy
Samskruti College of Pharmacy, Ghatkesar
Sana College of Pharmacy, Kodad
Scient Institute of Pharmacy, Ibrahimpatnam
Shadan College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Shadan Womens College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Siddhartha Institute of Pharmacy, Ghatkesar
Sree Chaitanya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Karimnagar
Sree Dattha Institute of Pharmacy, Ibrahimpatnam
Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy, Ibrahimpatan
Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy, Ibrahimpatnam
Srinivasa Pharamaceutical Institute and Centre for Research, Vikarabad
St Marys College of Pharmacy, Secunderabad
St Peters College of Pharmacy, Madikonda
Sultan Ul Uloom College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Swami Ramananda Tirtha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ramananda Nagar
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vangapally
Teegala Krishna Reddy College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Teegala Ram Reddy College of Pharmacy, Meerpet
Tirumala College of Pharmacy, Dichpally
Unity College of Pharmacy, Bhongir
Vaageswari College of Pharmacy, Thimmapur
Vaageswari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Karim Nagar
Vignan Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Deshmukhi
Vijay College of Pharmacy, Manikbhandar
Vijaya College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
Vikas College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rayanigudem
Vishnu Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Narasapur

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