A.P EAMCET-2010 Finalized Seat Allotment. Check Here!!!

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Hyderabad, Sept. 24: The decision of the Centre to extend the ban on bulk SMS services till September 29, on account of the Allahabad High Court verdict on the Ayodhya issue, will hit over 1.5 lakh Eamcet qualified students who are eagerly waiting to hear if they have been granted admission to the engineering colleges.

The students were to be informed of the details via SMS on September 25.

The department of technical education had made all the arrangements to send an SMS to each Eamcet student on Saturday specifying the college and course they were allotted in the recently concluded web-based counselling.

It had even entered into an MoU with BSNL for the purpose.

The results will now be sent via e-mail to students? personal IDs. But another problem is that a majority of students from rural areas do not have e-mail IDs.

?The seat allotment results will be mailed to each student. Those who have not provided e-mail IDs can know the results by visiting the Eamcet website,? said Mr Raghunath, camp officer, Eamcet admissions.

This is the first time that SMS was used for various purposes for the Eamcet, such as communicating the location of exam centres and announcing the exam marks and ranks.

Source: DC

Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test is abbreviated as EAMCET. From 5th October 2010, EAMCET 2010 Final Phase Web Counselling will going to Commence. And on 25th of September, the Seats allotment will be announced. From 30th September 2010, Colleges will be going to start for the Candidates who were allotted seats in First Phase Counselling.

www.apeamcet.nic.in, is an official website of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education which is abbreviated as APSCHE. Candidates of Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test can see the results of Eamcet seat allotment 2010 at APSCHE?s website.

The candidates who gave their mobile numbers can easily get results of allotment of the engineering seats. An SMS alert will be sent on the allotted course and college. For SMS alerts, the totally 1.47 lac scholars out of the 1.6 lac have registered mobile numbers. From the website www.apeamcet.nic.in, scholars can transfer their allotment statement order.

Every year, Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test is conducted by APSCHE through JNT University of Hyderabad. The examination is held for admission in various professional colleges and the engineering architecture and medical courses offered by them in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

A.P EAMCET 2010 Engineering Counselling Allotment:

* Convener quota Total Number of Engineering seats were 184000 (652 private+23 University colleges).
* Over All Qualified candidates in EAMCET 2010 were 2, 60,000 Approximate.
* Candidates Attended to certificate verification was 1, 54,216 and 1, 52,651 participated in web Option entry.
* Allotments will be placed in Website http://apeamcet.nic.in on 25.09.2010 after 06.00 PM.
* Enter the ICR Form Number (Registration Number), Hall Ticket number, Password and date of birth in Candidate Login.
* Download the allotment order and read the instructions printed and also download challan form for payment of fee.
* Pay the fees if any, in any Branch of Andhra Bank/Indian Bank.
* Report to the allotted college on the date mentioned in the allotment order.
* Failure to report in the allotted college by the date stipulated will automatically result in cancellation of seat and candidate has no claim on the seat allotted.

51 thoughts on “A.P EAMCET-2010 Finalized Seat Allotment. Check Here!!!”

  1. Dear Sir,

    My daughter (OC Girls)having NCC “C” Cervificate. I am expecting rank between 50,000 -100000 rank .May i expect seat in University collages.

  2. Hello, my rank in eamcet 2011 is 13085(O.C) in bipc stream. I want to know the details of Pharm-D .(notification date,councelling……..) I also want to know can i get free seat in pharm-D(hyderabad)or in top college , even i have CAP quota.

  3. sir please send my allotment order of 2010. eamcet hall ticket no 2805028 & my rank is 189641 & my ssc hall ticket no is 0192236 & pass of year is 2008 ap regular to my mail for scholarship

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