Ban on distance Ph.D, M.Phil goes.

Universities in the state will offer M.Phil and Ph.D in correspondence mode after a gap of two years.

This follows the recent decision of the University Grants Commission to lift a two-year ban on offering M.Phil and Ph.D through correspondence mode.

However, the universities will not be allowed to set up study centres outside their jurisdiction to offer M.Phil and Ph.D through correspondence mode.

The UGC had imposed a ban on M.Phil and Ph.D through correspondence mode in 2009 following large-scale complaints against several universities regarding irregularities in admission procedures and awarding Ph.Ds and M.Phils against norms.

In AP, Dravidian Univ-ersity was under fire for granting over 8,000 PhDs in just two years by setting up study centres across the state. It was alleged that the varsity had allowed private players to set up study centres, charging around Rs 1 to Rs 2 lakh for awarding Ph.Ds. The state subsequently imposed a ban on awarding Ph.Ds and M.Phils through correspondence mode.

Other universities, however, opposed the ban, saying they followed the norms while awarding the degrees. The UGC consulted legal experts who advised lifting the blanket ban subject to the conditions that all relevant norms are followed.

Source : DC

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