JNTU-KAKINADA : Notification for Dual Degree Program Signal Processing – BTH Sweden.

JNTU-KAKINADA : Notification for Dual Degree Program Signal Processing – BTH Sweden.

Total Number of seats: 10 Seats  (Intake: A few seats left after first counselling)
M. Tech. in Signal Processing by JNTU Kakinada, India and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in Signal Processing, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.



Double Degree Postgraduate Program (DDP) is designed for the advantage of Student Community through which students can acquire M. Tech. degree from JNTU Kakinada and M. Sc. degree from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. This Postgraduate degree is recognized in India through JNTU Kakinada and in Europe through Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden and globally through JNTU Kakinada and BTH. The main objective of the programme is to enable the students to derive the advantage of getting exposed to expertise available in both the countries. This special arrangement increases the face value of the degree and makes it free from local recognition hurdles which students usually face at the time of employment or Ph. D. Studies in India after pursuing studies in foreign universities. This program protects the future of the students in a better way both in India and abroad.

2. Applications for admission into M.Tech / M. Sc. – Signal Processing under DDP will be processed jointly by JNTU Kakinada and Blekinge Institute of Technology.

3. There will be no provision for students to discontinue the studies in the middle of the program and claim alternative degree. All Admissions are purely provisional and the university reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage.


BE/BTECH/AMIE in  ECE, EIE, AMIE (Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.) / AMIETE (Electronics & Telematics Engg.), EEE* or Equivalent

* Student should have undergone “Signal Processing” course in qualifying degree. The Selection will be done as per the merit  in the qualifying degree. Minimum 55% is needed to apply into this program.


Education in “English” as  medium of instruction  from  secondary  (10th Class) and Intermediate level (10+2) to the university level.


The program is structured in 4 semesters (24 months)  in such a way that, student pursue their education both in   India and Sweden.

I- Semester at JNTU Kakinada, II-Semester & III-Semester at BTH, Sweden, IV-Semester (Thesis ) – BTH, Sweden.


Rs. 150,000 /- (Rs. One Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) for the entire program.


There will be no tuition fee charged at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden for their period of study at Sweden under Student Exchange Agreement Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with JNTU Kakinada. Students should be able to fund their living expenses only for the stay at Sweden. Students should be able to show a minimum financial requirement of SEK 7300 per month for the entire planned study period. Documentation certifying one’s own must be provided at the time of applying visa. (for 18months — SEK 131400 approximately equivalent to Rs 9, 00,000/- is financial requirement as per the rules of Swedish Migration Board). However, the actual living expenses may be much less and depends on the individual style of living. For further details check www.migrationsverket.se

NOTE: Students are responsible to show the required financial proofs to the migration authorities while  applying  for student  permit (VISA). BTH or JNTU Kakinada will be no way responsible for the visa rejections caused on the grounds of in- sufficient financial funds/ statements in front of Migration Board.

Society of Indian Alumni Of Swedish & European Universities (SIASEU), Recognised by BTH will guide the students in every matter related to pre & post departure services.


Candidates are required to download application form  from the website www.jntuk.edu.in.The duly filled in application with 2 sets of all the enclosures should reach the Director, Foreign Universities & Alumni Relations, JNTU Kakinada, Kakinada- 533 003 by post or in person before 5.00 p.m. on  23th September, 2011.

Applications received after last date will not be accepted. Office of the Directorate of Foreign Universities & Alumni Relations will not be responsible for the non-receipt or late receipt of applications sent by Post / Courier. In complete applications are liable to be summarily rejected.


  • Attested copies of    secondary   education (SSC/10th Class) certificate.
  • Attested copies of   higher secondary   education   (10+2 Class) certificate.
  • Attested copies of   qualifying examinations (B. Tech. / BE etc) degree certificate.
  • Attested copies of consolidated marks memo of B. Tech. / BE
  • Undertaking  Statement  that the applicant is capable enough to fund the financial requirement (9 lakhs for 3 semester) in order to pursue education in Sweden.
  • Copies of 1,2,3,4 and last pages of passport.
  • DD of Rs. 500/- from any nationalised bank in favour of Registrar, JNTUK Kakinada and payable at Kakinada.


Last date for Applications Submission (Extended) : Friday 23 September, 2011 by 5.00 pm

Date of Counselling for students : Saturday 24 September, 2011 at 10.00 am.

Commencement of 1st Semester Class work at JNTUK Kakinada : Saturday 24 September, 2011


Dr. KVSG Murali Krishna, Director, Foreign Universities and Alumni Relations, JNTUK, Kakinada-533003, A.P, India. 533003 Email: directormkjntuk@gmail.com Phone/Fax: +91-884-2300914, Mobile: +91-77 028 61555

Sri Velpula Gurudutt Kumar, Project Director – Double Degree  Programme, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, Email:-  gve@bth.se,Mobile:- 00-91-9949952260 (India),00-46-734405670 (Sweden)

Mr..I.Kiran Kishore, Study Advisor, SIAS European Universities, Recognised by BTH, Sweden. Mobile : 91-7702455566

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