Eamcet 2010 Counselling – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Faq’s

1.? Who are eligible for Admissions?
Ans:?? Candidates who have passed 2 years Intermediate course or its equivalent and studied
preceding? of? 7? years? of? qualifying examination i.e.? Intermediate (from II year Inter
down to VI Class) from state of Andhra Pradesh are eligible.? For additional information
on eligibility, refer information booklet.
2.? Who are not eligible for Admissions?
Ans:?? Candidates who have not studied in Andhra Pradesh and who do not belong to State of
Andhra Pradesh and whose parents do not belong to Andhra Pradesh and not working
in Govt/Quasi Government Organizations (Central or State) are not eligible.? However,
candidates studied completely outside the state of Andhra Pradesh but whose parents
are Natives of A.P. and resided for a period of 10 years in Andhra Pradesh excluding
their period of employment outside A.P are eligible.? Refer the Information Booklet of
EAMCET-2010 available with you.
3.????? I have not received my final 10+2 results. Am I eligible for Certificate Verification?
Ans:? Candidate who have passed 10+2 on the day of Certificate verification are only
4.? I am appearing for Instant cum Supplementary Examinations.? Am I eligible for
Certificate Verification?
Ans:?? No, One should produce proof of passing the qualifying examination.
5.???? Marks memorandum not received. Am I eligible?
Ans:?? A Proof of passing? the qualifying examination is a must, if memorandum of marks? is
not available the? tie? cannot be resolved.? (Refer Information of Booklet? of EAMCET-
6.???? Will an acknowledgement be issued for having received the Original Certificates?
Ans:?? Yes.? Insist for Receipt of Certificates if not issued.

7.????? My Category has been wrongly printed in Bio-data.? I too did not notice it and report
to the Verification Officer at the time of Certificate Verification.? Can I change it now?
Ans:?? No, it is the responsibility of the candidate to verify for the correctness of the data
immediately after Verification of Certificates.

8.????? Are MPC Candidates eligible for Pharma-D and BPharmacy?

Ans:?? Yes, MPC Candidates are eligible for Pharma-D and BPharmacy.? 50 % of Seats are
reserved for MPC Candidates in Pharma-D and BPharmacy.


9.????? Is it possible to change Caste/Region/Sex/Minority Status/Special category
Status etc during Certificate Verification when not mentioned correctly at the time of
filing the application for CET Examination?

Ans:?? Yes, Submit the relevant documents at the time of Verification of Certificates to
incorporate the changes in Biodata.

10.?? How do I know the correct status of my Certificate Verification?
Ans: i)?? Before leaving the Certificate Verification counter in HLC, please checkup the
Receipt of Certificates given to you and verify whether all the details are printed
correctly or not. If any mistakes are there, ask the Chief Verification Officer for
their correction immediately and ask for revised receipt of Certificates duly
signed by him.
ii)?? You can also check the verification status in website by clicking on ?show my
11.???? Is it possible to correct/change my name during Certificate Verification?
Ans:????? No, Approach Convenor, CET Examination for the change to be
12.?????? How can I get Institute profile?
Ans:???? In Website, by clicking on ?Institute profile?.
13.????? Is It compulsory for all special category candidates (NCC/CAP/PH/Sports
& Games) to attend the Certificate Verification at HLC, Hyderabad? (SV Bhavan,
Masab Tank) only.
Ans:????? Yes, All the special category candidates should attend for Certifcates
Verification at Hyderabad HLC (i.e) Sanketika Vidya Bhavan, Masab Tank only.
If you fail to do so, you will loose the chance of getting a seat under Special
reservation category.
14.???? I am seriously ill and not in a position to attend for Certificate verification. What
I have to do then?
Ans:?? A person authorized by you along with your original certificates? and a Medical
certificate from? the? doctor? treating you? can attend for Certificate Verification.
However, for NCC/SP/PH/CAP categories? one should attend personally,
otherwise you loose chance of getting the seat.
15.???? I lost all my Original Certificates during travelling.? I have Xerox copies only with
me,? can I attend for Certificate Verification?
Ans:??? Yes, reasonable time will be given to you to produce original certificates to the



16.?? I have not received my Caste Certificate. Am I eligible under Caste Category?
Ans:?? Any proof of Caste will be considered by obtaining undertaking from the candidate and
candidate has to produce a Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority within
the stipulated time to the Convenor for its Verification.
17.?? In application my Caste category is wrongly printed.? Can I correct it at the time of
Verification of Caste?
Ans:?? Yes, the correction will be made.
18.?? Actually, I have to produce Caste Certificate issued by RDO/Dy. Collector.? But I am
having a Certificate issued by Tahsildar? What I have to do?
Ans:?? The Certificate issued by M.R.o. will be entertained temporarily.? However, you have to
produce? The Caste? Certificate issued by the RDO/Dy.Collector? within the date
stipulated by the authorities.
19.?? I am an Anglo-Indian Candidate.? From whom I have to produce Community Certificate
in support of my claim?
Ans:?? You have to produce a certificate issued by RDO/Asst. Collector? of your place of
residence in support of your claim.
20.???? Please list out the Original Certificates to be produced by me for Verification in the
Ans:?? SSC Memo, Intermediate Memo, Hall Ticket and Rank Card of EAMCET, Income and
Caste Certificates? if applicable? and also? PH/NCC/CAP/Minority/Sports Certificates? (if
21.? I attended Certificate Verification at a particular HLC, but I could not? submit
Caste/income certificate etc., at that time. Can I submit the same the very next day?
Ans:?? Yes, You can do so.

22.?? Can I attend for ?ST Category? Certificate Verification at any Help Line Centre?
Ans:?? No, You have to attend for ?ST? Category Certificate Verification at the Designated
Help Line Centre only and as mentioned in the Notification.


Special Category:

23.?? What is the minimum percentage of disability to consider one under PH Category?
Ans:?? 40 % and above as prescribed by the Disability Act of Union Govt. of India.
24.???? I have a Certificate issued by a Local Doctor. Will I be considered under PH Category?
Ans:?? No.??? A? certificate issued by? the Dist. Medical Board? Constituted by the Government
indicating the Percentage of disability will only be considered.
25.???? I am totally blind/ deaf.? Am I eligible for admission?
Ans:?? Candidates who are totally Blind/Deaf suffering from muscular distrophy and renal
diseases are not eligible for professional courses.
26.???? I belong to BC Category.? Will there be any reservation of seat under PH Category?
Ans:?? The seats earmarked under PH,CAP,NCC & Sports category will be distributed among
OC,BC,SC,ST (Horizontal reservation) as per the percentages prescribed.
27.???? I lost my both Lower Limbs, am I eligible for admission into Engineering Courses.
Ans:?? Yes, But not for Mining course.
28.?? I have participated in District Level Foot Ball Tournament.? Am I eligible under Sports
and Games Quota?
Ans:?? The priorities under Sports & Games? quota will be fixed? by SAAP authorities after
verifying the relevant Certificates.
29.???? Who are eligible under Sport Quota?
Ans:?? A candidate whose certificate is listed? under? the Priorities mentioned in the G.O.? is
eligible.? However,? the? candidate should have obtained the said Sports Certificate
within 3 years prior to passing the qualifying examination.
30.?? I am in Possession of NCC- ?C? Certificate.? Am I eligible?
Ans:?? Yes, candidates with NCC -A, B, C certificates are eligible.? However, while considering,
?C?? Certificate holders will be given priority over? B and ?A? and B Certificate Holders
over ?A? Certificate holders.
31.??? My father? is an Ex-Serviceman/served in Jammu Kashmir? but I have? Completely
Studied in Hyderabad.? Am I eligible under CAP Category?

Ans:?? No, Candidates whose parents are domicile of Andhra Pradesh serving? in Army or Ex-
Servicemen are only eligible under CAP Category.? You will be considered only under
Regular category as per rules in vogue.

32.????? Is Caste reservation is followed under CAP Category also?
Ans:?? Yes, Not only for CAP category but also for PH, Sports & NCC Categories.



33.?????? I have studied from VI to X in A.P., but not intermediate.? Will I be given time
to produce Inter Study Certificate later?
Ans:?? Yes, if the Intermediate certificate is from Outside Andhra Pradesh, you will be
treated as a Non Local candidate to A.P.

34.???? I belong to Nalgonda District.? Where I have to attend for Certificate
Ans:?? Govt. Polytechnic, Nalgonda is the nearest help line centre? (HLC)? for your
certificates? verification. Please see the list of Help Line centres and attend a
place convenient to you.

35.????? Please explain me what is meant by Local Area?
Ans:?? Candidate studied in Rayalaseema districts including Nellore from 9th
Intermediate belongs to SVU Local area, studied in Telangana Districts belongs
to OU Local area and studied in Districts of Andhra region belongs? to AU Local

36.???????? I have studied my Intermediate in Hyderabad, 10th
and 9th
class in
Visakhapatnam, 8th
to 6th
class in tirupati. To which local area I belong to?

Ans:? in all such of? cases candidate?s study period from? II year Inter down to VI? (7
Years) will be taken into consider action and among 7 years Maximum years of
study region will be considered for arriving at your Local Area,? i.e. AU/OU/SVU
as the cast may be.

37.???? I have studied intermediate ( 2 years), 10th
class in Karimnagar. 9th
to 7th
at tirupati and 6th
class at vizianagaram. To which local area I belong to?
Ans:?? Based on the qualifying examination Inter and X Class, you belong to OU Local.


38.???? What is an Option?

Ans:? The selection of the ?college and course? you wish to join and arrange them
in the order of preference.

39.???? From where I can exercise options?
Ans:? You can exercise options from an internet centre or from your home if you have
Internet facility or from a Help Line centre (HLC).

40.???? How many options I can exercise?
Ans:? You can exercise any number of options you like, and there is no Minimum &
Maximum? limit.? It is advised? to give more number of options to avoid
disappointment of not securing a seat.
41.???? Can I select all branches in a college?
Ans:?? Yes. You can select but arrange (write) them in order of priority.
42.???? Can I change my options?
Ans:? You can change the options any number of times within the stipulated time
allotted to you. You can also change the frozen options on the date specified by
paying fee if any.

43.???? Which options will be considered for allotment of seats?
Ans:? The Options entered by you in the? final? instance of the schedule will be
considered for allotment.



44.???? My rank is 450, I did not get a seat in a particular college.
Ans:? Please verify the admitted list of that particular college and note down the rank
last allotted in that category to which you belong to.

45.???? I belong to BC-A Category and in the allotment order it is printed as BC-C.
Ans:? As per rules, the leftover seats of a particular category will be diverted to next
immediate category and finally to open category. For example: Leftover seats of
BC-A will be diverted to BC-B and leftover seats of BC-A and BC-B will be
diverted to BC-C and so on in the cyclic order. The allotment now you got is the
leftover vacancy of BC-C category.
46.???? I am having NCC ?C? Certificate and my rank is 1100. I did not get a seat in a
particular college but NCC candidate with a rank of 20000 got a seat in the same
Ans:?? In CAP, Sports and NCC, priorities will be followed.? A candidate with higher
priority will be? preferred for? allotment? based on his certificate but not on the
rank. Please compare the priorities of yours and? the person to whom? the seat
has been allotted.
47.???? I am a Male candidate, and my rank is 100 belonging to OC category. But a
female candidate with rank number 175 got a seat in the same category.
Ans:? She has been allotted a seat under 33
Women?s quota.

48.???? My rank is 400 belonging to OC category. But a candidate with 475 rank was
allotted a seat in the same college but I was not allotted.
Ans:? Please verify the category, the special reservation category of the candidate to
whom you are referring.

49.????? My rank is 10000, I did not get seat in a particular college where as the
candidate with 11000 rank has secured a seat in the said college.
Ans:? Verify the Local Area and the category of the candidate to whom you are
referring with your category and Local Area.

50.??? My rank is 250, Belonging to OC category and OU Local area. A candidate with a
rank of 450 belonging to OU Local Area and OC category got a seat in a
particular college and course where as? I did not get the seat though mine is a
better rank and exercised the same options.
Ans:?? As per the allotment of rules, the leftover seats of BC, SC, ST will be? finally
diverted to Open Competition.? During the? Final? Allotment? Round for Open
competition a seat vacated by a candidate will be allotted to the next immediate
ranker in the merit order. Accordingly, rank number 350 has vacated a seat for
which you have given options since, 450 ranker is the next immediate rank who
exercised the options in favour of that college? and course has been allotted a
seat. That means till 350 rank, no vacancy arose in that particular college and
course, if at all you have to be considered once for that vacated seat again the
allotment process has to to be started once again from rank number 1 and the
entire allotment process will be eternal loop or perpetual cycle which is an
endless process.



51.??? If I get my seat cancelled, how and when can I get the refund of Tuition fee?

Ans:?? Approach? the? nearest Help Line Centre and Submit Original Challan? only, and
also give your? Residential/correspondence? address. The DD will be dispatched
with in 4/6 weeks to your address.

52.???? If I slide from Govt/University? College to Private College, how can I get back
the excess Amount paid towards tuition fee?
Ans:?? Approach? the? nearest Help Line Centre and Submit? only the? Original Challan,
and also give your? Residential/correspondence? address.? The DD will be
dispatched with in 4/6 weeks to your residential address.

53.???? I got a seat in particular college, and I paid the fee and original challan was also
submitted in the college. But I am not interested to continue there, what can I
Ans:?? Take cancellation letter from the college and submit the cancellation letter &
original Challan at HLC where you have deposited your certificates to get back
your original Certificates and fee.

54.????? What is the Income limit for granting fee exemption?
Ans:? The Annual Income of the parents from all sources should not exceed more than
1 lakh Rupees.

55.???? I have no Father, but my mother is alive. Can I get certificate of Income on my
Mothers name for fee exemption?
Ans:? Yes. In addition to? Mother?s? income certificate, you have to produce Death
Certificate of your revered Father issued by M.R.O as Proof.

56.???? I have no parents, I am staying in an Orphanage.? From whom I have to
produce Income Certificate?
Ans:? A Self declaration by the candidate stating that the parents are not alive and
proof of staying in Orphanage is sufficient to claim exemption.

57.???? I am staying with my mother, my father is alive but his whereabouts are not
known.? What I have to do for claiming fee exemption?
Ans:? You have to produce Income certificate of your mother issued by Tahsildhar and
also an affidavit signed by Magistrate stating that candidates father has deserted
his/her mother long back and his whereabouts are not known .

58.???? I am residing at a place in Rangareddy district.? But I have an income certificate
issued by tahsildar of Anantapur district.
Ans:? No, you have to produce the Income Certificate issued by Tahsildar of your place
of residence only.

59.?????? I do not have income certificate right now, my parents annual income is below
1 lakh Rupees.? Shall I be granted fee exemption?

Ans:? No, in the absence of? relevant Income certificate, candidate has to pay full fee
prescribed and claim exemption after producing income certificate either in the
college or to the admission authority.



60.???? If I do not get a seat in Web Counseling, shall I take back my original
Certificates or retain them at HLC to attend further rounds of Web counseling if
Ans:?? If certificates are taken back, then you have to deposit your Original certificates
once again at HLC to participate in Web Counseling.
If Certificates are deposited at HLC but not taken back, directly you can
participate in further rounds of Web counseling at the same HLC.

61.???? I joined in a College and attended classes for 2 months. Now I would like
to with Draw my admission? What I have to do?

Ans:? The Convenor has no role to play once you join the college.? Approach the
college management for your Certificates.


62.????? I get a seat in a particular college and branch and I am not interested to join.
Can I participate in further rounds of Web Counseling if any?? Then what is the

Ans:?? Don?t pay the fee and you can participate in further rounds of Web Counseling if
any?? If fee is already paid for some reason or the other then don?t submit the
original challan at the previous college.

63.??? I got a seat in one college in 1st
Round and slided to another college in 2nd

Round, can I continue in first college?

Ans:?? No, As per convenor?s list you are in 2nd
College and your original
Certificates and fee are also sent to 2nd

18 thoughts on “Eamcet 2010 Counselling – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Faq’s”

  1. sir one of my junior rank is 1,30,000.she belongs to bc-d category and belongs to ph category with valid certificate.can u please tell the probable colleges she may get.there is no relevant informant available for ph admissions.today is the last date for giving options

  2. My son got seat in xyz college, but he wants to attend 2nd round of web counselling, my questions/doubts are as follows:
    1. can he opt for same college in 2nd round
    2. is he have to pay the fees
    3. if he pays the fees in xyz college, can he attend the 2nd round web counselling and the fees can be refunded?
    4. please clarify all doubts for candidates who alloted seats in 1st phase, but they wish to attend 2nd phase, what they have to do???

  3. i am not interested to join the college in which i got seat in the 1st phase of councelling , i want to go for 2nd phase. what is the procedure ? should i pay the fee and report in the college which i got in the 1st phase ?
    And if i am not alloted a seat in the second councelling will my previous seat remains as it is ?
    Please help me out…….
    thanks in advance….

  4. I Got a seat in First Counselling.I have paid the fee by challan.But I am not Interested.I want to go to 2nd Counselling.If I didn’t get seat in 2nd councelling also, Can i go back to previous seat alloted for me?
    Reply fast…

  5. sir after i get a seat in the alloted college as said i have to give a set of copies to the collge authorities but i dint took a copy of my original rank card(rank card hav been sent for certificate verification) so can i submit the dowloaded rank card as a copy or original rank card copy is compulsory reqd plzz reply me soon as i hav to send the copy before 4 oct

  6. Sir i got seat in a clg and i want 2 attend 2nd counclin.

    My frnd got seat in clg i want.
    Can v exchange our seats (sliding).
    Wil fee reimbrusment wil b applicable For it.
    Reply fast 2 my email

  7. I am not interested to join the college in which i got seat in the 1st phase of councelling , i want to go for 2nd phase. what is the procedure ? should i pay the fee and report in the college which i got in the 1st phase ?
    And if i am not alloted a seat in the second councelling will my previous seat remains as it is ?
    Please help me out…….

  8. sir,
    I am studying in xii std in kendriya vidtalaya in bangalore. i studied in hyderabad for four years(5th -8th) due to my mother’s transfer i went to bangalore. My mother is a native of hyderabad (studied from 1st class -MPhil from osmania university).and is working in kendriya vidyalaya a central govt. org will i be considered as LOCAL OR NON LOCAL?

  9. sir i have study certificate from 4th to intermediate..in the notification they hav asked from 3rd standard is there any problem..??i dont hav 3rd class study certificate

  10. sir i have not get the refund money which i have paid in first councelling i had sented a letter to eacet conviner 2013 sanketika bhavan masab tank hyderabad so pleage sent my refund money to the address mentioned below

  11. i got 3048 rank and i have a certificate A in ncc.
    but as per the application filled at the first,i didnt mentioned about my ncc certificate.am i able to apply for the ncc certificate verification which is on the 16-08-2014.

  12. i got 3048 rank and i have a certificate A in ncc.
    but as per the application filled at the first,i didnt mentioned about my ncc certificate.am i able to apply for the ncc certificate verification which is on the 16-08-2014.(in telangana)

  13. one more confusion
    i got 3048.i belong to the category of bc-b.and i also have ncc certificate (A).if i go for the ncc certificate verifiable wth all my certificates, am i able to consider under bc category

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