Eamcet 2010 Engineering/ Phartmacy Counselling Instructions For Candidates

E A M C E T?? ??? 20 10?? ( A D M I S S I O N S )? W E B B A S E D C O U N S E L I N G? F O R A D M I S S I O N I N T O? E N G I N E E R I N G &?? P H A R M A C Y?? C O U R S E S


Every Candidate? intending to join Undergraduate programmes in Engineering and
Pharmacy through web based counseling is required to go through the following stages.
Several Help Line Centres (HLCs) are designated to conduct the various activities of web
based counseling. Every candidate shall report at any one of the HLCs convenient for
him for verification of his/her original certificates.

Stage?1:?? Candidate Registration for Certificate verification at HLCs:

?? Wait for the announcement from authorities of Help Line Centres for

?? After? announcement, hand over the rank card to? the? officer at

?? Wait for your turn in the registration hall.

?? When your rank is called pay Processing Fee and obtain receipt.

?? Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification form from computer
operator at Registration counter.

?? Enter details i.e. hall ticket number, rank etc. in the Register? kept
with the counter and append your signature.

?? Your registration is completed. Go back and wait? in the registration
hall for announcement.

?? After announcement by the officer at Registration counter, report at
Verification counter for certificate verification.

STAGE 2:?? Verification of Certificates:

?? Verify the details printed on Registration-Cum-Verification form for
name, local area, sex, category, date of birth etc. for correctness.

?? If there is any mistake, report to verification officer for correction.

?? If you belong to SC/ST/BC Category, report to Caste Verification
officer and submit the? original Caste Certificate for verification and
clearance.? After Caste verification report to one of the Certificate
verification officers, the officer will verify certificates like Rank Card,
Hall ticket, Marks memo, Study certificate, income certificate etc.

?? If you belong to OC Category, directly report to Certificate
verification officer.

?? The Officers will verify all the original certificates given by you.

?? A Print out of Receipt of certificates will be given to you and? if you
find? any discrepancy report to the Chief Verification Officer for
correction. Append your signature after verifying the data printed on
the Receipt of Certificates. (You are responsible? for the Correctness
of data. No request for alteration of data will be entertained once the
options are entered). All the Original Certificates will be retained with
Chief Verification Officer.

?? Proceed to the Briefing? Hall? to take instructions? on? exercising
options. Page 2 of 7

STAGE 3:?? Instructions on arriving at Options:

?? All the Colleges, courses, districts are given codes.
?? Go through the Information? provided? to know about the Colleges,
Courses offered and other details.? This helps you to Prepare List of
Options in the order of Preference.
?? Exercising options means you have? to select? Colleges? and courses
you wish to join and arrange them in the order of priority.
The Officer in Briefing? Hall? will? demonstrate? and? explain the
procedure of exercising options and filling of Manual option form.
Collect the manual option form. They can also be downloaded from
the Home page of http://apeamcet.nic.in.
You can now leave the Help Line Centre.

STAGE 4:?? Preparatory work to be made at home for exercising options:

Consult your parents/friends on the selection of courses and Colleges
you wish to join.
Enter the district code, college code and course code against the
option (preference) number in the manual option form.

An Example is given below:

Option number? District code? College code? Course code
You can give any number of options as per your choice.
The allotment process reads the choices as per the option
number and allots a seat as per the availability of vacancy in
that college and course.
Do not write the options for which you are not interested to
Exercise as many number of options as possible to avoid
disappointment of not getting a seat.
All candidates can exercise their options for minority colleges
also.? However, Allotment to them will be made subject to
availability of vacant seats after exhausting eligible
concerned minority candidates.
It is advised to prepare the list of options in the manual option form
supplied before entering the options on web.

STAGE 5:?? Procedure to be followed for exercising options on Web

1.? You can exercise the options on the web from your home or from any
internet caf? or from any Help Line Center with the help of? filled in
manual option form already available with you.
2.? If you are unable to enter the options on the web by yourself, you
can take the assistance of Computer operator at the HLCs. However,
you are advised to enter the password by yourself to maintain

Steps to be followed for entering the options on web:

1.? You must have already completed the process of certificate
verification at any one of HLCs.
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Importance of Password:
Password is important and should be held confidentially.? Do not reveal it to
anybody as it might enable modification/tampering of your data.

Password is essential for Login, Change of options and for printing of
allotment order.

You can change your password if you know the previous password. If you
forget the password, you need to approach the Camp Officer of nearest
Help Line Centre with your identification proof for generation of New
The Convenor is not responsible? for any misuse of the password by the
Candidate or by others.
2.? Choose a computer that contains Windows operating system (except
earlier? versions of Windows98) and loaded with Internet Explorer
version 6.0 to? 8.0 browser. Browsers such as Netscape Navigator,
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome will not support this web application.
3.? Please type URL or Website address:? http://apeamcet.nic.in?? or as
indicated in the notification and press Enter.
4.? The home page contains the information regarding Web Counseling
(in the left panel) and ?Candidates Registration? to generate
password and ?Candidates Login? for exercising options(in the right
side panel).
5.? Click on ?Candidate Registration? and enter the following details.

Registration No.???? EAMCET H.T No.?? Rank???? Date of Birth

(Registration number is available on Rank Card/Receipt of Certificate)
and click on ?Generate Pass word?.

6.? Enter Password box appears.

7.? In the? ?Enter Password?? box enter? a? ?password?? of your choice
(having a minimum of 6 characters length with at least one Numeral,
For example: BALA23, TECH27, EAMCET2, APPLE41, bala7ji,
eAmCeT1? etc.,) and re-enter the same at ?Re-enter password?
box. Remember the type of letters used in password (Upper case or
Lower case) as password is case sensitive. Enter your mobile phone
number (if available) and email id (if available).
8.? Click on? ?Save?? to save the password and click on? ?Log Out?? to
complete the registration and return to home page.

9.?? Click on ?Candidate Login? is provided for exercising the options.

10.? Enter the details ?Registration No., Hall Ticket No., Pass Word and
Date of Birth? and click on ?Sign In?.

11.? Read the instructions on the screen carefully.?? Read the Declaration
&? click on? Check? Box?? ???? to confirm? that? you? have red all the
instructions??? and then click on? ?Help Screen?.? Screen providing
explanation? about different? Menu? items? that would appear on the
option entry screen.
12.? Read the explanation about various menu items, and then click the
button? ?Click here to Enter Options?,? it displays the screen with
various districts along with check boxes the same will? also? be
displayed if you click on ?Option Entry form? in the? previous
screen.? If you select a District, College codes, course codes in that
district will be displayed.? If you? select? all districts, the details of
colleges-courses? in the entire state? based on your eligibility will be
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In the Option entry Screen, Different Colour Codes are employed to enable
the candidate to distinguish University Colleges, Private/University Self
Financed Colleges (Where tuition fee will be as par with private colleges) as
well as Minority Colleges.?? Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves
with the colour tags before entering options.? Full name of college, place,
can be known by clicking on the college code.

13.? Click on ?Display Option Entry? form?? displays the? screen? for
exercising the options.
14.? In the Screen, the codes of the colleges and? District Code and
courses offered will appear? as input boxes? and? you need to? enter
your? option numbers? in the Input boxes.? Enter your Hall Ticket
Number in the check box and proceed further for option entry.
15.? Engineering and Pharmacy courses? are? displayed? in? 4? screens? for

Screen 1:? BIO, CIV, CSE, ECE, INF, EEE, MEC
Screen 4:? PHD, PHM.

16.? You are advised not to start entering options directly on the
web without preparatory work at home, as? you may commit

17.? While filling the option form? ?Click on Save Options?? at regular
18.? After completion of Option entry Click on ?Logout?,? it displays an
alert message with? three? buttons? ?Save? and Logout?,? ?Confirm
Logout? and ?Cancel Logout?.

19.? Click on ?Cancel Logout? retains the Options Entry Form.
20.? Click on ?Save & Logout? button will save the options exercised up
to that point of time and display the details of the options exercised.

21.? Click on ?Confirm Logout? button will retain the saved options.
22.? You can take a print out of saved options and verify thoroughly.

23.? After verification of the options exercised,? if you wish to modify or
delete options or enter some more options, repeat the steps from
sl.no.8 to 22 as mentioned above.

You are informed that, you can add, modify or delete the options any
number of times within the stipulated time. The options given by you
for last time will be taken as your Final options and these will be
frozen.?? If you wish? to? change the frozen options once again
approach any one of? the help line? centers on any one of the dates
mentioned? to modify your frozen options by paying the prescribed
fee.? This is the final opportunity and after this no further change can
be done.? The Options recorded in the server after this operation will
be taken for allotment of seats.

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Stage 6:?? Final Allotment of Seats

The allotments will be processed on the date mentioned in the
notification? based on? merit? rank, local area, sex? and? reservation
category (ies) as per rules and will be placed on the web.? Download the
allotment order, by clicking on Candidates Login and Enter Registration
Number, Hall Ticket Number, Date of Birth and Password.?? This is final
allotment and request for change will not be entertained.


a) Reservation of Seats to Various categories:

1.? As per the rules in vogue, the Seats in the Convenor quota will be
reserved for various categories.

i)? Open Competition-50%, ST-6%, SC-15%, BC-A-7%, BC-B-10%,
BC-C -1%, BC-D- 7% and BC-E-4%.

ii)? 1/3 of Seats in each category will be reserved for women while the
remaining 2/3 of seats are general (Both Boys & Girls are eligible).

2.? In regional institutions, 85% of seats in each category are reserved
for locals of that area (Depending on the location of the institute)
while? the remaining 15% are Un reserved. (Common to all areas).
In statewide institutions 85% of seats are allocated to AU,OU,SVU
regions in 42:36:22 ratio while the other 15% are un-reserved.

3.? Within each of the reservation categories mentioned above, the
special reservation categories are allocated seats as? Physically
Handicapped (PH)-3% [Visual? -1%, Hearing ? 1%, Orthopaedic ? 1
%], NCC-1%, Sports- 0.5%, Children of Armed Personnel (CAP)-2%.

b) Allotment Process:
Based on the Options exercised by the Candidates [as recorded in
the Server on the last day of the Options] Allotment of Seats will be
taken up.? While allotting the seats, Merit (Rank), Category, Gender
and Local Area will be considered.?? The allotment process reads the
options exercised by a candidate in order of preference at each
stage.? As the number of options to be exercised is not limited a
candidate can give as many Number of options as possible.? Hence,
candidates are advised to exercise as many options and sequence
them carefully.? The following is the Sequence of Allotment Process
in steps:

1.? Allotments under open competition for all candidates in Non-Minority
2.? Allotments to minority candidates in Minority institutions.
3.? Allotments under open competition in Both Non-Minority & Minority
institutions for the leftover minority seats and consequential
vacancies. (* Hence, candidates can opt for seats in minority colleges
4.? Allotment to special reservation category seats under open
5.? Allotments under open competition for leftover special category seats
and consequential vacancies.
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In respect of allotments in SC/ST/BC categories, the sequence (a) to (d) will be
followed in each of the steps 6 to 9 mentioned below:

a)? Allotment to respective reservation category seats for? concerned
category candidates.
b)? Allotment to respective special reservation category seats.
c)? Allotment to respective category candidates for leftover special
reservation category seats and consequential vacancies.
d)? Conversion of leftover girl seats to boys in each of the categories.
6.? Allotment to ST Category seats.
7.? Allotment to SC Category seats.
8.? Allotment to Open Competition for Leftover seats in ST and SC and
consequential vacancies.
9.? Allotments to BC category seats in the order BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-
D, BC-E and inter conversion of leftover seats from one category to
other in cyclic order (A?B?C?D?E?A).
10. Allotments to minority candidates for the minority seats vacated by
minority candidates during earlier stages (6-9) of allotments.
11.Final allotment to all candidates under open competition for all the
leftover seats and consequential vacancies in rank order.

Note 1:? In terms of G.O.Ms.No.42, Higher Education Dept, Dated:
18.05.2009, while making allotments to the seats in various
courses/categories, the first? 15% of seats (Unreserved) shall
be filled up following combined merit list of all eligible
candidates and thereafter the remaining 85% of the seats
shall be filled up by local candidates only.

Note 2:? If a candidate who had earlier allotted a seat under open
competition moves to a better option during category
(SC/ST/BC) allotment, the seat vacated will be offered to the
next meritorious candidate of the same reservation category
as per G.O.Rt.No. 550, Higher Education Dept.? In view of this,
candidates can exercise options to a college/course where
there is no allocation of a seat to a particular category in the
seat matrix.

Note 3:? The allotment process takes care of all possible reservations of
a candidate (Local/Non-Local/ST/SC/BC/PH/NCC/CAP/Sports
and Gender) during various stages and their merit is protected
at each step.

Note 4:? The allotment of special reservation category seats
(NCC/Sports/CAP) will be taken up in priority order and rank
within each priority.

Stage 7:?? Payment of Fees

Download? the challan form for payment of fee.? With downloaded
allotment order? you? have to remit the fees in one of the? branches of
Andhra Bank or Indian Bank in the State and obtain a receipt.

All candidates are exempted from payment of tuition fee whose parental
annual income is up to one lakh and shall claim for reimbursement of
fee and such provision is subject to the orders of the Government issued
from time to time.

For any valid reason if the candidate does not wish to join the allotted
college, candidate is advised not to pay the fee.

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Stage 8:?? Reporting at College:

With downloaded? allotment order,? fee? payment? receipt? and a set of
Xerox copies of all certificates? candidates shall? report at the? allotted
Colleges within the dates mentioned by the authorities.

If you? fail? to report on or before the date stipulated by the authorities
the allotment made in favour of you will be treated as cancelled and you
will have no claim further on the allotment.

Even if a candidate pays the fee but is unwilling in the allotted seat, he
shall not report at that college. Such cases will be treated as not
reported and the allotment will be cancelled.

Stage 9:???? Participating in Subsequent Phase(s) of Counseling (if any):

If you have not participated in previous phase(s) of counseling, you
can participate as a fresh candidate by attending Certificate
Verification at one of the HLCs.
If no seat is allotted in Previous Phase of Counseling, you can
participate in subsequent phase(s) of counseling, provided you got
your certificates verified at the HLC.

If a seat is allotted in previous phase of counseling, and you are not
interested to join in the allotted college, you should not report at the
college/Pay the fee.? You are entitled to participate in the Web
Counseling but will be eligible to join the New College/Course and will
have no claim on the previous allotment.
If you had paid the fee and/or reported at the college, you can
participate in the subsequent phase(s) of Web Counseling if any.? If a
seat is allotted as? per your option, you shall move to the new
allotment and will have no claim on the previous allotment.

Stage 10:? Process of Withdrawal:

At the end of the Counseling process, still if you want to
withdraw/cancel the allotted seat, you can do so before a stipulated
cutoff date.? Beyond this date, the convenor will have no say on your
admission and is left to the discretion of the Principal of the


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