Download VTU B-Tech/B.E 2019 June-July 1st And 2nd Semester 10 Scheme 10C1V18 Environmental Studies Question Paper

Download VTU ((Visvesvaraya Technological University) B.E/B-Tech 2019 July ( Bachelor of Engineering) First & Second Semester (1st Semester & 2nd Semester) 10 Scheme 10C1V18 Environmental Studies Question Paper

Question Paper Version : A
First/Second Semester B.E Degree Examination, June/July 2019
Environmental Studies
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries ONE mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invalid.
5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having the least storage
capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
2. Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen by
a) Volume b) Weight c) Density
3. The organisms who directly feed on producers are called
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Decomposers
4. The largest reservoir of Nitrogen in our planet is
a) Oceans b) Atmosphere c) Biosphere
d) All the three
d) Saprophytes
d) Forsil fuels
5. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are
a) Chlorophyll containing trees and plants b) Herbivores
c) Carnivores d) Bacteria and other microorganisms
6. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Ozone d) Helium
7. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
a) Air pollution from dust b) Water pollution
c) Soil degradation d) All of the above - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Paper Version : A
First/Second Semester B.E Degree Examination, June/July 2019
Environmental Studies
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries ONE mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invalid.
5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having the least storage
capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
2. Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen by
a) Volume b) Weight c) Density
3. The organisms who directly feed on producers are called
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Decomposers
4. The largest reservoir of Nitrogen in our planet is
a) Oceans b) Atmosphere c) Biosphere
d) All the three
d) Saprophytes
d) Forsil fuels
5. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are
a) Chlorophyll containing trees and plants b) Herbivores
c) Carnivores d) Bacteria and other microorganisms
6. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Ozone d) Helium
7. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
a) Air pollution from dust b) Water pollution
c) Soil degradation d) All of the above
8. Mining means
a) to conserve and preserve minerals b) to check pollution due to mineral resources
c) to extract minerals and ores d) None
9. The pollution caused by transportation/vehicular activities depends on
a) Type of the vehicles engine b) Age of the vehicle
c) Traffic congestion d) All of the above
10. The Earth day is held every year on
a) June 5
b) November 23
c) April 22

11. Soil erosion removes surface soil which contain
a) organic matter b) plant nutrients c) both a and b
12. What would you do to prevent environmental damage?
a) Plant trees b) Halt deforestation c) Control pollution
d) January 26

d) none of the above
d) All of the above
13. What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under forest cover?
a) 23% b) 43% c) 13% d) 33%
14. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their
a) Stems b) roots c) leaves d) buds
15. India has the largest share of which of the following:
a) Manganese b) Mica c) Copper d) Diamond
16. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
a) 1.0 milligram per liter b) 1.25 milligram per liter
c) 1.50 milligram per liter d) 1.75 milligram per liter
17. Conversion of ammonium to NO
by chemical oxidation is termed as
a) Mineralization b) Leaching c) Nitrification d) denitrification
18. Among the fresh water available in the earth percentage of surface water is about
a) 50% b) 10% c) 5% d) less than 1%
19. The most important fuel used by Nuclear power plant is
a) U-235 b) U-238 c) U-245 d) U-248
20. Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in the year
a) 1984 b) 1952 c) 1986 d) 1987
21. India's position in the bio-gas plants globally
a) 5
b) 2
d) 7
22. With a minimum resource maximum energy can be created by
a) Solar radiation b) Wind c) Nuclear fuels d) Tidal waves
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Question Paper Version : A
First/Second Semester B.E Degree Examination, June/July 2019
Environmental Studies
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries ONE mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invalid.
5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having the least storage
capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
2. Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen by
a) Volume b) Weight c) Density
3. The organisms who directly feed on producers are called
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Decomposers
4. The largest reservoir of Nitrogen in our planet is
a) Oceans b) Atmosphere c) Biosphere
d) All the three
d) Saprophytes
d) Forsil fuels
5. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are
a) Chlorophyll containing trees and plants b) Herbivores
c) Carnivores d) Bacteria and other microorganisms
6. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Ozone d) Helium
7. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
a) Air pollution from dust b) Water pollution
c) Soil degradation d) All of the above
8. Mining means
a) to conserve and preserve minerals b) to check pollution due to mineral resources
c) to extract minerals and ores d) None
9. The pollution caused by transportation/vehicular activities depends on
a) Type of the vehicles engine b) Age of the vehicle
c) Traffic congestion d) All of the above
10. The Earth day is held every year on
a) June 5
b) November 23
c) April 22

11. Soil erosion removes surface soil which contain
a) organic matter b) plant nutrients c) both a and b
12. What would you do to prevent environmental damage?
a) Plant trees b) Halt deforestation c) Control pollution
d) January 26

d) none of the above
d) All of the above
13. What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under forest cover?
a) 23% b) 43% c) 13% d) 33%
14. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their
a) Stems b) roots c) leaves d) buds
15. India has the largest share of which of the following:
a) Manganese b) Mica c) Copper d) Diamond
16. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
a) 1.0 milligram per liter b) 1.25 milligram per liter
c) 1.50 milligram per liter d) 1.75 milligram per liter
17. Conversion of ammonium to NO
by chemical oxidation is termed as
a) Mineralization b) Leaching c) Nitrification d) denitrification
18. Among the fresh water available in the earth percentage of surface water is about
a) 50% b) 10% c) 5% d) less than 1%
19. The most important fuel used by Nuclear power plant is
a) U-235 b) U-238 c) U-245 d) U-248
20. Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in the year
a) 1984 b) 1952 c) 1986 d) 1987
21. India's position in the bio-gas plants globally
a) 5
b) 2
d) 7
22. With a minimum resource maximum energy can be created by
a) Solar radiation b) Wind c) Nuclear fuels d) Tidal waves
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23. Fossil fuels are converted into energy by
a) burning b) cooling c) sublimation d) melting
24. Molasses from sugar industry is used to generate
a) Biodiesel b) Hydrogen c) Bio-ethanol d) Biomethanol
25. Which of the following is air pollutant?
a) CO b) 02 c) N2 d) all
26. BOD means
a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
c) Biological Oxygen Demand
27. Physical pollution of water is due to
a) Dissolved oxygen
e) PH
28. Deforestation can
a) Increase the rain
c) Introduce silt in the rivers
1)) Chemical Oxygen Demand
d) all
I)) Turbidity
d) none of these
b) Increase soil fertility
d) None of these
29. Air pollution from automobiles can be controlled by fitting.
a) Electrostatic precipitator b) Wet scrubber
c) Catalytic converter d) all of the above
30. Definition of noise is
a) Loud sound b) Unwanted sound
c) Constant sound d) Sound of high frequency
31. Heavy duty diesel vehicles contribute more
a) NO b) Particulate matter c) CO
32. Alternative eco-friendly fuel for automobiles is
a) Petrol b) Diesel c) CNG
33. Which of the following is having high population density?
a) India b) China c) USA
34. The world population in 2000 was around
a) 8 billion b) 6.1 billion c) 4 billion
d) Both a and b
d) Kerosene
d) Western Europe
d) 4.5 billion
35. Demography is the study of
a) Animals behavior b) Population growth
c) River d) None of these
36. The first of the major environmental protection act to be promulgated in India was
a) Water act b) Air act
c) Environmental act d) Noise pollution rules
- A3 - - FirstRanker's Choice
Question Paper Version : A
First/Second Semester B.E Degree Examination, June/July 2019
Environmental Studies
Time: 2 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 50
1. Answer all the fifty questions, each question carries ONE mark.
2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkening the circles.
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, darken the appropriate circle
corresponding to the same question number on the OMR sheet.
4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invalid.
5. Damaging/overwriting, using whiteners on the OMR sheets are strictly
1. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having the least storage
capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
2. Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen by
a) Volume b) Weight c) Density
3. The organisms who directly feed on producers are called
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Decomposers
4. The largest reservoir of Nitrogen in our planet is
a) Oceans b) Atmosphere c) Biosphere
d) All the three
d) Saprophytes
d) Forsil fuels
5. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are
a) Chlorophyll containing trees and plants b) Herbivores
c) Carnivores d) Bacteria and other microorganisms
6. The major atmospheric gas layer in stratosphere is
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Ozone d) Helium
7. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
a) Air pollution from dust b) Water pollution
c) Soil degradation d) All of the above
8. Mining means
a) to conserve and preserve minerals b) to check pollution due to mineral resources
c) to extract minerals and ores d) None
9. The pollution caused by transportation/vehicular activities depends on
a) Type of the vehicles engine b) Age of the vehicle
c) Traffic congestion d) All of the above
10. The Earth day is held every year on
a) June 5
b) November 23
c) April 22

11. Soil erosion removes surface soil which contain
a) organic matter b) plant nutrients c) both a and b
12. What would you do to prevent environmental damage?
a) Plant trees b) Halt deforestation c) Control pollution
d) January 26

d) none of the above
d) All of the above
13. What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under forest cover?
a) 23% b) 43% c) 13% d) 33%
14. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their
a) Stems b) roots c) leaves d) buds
15. India has the largest share of which of the following:
a) Manganese b) Mica c) Copper d) Diamond
16. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
a) 1.0 milligram per liter b) 1.25 milligram per liter
c) 1.50 milligram per liter d) 1.75 milligram per liter
17. Conversion of ammonium to NO
by chemical oxidation is termed as
a) Mineralization b) Leaching c) Nitrification d) denitrification
18. Among the fresh water available in the earth percentage of surface water is about
a) 50% b) 10% c) 5% d) less than 1%
19. The most important fuel used by Nuclear power plant is
a) U-235 b) U-238 c) U-245 d) U-248
20. Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in the year
a) 1984 b) 1952 c) 1986 d) 1987
21. India's position in the bio-gas plants globally
a) 5
b) 2
d) 7
22. With a minimum resource maximum energy can be created by
a) Solar radiation b) Wind c) Nuclear fuels d) Tidal waves
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23. Fossil fuels are converted into energy by
a) burning b) cooling c) sublimation d) melting
24. Molasses from sugar industry is used to generate
a) Biodiesel b) Hydrogen c) Bio-ethanol d) Biomethanol
25. Which of the following is air pollutant?
a) CO b) 02 c) N2 d) all
26. BOD means
a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
c) Biological Oxygen Demand
27. Physical pollution of water is due to
a) Dissolved oxygen
e) PH
28. Deforestation can
a) Increase the rain
c) Introduce silt in the rivers
1)) Chemical Oxygen Demand
d) all
I)) Turbidity
d) none of these
b) Increase soil fertility
d) None of these
29. Air pollution from automobiles can be controlled by fitting.
a) Electrostatic precipitator b) Wet scrubber
c) Catalytic converter d) all of the above
30. Definition of noise is
a) Loud sound b) Unwanted sound
c) Constant sound d) Sound of high frequency
31. Heavy duty diesel vehicles contribute more
a) NO b) Particulate matter c) CO
32. Alternative eco-friendly fuel for automobiles is
a) Petrol b) Diesel c) CNG
33. Which of the following is having high population density?
a) India b) China c) USA
34. The world population in 2000 was around
a) 8 billion b) 6.1 billion c) 4 billion
d) Both a and b
d) Kerosene
d) Western Europe
d) 4.5 billion
35. Demography is the study of
a) Animals behavior b) Population growth
c) River d) None of these
36. The first of the major environmental protection act to be promulgated in India was
a) Water act b) Air act
c) Environmental act d) Noise pollution rules
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37. The PH value of the acid rain water is
a) 5.7 b) 7.0 c) 8.5 d) 7.5
38. The process of movement of nutrients from the soil by the acid rain is called
a) Transpiration b) Evapotranspiration c) Leaching d) Infiltration
39. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone layer is
a) Oxygen b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane
40. The normal average thickness of stratospheric ozone layer across the globe is found
a) 200 DU h) 300 DU c) 400 DU d) 500DU
41. Freons are
a) HFC b) CFC c) NFC d) Hydrocarbons
42. Ozone hole was first discovered over
a) Arctic b) Antartica c) Tropical region d) Africa
43. The Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act was enacted in the year
a) 1981 b) 1996 c) 2000 d) 1974
44. The Forest (conservation) Act enacted in the year
a) 1986 b) 1974 c) 1980 d) 1972
45. The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) was established in the year
a) 1974 b) 1982 c) 1986 d) 1976
46. The Environmental (Protection) Act 1986 deals with
a) Water b) Air c) Soil d) All
47. The Tiger conservation project was started in
a) 1973 b) 1984 c) 1999 d) 2004
48. Environmental protection is the fundamental duties of the citizen of India under the Article:
a) 51 ? A (g) b) 48 A c) 47 d) 21
49. World Summit on sustainable development was held at
a) Johannesburg in 2002 h) Riode .Janeiro in 1992
c) Kyoto in 1994 d) Stockholm in 2000
50. An important NGO involved in Global Environmental protection is
a) UNICEF b) Green Peace c) WHO d) CPCB
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This post was last modified on 01 January 2020