Download KUHS First Year 2023 November 113001 Physiology I Question Paper

Download KUHS First Year (1st Year) 2023 November 113001 Physiology I Previous Question Paper

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2019 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 113001
Reg. no.: .....................
First Professional MBBS Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations
November 2023
Physiology I
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers ? Indicate the
question number correctly for the answer in the margin space ? Answer all parts of a single question together
Leave sufficient space between answers ? Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Long Essays
1. A 45-year-old man was brought to the emergency department with pain in the chest
and left upper arm for the past 30 minutes. His ECG showed ST segment elevation
and the cardiac enzymes were elevated.
a) Name the most probable clinical condition.
b) Describe the physiological basis for the changes in the ECG and cardiac
c) List the uses of ECG
d) Describe the special features of coronary circulation
2. Depict the coagulation pathways using suitable flow charts. Briefly describe the
fibrinolytic system. Write the physiological basis for why blood does not clot in the
circulation normally
Short essays
3. Describe the various methods of carbondioxide (CO2) transport in blood. Add a note
on chloride shift.
4. Describe the phases and regulation of gastric juice secretion.
5. With a neat labelled diagram describe the micturition reflex. Add a note on
autoregulation of renal blood flow.
6. Briefly describe the thermoregulatory mechanisms in human body.
7. Describe the cardio-respiratory adjustments in high altitude.
Write briefly
8. Physiological basis for renal splay.
9. Describe how edema is prevented in a normal body.
10. Physiological basis for fat malabsorption in obstructive jaundice.
11. ESR can be low in spherocytosis - why.
12. Describe the importance of dietary fiber
One word Answers
13. Cell mediated immunity is mediated by ------------- blood cells.
14. Cessation of respiration during swallowing is called ------------
15. Hypoxia is the most potent stimulus for ------------ chemoreceptors.
16. Name the substance produced by pancreas to prevent its autodigestion.
17. The osmotic pressure exerted by plasma proteins is called ------------
18. Normal value of Glomerular Filtration Rate is ---------------
19. Substances that can cause contraction of the gall bladder are called -----------
20. Name the lung volume that cannot be measured using spirometer.
21. Renin is secreted by ----------- cells of the juxta glomerular apparatus.
22. Name the tissue macrophages in liver.

This post was last modified on 02 December 2024
