Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Third Year Part 2 (4thYear/Final Year) 2024 March Scheme 10 311001 Pediatrics And Neonatology Previous Question Paper
Q.P. Code: 311001
Reg. no.: .....................
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations
March 2024
Pediatrics and Neonatology
Time: 2 Hours
Total Marks: 40
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between
answers ? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
1. Five-year-old child Geethu has history of recurrent blood transfusions from the age of 8
months. On examination she has pallor, her weight is 16 kg, height is 95 cm. Her skin is
dark in colour. Abdominal examination shows a firm liver palpable 4cm below right costal
margin with span of 8cm and firm spleen of size 10 cm
a) What is the most probable diagnosis
b) List one differential diagnosis. Enumerate the points in history and examination to
substantiate your diagnosis.
c) Enumerate the investigation with expected findings
d) Describe the management of this child
Short notes:
2. Write the modified Jones criteria for high prevalent and low prevalent countries.
3. Describe the WHO classification of dehydration in children.
4. Describe the clinical features, investigations, findings and management of acute
5. Describe the physical and neurological characteristics of a Preterm baby.
Answer briefly:
6. List the diagnostic criteria for severe acute malnutrition. Describe the role of Ready To Use
Therapeutic Food in the management of malnourished children.
7. Describe the clinical features and management of Torsion testes.
8. Describe the differentiating features between simple and complex febrile seizure.
9. Enumerate the ECG findings in hypokalemia
10. Describe the diagnostic criteria of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Draw and label:
11. Radiological features of Rickets.
12. Peripheral smear findings of Megaloblastic Anemia.
One word answers:
13. Name one drug used in the management of Status Epilepticus.
14. Name one complication of mumps in children.
15. Write the milestones in four domains attained by a two-year-old child.
16. Define Perinatal period.
This post was last modified on 02 December 2024