Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 2021 June 1024 Biochemistry Paper I Rs 4 Previous Question Paper
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
MBBS Phase ? I (CBME) Degree Examination - 22-Jun-2021
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100 Marks
QP Code: 1024
(QP contains three pages)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary
2 x 10 = 20 Marks
1. 1. A 25 years old patient, known case of type 1 diabetes, was brought to casualty in
comatose state. History revealed that he was not taking insulin regularly. Biochemical
analysis of blood and urine showed the following findings.
Blood sugar -510mg/dl
Urine for Rothera's test and Benedict's test positive
Blood gas analysis report showed, pH -7.2, Bicarbonate-12mEq/L,
Suggest your probable diagnosis
Name the compounds which give Rothera's test positive
Explain the principle of Rothera's test
Explain the steps of synthesis utilization of these compounds (1+1+2+6)
Which Vitamin is called as sunshine vitamin?
What is its active form
How it is formed?
Write the biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of this vitamin.
8 x 5 = 40 Marks
Define Anaplerosis. Describe any four anaplerotic reactions of citric acid cycle
intermediates. (1+4)
Define enzymes. Classify enzymes with one suitable reaction as an example for each class.
Draw a neatly labelled diagram of the complexes of the electron transport chain. Name
any two site specific inhibitors of each complex. (3+2)
What are dietary fibers? List any four and write their functions. (1+2+2)
A 13 year old girl complains of excessive tiredness, poor appetite and tingling sensation in
the limbs. On examination she was pale. Laboratory report revealed Hb-7gm/dl, TIBC is
increased, serum transfer in saturation is reduced and peripheral smear showed microcytic
hypochromic anemia.
Suggest the probable diagnosis?
Describe the absorption and transport of this nutrient. (1+4)
Draw a neat labelled diagram of a cell with the sub cellular organelles. Write the functions
of any four organelles. (3+2)
Write the formula to calculate anion gap; Mention its reference range. Discuss the clinical
use of anion gap in classifying metabolic acidosis with two examples for each type.
10. Name the urinary buffers. Explain their role in excreting excess acid from the body.
Mention the other renal mechanisms of pH homeostasis.
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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
10 x 3 = 30 Marks
11. What is the end product of aerobic glycolysis? Illustrate the fate of this compound. (1+2)
12. Write the diagnostic significance of each of the following enzymes.
a. Lipase b. Alanine amino transferase c. Creatine kinase (1+1+1)
13. Write the normal biological reference value for serum potassium. Mention any two causes
of hyperkalaemia. (1+2)
14. Name any four proteins of the Extracellular Matrix. Write the Posttranslational modification
of collagen and its importance. (1+2)
15. Name the mucopolysaccharide with anticoagulant activity. Write its composition and its
mechanism of action. (1+1+1)
16. Define nitrogen balance. Give one example each for conditions with positive and negative
nitrogen balance. (1+2)
17. Explain how long chain fatty acids are transported into the mitochondria. (3)
18. Give reason for the following
Muscle glycogen doesn't contribute to blood glucose.
Intake of antimalarial drugs like Primaquin in some people causes haemolytic
Humans cannot synthesize vitamin C (1+1+1)
19. Which vitamin deficiency is likely to develop in patients on Isoniazid, an antitubercular
drug? What is the co enzyme form of this vitamin? Write one biochemical reaction
dependent on this nutrient. (1+1+1)
20. What is the sorbitol pathway? Write the significance of sorbitol pathway. (1+2)
Multiple Choice Questions
10 x 1 = 10 Marks
21 i) Which one of the following subcellular organelle is involved in protein sorting
a. Lysosome
b. Golgi apparatus
c. Peroxisomes
d. Ribosames
21 ii) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is due to the defective formation of -
a. Type I Collagen
b. Type II Collagen
c. Type III Collagen
d. Type IV Collagen
21 iii) Serum acid phosphatase enzyme level is increased in
a. Hepatic disease
b. Myocardial Infarction
c. Muscle disease
d. Prostate cancer
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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
21 iv) All are an example of Monosaccharide EXCEPT
a. Glucose
b. Galctose
c. Trehalose
d. Mannose
21 v) ___________ is the nitrogen containing phospholipid
a. Phosphatidylcholine
b. Phosphatidylinositol
c. Phosphatidylglycerol
d. Diphosphatidylglycerol
22 i)
The site of action of Hormone sensitive lipase is in -
a. small intestine
b. capillary walls
c. mouth
d. adipocytes
22 ii) Glucose transporter 4 is the major glucose transporter in
a. RBC
b. neurons
c. adipose tissue
d. intestine
22 iii) ________________ is known to act as a physiological uncoupler
a. Valinomysin
b. Thyroxine
c. Carboxine
d. Oligomycin
22 iv) Which one of the lipoprotein fraction is elevated in hyperlipoproteinemia Type II A
b. LDL
c. HDL
d. Chylomicrons
22 v) _____________ is the marker of Bone formation.
a. Telopeptides
b. Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase
c. Osteocalcin
d. Pyridinium cross links derived from collagen
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