PTU B.Tech Automobile Engineering 5th Semester May 2019 70488 MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Question Papers

PTU Punjab Technical University B-Tech May 2019 Question Papers 5th Semester Automobile Engineering

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Roll No.
Total No. of Pages :02
Total No. of Questions : 09
B.Tech.(AE) (2011 Onwards) (Sem.?5)
Subject Code : BTAE-505
M.Code : 70488
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying T WO marks
SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students
has to attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains T HREE questions carrying T EN marks each and students
has to attempt any T WO questions.

Q1. Answer briefly :

a. Differentiate primary, secondary and tertiary standards.

b. List the instruments that can be used for angular speed measurement.

c. What are various systems of measurement of surface roughness?

d. Differentiate between step input, ramp input and sinusoidal input.

e. Differentiate between absorption and transmission dynamometer.

f. Explain briefly Moire-Fringe.

g. What is the importance of gauge factor in the design of strain gauges?

h. What is the function of proving ring? Write its various industrial applications.

i. What is Seebeck effect?

j. Explain the difference between an analog signal and a digital signal.
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Q2. Classify various comparators. Compare any two comparators in terms of at least one
advantage and limitation in reference to each other.
Q3. Following ten measurement were recorded when measuring temperature :

98.2, 97.8, 98.8, 97.1, 98.8, 96, 97.9, 97.5, 97, 98.1

Calculate :

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Standard deviation

d. Variance
Q4. What is flow visualization? Briefly explain various flow visualization techniques.
Q5. What are systematic and random errors? How these errors are measured? What are various
precautions for minimizing these errors?
Q6. On what principle do the "Bell gauges" operate? Name the different type of bell gauges
used in practice.

Q7. State the limitation of mechanical amplification. Briefly, explain the buffer amplifier and
Q8 What is torque? Explain the construction and working principle of Mechanical torsion
meter. Also mention its advantages and limitations.
Q9. a. Write a short note on hot wire anemometer.

b. Explain in brief Pitot gauge and Ionization gauge.

NOTE : Disclosure of Identity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request on any
page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student.
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This post was last modified on 04 November 2019