Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 2nd Semester 3121 Mathematics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 1st Year 2nd Semester (2nd Semester) (1-2) 3121 Mathematics Previous Question Paper

Le: Gbeagmupandeeia nonempty
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'2; mlagvmh real coef?cients and let A denote
? w arm 0 then prove that'A is an ideal of R
7 ? Let ? be a rihg homom .
is an ideal of R.
8 If 0? IS an integ dor??in then - :2 D[x] is an integral domain.
? = 60 Marks)
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_m the questions.
1c more over if l< a>l=n then the order of
? and for each positive divisor k of n, 916
oforderKnamely< a > .
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Note: Answ
9 (a) Every subgroup of a cyclic g r '
' any subgroup of < a> is a di ':-
group < a > has exactly one sm -
.(b') De'?ngAltemgting gr-o?upqu ? so prove that A.1 has order 31?, if n > 1,
:50 (a) Prove that the group of rota . ~ b? Is isomorphic to S4.
(b) Let G be a groUp and is! ? of G. If 700) is cyclic then G is '
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? > , 11 (a) Prove thai 2,1 I 1 21.11: I agb?j;
< (b) Lat_'_R be 'a oommuta?yp???g,
? ' Integral amm Handed?! ,,
'2 (a) n R u; 5 WWW?
contains a subn'ng isomp -
a subdng lsomorphlc to Z.
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. (b)Let,Sa= [f], a) ./
5 V' mama.
??de ?3 n >032?!)er R W?
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S?a?hed by-CamScannef?

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020