Download SGBAU B-Tech 8th Sem FPOPC Petro Chemical Reaction Engineering II Reactor Design Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 8th Sem FPOPC Petro Chemical Reaction Engineering II Reactor Design Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Eighth Semester (Food, Pulp & Paper, Oil & Paint and Petro. Tech.) (CGS)
11081 : Chemical Reaction Engineering-II (Reactor Design) : 8 CT 02
P. Pages : 3 AW - 3514
Time : Three Hours lmmllzwlll Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1 All question carry marks as indicated.
2 Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
3 Due credit will be given to neamess and adequate dimensions.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
5. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
6 Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
7 Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
l. The concentration readings given below represent a continuous response to a pulse input 14
into a closed vessel.
t,min 05101520253035
Cpulsc,g/?035 5 4 210
This vessel is to be used as a reactor for decomposition of a liquid A,
A _, Product with rate ?rA = kCA ,
k = 0.307 min"
Estimate the fraction of the reactant unconverted in the real reactor and compare this with
the fraction unconverted in a plug ?ow reactor of same size.
2. Explain pulse input experiment for ?nding RTD. l4
3. Derive the conversion equation for SCM for spherical particle of ?xed size, assume that, 13
resistance of the gas ?lm controls the overall rate.
4' The reduction of iron ore of size R = 5 mm and density PB = 4.6g / cm3 by hydrogen can 13
be represented by the shrinking core model (SCM). With no water vapour present, the
reaction stoichiometry is 4H2 + Fe304 ?> 4H20+3Fe. The rate approximately
proportional to concentration of hydrogen.
The ?rst order rate constant is given by K'.=1.93x105e"24000/RT , cm/s. Taking D; = 0.03
cmzls for hydrogen penetration in product layer, calculate the time needed for complete
conversion of a particle of oxide to metal of temperatme of 600?C and pressure of 1 atm.
Take At. wt. of Fe = 56, and O = 16. Film resistance can safely be neglected in presence of
ash layer.
AW - 3514 l P.T.O

6. a)
8. a:
An undesired impurit} is to bc rcmm ed from air by absorption in pure water in a counter
currcwt tower
Impurity in inlet air ? 0.5% (500 Pa)
Impurity in outlet air = 0.1% (100 Par
Flaw rates of gas and liquid are :
Fg/Acg = 1x105m01 /(h,m:)
Fy'Ac. = 10.6 ><105 mol / (11.1112 )
FAg a ? 0.6 mol / (h.m3.Pa)
KM? 0.5 h"
Molar density ol?liquid. assumed constant. is C; =56000 n?Dl/ m3and 11A = 15 (Pa. m-?)/?mol.
Calculate the height 01? tower required.
Explain the use of solubilit) data to determine thc Kinetic regime.
l-prluin chemical and physical absorption with suitable example.
Derive an expression [or conversion (XA) as a function of time for irreversible ?rst order
reactton A?> R. which is carried out isothermally in a batch reactor on a catalyst that is
dccaying as per following decay law :11 = k da
( 1
Explain the methods ofcatalyst preparation in detail.
Explain the mechanisms of catalyst deactivation.
Dcrivc an expressxon for the e??cctiwncss faclur ol?a rectangular slab ofporous catalyst.
For the catalytic reaction A ?> 4 R. following ratc-concentration data are available:
ICA.IH01.'I 0.039 0.0575 0.075 0.092
3.4 5.4 7.6 9.1
?r,l\,molA/( cat)
Determine the size oi'packcd bed 1W) to treat 2500 mol/h of pure A at 3.2 atm. and 1 17?C
to 35% conversion directly from the data given.
The hydrogenation 01?2 - butync - l _. 4 - diol to butcnediol is to be carried out in a slurry
reactor using a palladium based catalyst.
112(g ?> L) + butyncdiol?) $9 butcnediol
The reaction is ?rst order in hydrogen and in butyncdiol. The initial concentration of
butynediol (C80 ) is 2500 mol/?m?. Pure hydrogen is bubbled through the reactor. Unscd
AW-3514 2

hydrogen is rccomprcsscd and recirculated, and the whole operation takes place at 14.6 atm.
Find the time required to achieve 90% conversion of reactant to bulencdio]
Reactor : Mechanically agitated slurry reactor (semibmch)
Volm ot'reactor = Vr = 2m3 - r.
Fs = 0.0055 m3ca1/m3r
Catalyst: dp = 5x10"5m. pS =1450kg/m3
De = 5 x 10?1011131/(
Liquid: C30 = 75.00 muI/m3, vl ,? vr
Gas: qure H2 at 14.6 atm, HA: 148000 (Pa. m3. l/mol)
Kinetics: (Km ai)g+1= 0.277m3l / (msrs)
Sum ot?thc gas and liquid ?lm conductancc's
KAc = 4.4x10_'1m3I/(
Rate constant K ' = 5 x 10'5m6t /( cats) at 35?C
Explain any two reactors use to carrying out G/L reaction catalysed by solids.
Explain the step involve in OH, reaction on a solid catalyst.
AW - 3514 3

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020