Download SGBAU B-Tech 7th Sem FPOPC Petro Petrochemical Tech IV Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 7th Sem FPOPC Petro Petrochemical Tech IV Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Seventh Semester (Food, Pulp & Paper, Oil & Paint & Petro. Chem. Tech.) (CGS)
11066 : Sp. Tech - IV (Petrochemical Tech.? IV) : 7 PC 03
1 AW - 3393
[Mlnj?j?mw Max. Marks : 80
P. Pages : 3
Time : Three Hours
Notes : 1 Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
2 Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
4. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
5 Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
Use of pen BluefBlack ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
l. Ethane gas cracking reaction take place in a batch reactor with a volume of 100 m3 at a 14
pressure of 20 atm and a temperature of 680?C. The endothermic heat of reaction is 1000k
cal/k. mol. If the average molar heat capacity is 30 kcal/ kmol ? C. Calculate the relation
between the conversion and the time under isothermal condition.
Data Given : -
_ Pressure, P = 20 atm,
Molar heat capacity, M = 30 kcal/ kmol, ? C,
Ideal gas constant, R : 0.0832,
Volume of reactor, V = 100 m3
molar ?ow rate, F = 100 thr.
Endothermic heat of reaction, AHR = 1000 Real / Kmol
Rate constant, k = 9.4 hr?1..
Initial temperature = 680?C.
Draw the conclusion from result obtained.
2. W hy steam cracking requires very high temperature? Discuss the effect of feed on steam 14
cracking product pattern.
3. Determine the liquid product in contact coking and liquid product in delayed coking l3
operation, if following data is available. _
Feed : ?-) Long Residue, CCR wt % = 11.6, ?API = 18.9, sulfur wt % = 0.6
Contact coking ?) Light gases = 14.9%, Coke wt% = 13 %.
4. Discuss the design aspect of regenerator and ?ue gas separator in FCCU. 13
5. To conduct mass balance across the F CC unit with the assumption that the properties of the 13
feed correspond to the desulfurized HVGO stream, calculate the total product ?ow rate
across FCCU.
Data given :
1) Desulphurised HVGO ?ow rate = 3012.41 bbl/day.
2) Speci?c gravity = 0.907051
AW - 3393 " 1 P.T.0

3) Feed ?API = 24.5
4) Feed Sulphur content = 0.5 wt%
5) Feed mass ?ow rate =? 0.955961 mmlbs/da)?
6) Feed Sulphur mass ?ow rate = 0.000478
7) % I_V conversion = 72.7
'8) Products : ~
i) Gas wt% = 2.7. ii) nC3 = 2.7.
iii) i? C; = 7.0. iv) nC4 =12,
v) i? C4 = 4.8, vi) rest C4 = 7.3,
vii) Gasolim. = 58.9, viii) LCO = 21.
ix) H(?() : 6.2
What is an ideal operating conditions for catalytic reforming? Discuss in brief.
What is the old route for phthalic anhydride synthesis? Why is it shi?ed to new route? Why
scientist am still interested in old route? Hence give the reaction kinetics for phthalic
anhydride synhcsis.
[HIVGO is xhe feed for hydrotrcalcr.
Assume that 2? a ot?IotaI light ends are lost to the gaseous pruduct from feed. follom'ng
data is given. (Also assume suitable data ifnccdcd).
a) For HV(}_('_) -
i) 86 = 0.930851: :?LPI = 20)
ii) Flow ran. : 3360 Dbl/day
iii) Sulfur content == 2.9121
iv) Overall mass 1km rate = 1.094 mmlbs/day
v) Sulfur mass ?ow rate = 0.031865 mmlbs/day
b) Feed ?API = 221, fccd Sulfur wt ?/6 = 2.6
?APl of desulphurised HVGO product = 24.5
c) GOH
i) 30 = 0.907051
ii) SU = 0.5 (?1%)
d) H2
i) SCF/ban?el oflig required = 210
ii) H250 = 8.29x10?5
6) VEH (vent)
1) SU VEH = 66
ii) HzS.ventSG = 2.1 1166x104.
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Assume that 85% Sulfur removal from feed on a weight basis and assume
SUNH =0.08 wt% (Naphtha).
st+ LESG = 2.56419x10_4 (light end).
Assume that average molecular wt of the gases are
SG & MWVEH = 28 (vent)
SG & MWLEH = 34(Light end)
Assume multiplication factor M1 = 42 x833 & M2 = m
=> From above data calculate the ?ow rate of Hydrotreated gas oil (FGOH) in
product stream
Desul?lrisation of heavy vacuum gas oil should give the gas oil as a product with less Sulfur
content. But in practice plant give vent gases, naphtha. light gases and gas oil. Why? Hence
discuss the process detail of HDS of HVGO.
If gas oil is the feed and product required is ole?nic gases as well as gasoline, which re?nery
process will you suggest? Why? Discuss the process ?ow of same process in detail.
What are the chemical engineering principles involved in styrene separation from its feed
stock? Hence discuss the styrene separation technique in brief with trouble shooting
Discuss the following in brief : -
AW - 3393
Removal of exothermic heat from reactors.
Importance of alkylation process.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020