Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Industrial Chemistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Industrial Chemistry Previous Question Paper

AW?l 623
B.Sc. (Part?I) Scmcster?I Examination
'l?imc : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. l is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
(2) Remaining six questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Give chemical equations and draw diagrams wherever necessary.
(4) Use of calculator is allowed.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Unit of calori?c value in MKS system
(ii) The sum of atomic weights of atoms present in molecule is called
(iii) ,_ is capacity of body to do work.
(iv) Physical quantities such as length, mass time etc. are regarded as ?7 A units.
Choosc correct altematives :
(i) Fluid static deals with study of ?uid at :
(21) Rest (b) Motion
(c) Dynamic (d) None of these
(ii) Which of the following is a derived unit ?
(a) m; _(b) kg;
(c) m/s (d) lb
(iii) The enthalpy change (Le. heat evolved or absorbed) in a particular reaction is
same whether the reaction takes place in one step or sevcral steps is
(a) Newton's law (b) IIess's law
(c) Bayle's law (d) Avogadro's law
(iv) Molecular weight of HJPO4 is 98. Its equivalent weight is :
(a) 49 (b) 32.66
(c) 33 (d) 49.5 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is crystallization ??
(ii) De?ne Latent heat of phase change.
(iii) What is Mole Fraction 7
(iv) Slate Dalton?s law of pressure. 4
Explain the terms :
(a) Normality (b) Molarity
(c) Derived unit ((1) Speci?c heat 4
YBC?l? 197 l (Conni)

3- (p)
4. (a)
Calculate the molecular ucigh' 01? :
(a) KMnO? (hi KECrEO.
(c) KCl (d) K011
(atomic ?I ofK = 39 0117 " 55. 0?16, Cr ~ 52, H ?1.Cl ; 35.5) 4
29.25 gm of Sodium Chliil?iiic is dissolved in 1000 ml of water. Find Normality and
Molarily 01? solutimx 4
Write the SI units of :
(:1) Length (1w) Mass
(0) Time (0) Temperature 4
An aqueous Solution of :odiii-n hydroxid: is prepared by dissolving 20 kg of NaOH
in 100 kg. of water. Find wt +5 and mole 01? composition of Solution.
(MOI. wt. 01' NaOH 401?. [1.0 = 18) 4
Convert the following :
(21) Length = 3ft into mstci' (1?)) Mass 1 kg in lb
(c) Volume " 3m? ir.'.0 . (d) Prc>surc = .1 arm imo mm 01? Hg 4
What is evaporation 3? Give i's ovcrall and. individual malcrial balance. 4
Explain :
(i) Stoichiometric coefiiuiL-nt
(ii) Stoishiomctric equaion 4
The carbon monoxide is raider: with hydrogen to produce methanol.
Calculate from the react on :
(i) Stoichiometrii ratio 01? H1 & (?0
(ii) Kmolcs of CIIJOH prmlnccd per Kmnle 01" C0 reacted. 4
What is crystallization (hive its overall and individual material balance. 4
Explain in brief : Yield :mi Scxciix'ity. 4
A single effect cvaporanr 1% fed with 10000 kgrh of weak liquor containing 15%
caustic soda by ?tight and is conucntrmcd to get thick liquor containing 40% by
weight caustic. (NuOH). Calculate :
(i) kg/n of water cx'apumici
(ii) kg/h of thick liquor ohiiined. 4
Explain with example :
(1) [16.11 01? formation
(.2) Heat ofcombzistim. 4
Discuss Ilic role of 80hr mzrgy in production of electricity.
Explain in detail Biomass clergy. 4
YRC?15197 3 (Contdfl

De?ne :
(1) Latent heat of vaporization.
(2) Latent heal 0f sublimation.
(3) Latent heat of fusion.
(4) Heat of Reaction.
What are the uses of Solar energy ? How is it used in heating water 1?
Explain tidal power.
Describe Ultimate Analysis of Coal.
Give an account of origin of Petroleum.
Describe distillation of coal tar.
Discuss mining of Petroleum.
Explain manufacturing of water gas with diagram.
Write in brief on different types of coal.
Write in brief ?lmwise and dropwise condensation.
State and explain Fouricr's law.
Explain conduction modes of heat transfer.
Explain the phenomenon of pool boiling.
Write a brief account on force and free convections.
What are heat exchangers ? Explain parallel heat exchanger.
Explain U-tubc manometer and Pitm tube.
Describe construction and working of reciprocating pump.
Describe ori?ce meter on the basis of construction and working.
Explain Reynold's number with Reynold's Experiment.
YBC?715197 3

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020