Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Food Science Food Microbiology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Food Science Food Microbiology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?II) Semestcr?III Examination
(Food Microbiology)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) QNO. 2 to 7 carry equal marks.
(3) Draw a diagram in support of your answer wherever necessaiy.
l. (A) Fill in the blanks : 2
(i) _ _ are the salt loving microorganisms (Halophiles?Thermophiles)
(ii) The cells in the animals are of _ type. (eukan'otic/prokaryotic)
(iii) Conversion of sugar into alcohol is 7 _ fennenmtion (aerobic/anacrobic)
(iv) v is used for staining of microbes (crystal violet/coppcr sulphate)
(B) Choose the correct alternative : 2
(i) Not involve fermentation in preparation 2
(a) 'l?.Fv (b) Wine
(c) Cheese (d) Paneer
(ii) Continuous increase in bacterial cells :
(a) Lag Phase (b) Log Phase
(c) Stationary Phase (d) Death Phase
(iii) Streak plate method is used for :
(a) Growth curve (b) Culture preservation
(c) Gram Staining ((1) Pure culture isolation
(iv) Purposefully addition of microorganism :
(a) sterilization (b) isolation
(c) inoculation (d) incubation
(C) Answer in one sentence : 4
(i) De?ne protozoa I
(ii) What is incubation ? 1
(iii) Name any four sources of microbial contamination. 1
(iv) What is anaerobic fermentation ? 1
2. (a) What is food microbiology ? Give the primary sources of microorganisms in food. 4
(b) Discuss any two organelles of cell in brief. 4
(c) Give the types of microorganisms depending upon requirement of 02. 4
YBC?15273 1 (Comdv)

Discuss the three domain system :?fc1assi:'1mtmn of microorganismx
De?ne Bzcteria, Fungi. Pmtwm end Algae with cmmplc.
What is taxonomy '1? What are the major characteristics used in taxonomy '?
Discuss the nutritioral rcq.1ircrrent of microorganisms.
What are the various: mcthodx (f bacterial count ? Explain turbidity measurement in brief.
Explain binary ?55ion m hricz?
Explain continuous culturt: growth in chcmostat.
What arc the factors a??ccting growth of micro-organisms 7
Explain growth cun'e.
Explain the relation of Clostridium and lactohacillus bacteria with food with cxamplcsi
What are pcctinolytic, succharrllytic? lipohtic and psychrotropic bacteria ?.7
Enlist the common spo.lagc-. that occur in bread. fruits and vegetables, eggs and
concentrated orange juice Give the bactcria related.
Explain the general characteristics of bacteria.
Give the classi?cation of bacturia depending on their shape.
Draw a neat diagram of bacterial cell showing all the organelles.
Give an account 01' gene: 21] pripcrties 01~ fungi.
Discuss the morphology 11' ingi. Give its classi?cation based on the morphology.
Explain the use of yeast in to )d production.
Give the difference bctwscn 35351 and moulds.
Give an account 0t~ mushroom. as a food.
Give thc signi?cance of mold; in food.
What is media ? What are th: ingredients ?2 Give classi?cation.
(7) R
What is staining ? Explain simple and differcntial staining.
What is contamination ?3 Givl: the causes. Explain the. types.
0 R
What is fennentation ?.? Give the tlvpcs and explain its use in food production.
15273 7

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020
