Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Petrochemical Science Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Petrochemical Science Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part4!) Semester?III Examination
'l?ime : 'I'hree Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
1. (A)
2. (A)
(2) Remaining SIX questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Draw the diagrams and mention chemical equations wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words 2?- ?x?;><4=2
(i) __ _? fraction of steam cracking ef?uent is also known as B~B fraction.
(ii) Catalytic cracking is distinguished from 'l'hermal cracking in the reaction mechanism.
which is called _ 7- mechanism.
(iii) Much desired reformatc is in?uenced by the characteristics of and catalyst.
(iv) The reduction of the Viscosity of atmospheric distillation residues by mild thermal
cracking operation is known as -
Choose correct alternative :? 5:944.
(i) Ethyl benzene is generally manufactured by :
(a) hydrogenation process (b) oxidation process
((2) alkylation process ((1) isomerization process
(ii) The desirable reaction in catalytic reforming is :
(a) cracking (b) hydrogenation
(c) alkylation (d) dehydrogenation
(iii) Fhe main reaction in steam cracking is :
(a) Isomcrization (b) Cyclization
(c) Dehydrogenation (d) Polymerization
(iv) LHSV? stands for :
(a') liquid hourly space velocity
(h) liquid hours settling velocity
(c) light and heavy settling vapours
(d) light hydrocarbon settling vapours
Answer the following questions in ONE sentence each :? ?4:4
tit) Why heavy straight run naphtha fraction is preferred as feed stock for catalytic
reforming process ?
(ii) What do you mean by CDE ?
(iii) What do you understand by ?free radical? '2
(iv) [low the activity of reforming catalysts can be restored 1?
The properties ot?thermally cracked products are very much different from the feedstock
used. Name the properties that are expected to undergo change. 3
Why heavy fractions crack easily during thermal cracking ? Explain with main process
parameters involved. 4
Discuss the effect of pressure on thermal cracking operation. 5
YBC?ISL?SS l (Contd.)

YBC ?15253
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1P1 \\' hat L10 you 1: L131} than 111 c1z1L'Liz1 L? or 1? rnhsis
(Q) Why cracking 1'1er;'aL1-L11'1.~ occame necessity of petroleum re?nery ?? 4
(R) Discuss Ihc free radical mechanism 111 (1011111 with suitable reactions involved. (1
(A) Name the inmurities '11-dt UTE usually present 111 cthylene obtained from steam naphtha
crack 11g. 2
(B) Exp1a1n 11:0 importancc 01:}1 0:10 11> a 1111<1L pc'ttzcchm 11L'al txith suitable exa111plL's 01"
large number of L'hL'111icaL'1L'11xcd 110111 11. 10
Discuss tht: steam naphtha cranking, process 1'11 dct:1il with 110111 sketch 01' ?ow diagram and
process parameters involvc-d. 12
(A) What are the advantagL-s :11'70011tL' catalysts over the natural and synthetic amorphous
cracking cutalvsu " 4
(B) lhc pmducls {01111011 1:? 1h 1m 11\' 1c c 11:111111; we thc: 051.111 ofbuth nrimary and scconda 13*
reactions. How these ?11: 11:1\ rcaLtions can he I'ep1esLntLL1 ? 4
(C) Discuss the feedstock sciL-L'110n far catalytic tracking in brief. 4
(P) What '5 thL' signi?L'dnE 01 catalytic cracking '.? 4
(Q1 What do )011 mecn h} 1: 31111111111111 ion ? Discuss the Larbonium 1011 mechanism in detail
with the reactions inwh cd 8
me thL' 11631 sketch of l C( 111'1' dLsigncd h} JLquo DL1L'1 0111115111 Corporation and discuss
111:. signi?cance of Riser, RL11L11 1 111111 RCE?L?U?LI'QIUI 111 mm 1. 12
Discuss the 1'L?L?L1x'L-1'y 1'11'11r1111y1011: iron? the L'at'11lyliL- L?1'11L'11'i11g cl'l?luent stream in detail with
1110 ?cat SILLtL'h of ?ow 111013211111 12
(A) Name the varimb. proca< . '1': fwr thL' rr11z'11 113L1?11'11731 :11 butndiLtnL. 2
(B) Butadienc may he 11:0er:11 Irvm 0111111101 15' 0110 Step process or by two step process.
Discuss 111L- chemistry :11\L-1-7C11 111 11124.6 11w 13101105505. 5
(C) Discuss the market 501' 111111111an ?1111 perccutdge share. 5
(1?) Describ: the 1n;-?.11uf11L'tL11'L- ut 1111:1dic110 h\ catalytc L1L-l1yd1'ogcnation 0f butcncs with
tho C1101 uisttx 211111 thL p 'L): ::_< 3:11ametL15 1n\'01\LL1. 6
(Q) Butadienc' 1s purihcd cit ': 11.9x11'aL'tiVL? (1151111311011 or by selective L'xtraction 1101111119.
Cd-?'ziction 01' stca111-:111p11t:'. ; cracker. \\";:L:: is the typical composition of this fraction '?
(A) What arc the principll 50111033 01" BT.\ aromatzcs '1? 2
(13) Discuss thL rccwvcxx of BL. 1111111 1'L:0'1111ale gnsolinc by L?ndex process with neat
sketch 01 I10? Liiag1111:1. IO
(1?) Which reactions a1L- 111113111) 1e1111L-d wi1h thc partied pressure of hydrogen in catalytic
reforming process '1? I)isL'LI;<:: 1110 overall effect 111" pressure on this process. 6
(Q) Mention the chcmistl'y i11va'\ 2:1 1:1 the cz1taly?tic reforming process. (1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020