Download KUHS MBBS 3rd Year 2015 Feb 304001 Community Medicine Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS Third Year (3rd Year) 2015 Feb 304001 Community Medicine Paper II Question Paper.

Q.P. Code: 304001 Reg. no.: ???????
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Examinations, February 2015
Community Medicine-Paper II
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1. A 10 years old boy studying in a primary school had hypopigmented patches at the back
detected during school health check up. Answer the following:
? What are the probable causes. ? How will you diagnose the condition.
? What are the tests you perform. ? How will you manage this case.
Problems: (2x5=10)
2. Many cases of malaria are reported in a primary health centre area. How will you
investigate. What are the malariometric indices you take to analyze and manage the
3. A 3 years child was brought with fever and rashes on the body. The child was partially
immunized. How will you diagnose and manage the case.
Short answer Question: (5x4=20)
4. Health care delivery system in India
5. Directly observed treatment short course plus in tuberculosis
6. Nutritional anemia
7. Baby friendly hospital initiative.
8. Antiretroviral therapy centre
Differentiate between: (3x2=6)
9. Type I and type II diabetes mellitus
10. Lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy
11. Antigenic shift and drift.
Substantiate your answer with reasons: (2x2=4)
12. Integrated vector management is an effective strategy for malaria control
13. Appropriate technology is suitable for health care in developing countries.
List the following: (5x2=10)
14. Food toxicants
15. Morbidity indicators
16.Salient features of factories act
17. Millennium development goals
18. Biomedical waste management in a hospital set up.
******************* - FirstRanker's Choice

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