Download KUHS B.Sc Nursing Second Year 2016 October 201010 Medical Nursing Including Pathology Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) 2016 October 201010 Medical Nursing Including Pathology Question Paper.

Q.P. CODE: 201010 Reg. No: ???????...

Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations ? October 2016
Medical Nursing Including Pathology
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (2?15=30)
1. A 24 years old lady is admitted to your ward with HIV infection and fever. Differentiate
between HIV infection and AIDS. Explain the modes of transmission of HIV infection. Explain
the medical management of HIV infection and describe the nursing management of this
patient. (2+3+4+6=15)
2. Mrs. S is admitted to your ward with type II diabetes mellitus. Differentiate between type I and
type II diabetes. Enlist the risk factors of type II diabetes mellitus and add a note on oral
hypoglycaemic drugs. Explain the acute complications of diabetes mellitus.
Short Notes (6x5=30)
3. Portal hypertension
4. Nephrotic syndrome
5. Pulmonary oedema
6. Pemphigus
7. Mantoux test
8. Gout.
Nurse?s role for the following (3x3= 9)
9. Colonoscopy
10. Glucose tolerance test
11. Care of a patient with thrombocytopenia
Give reasons for the following (3x2=6)
12. Bowel wash is given for patients with hepatic encephalopathy
13. Haemarthrosis is often seen in patients with haemophilia
14. The sensor of the pulse oximeter is placed on the patients nail.
****** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 12 November 2019