Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) First Year (1st Year) 2013 February 102002 General Human Physiology and Biochemistry Question Paper.
First Year BDS Supplementary Degree Examinations - February 2013
General Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
? Write SECTION A and SECTION B in separate Answer books. Do
not mix up questions from Section A and Section B.
QP CODE:102002 Section A - PHYSIOLOGY Marks: 50
Essay (14)
1. Enumerate the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. Discuss the actions of growth
hormone. Add a note on disorders produced by hyper secretion of growth hormone
Short essays (2x8=16)
2. Describe the composition and functions of pancreatic juice.
3. Describe the endometrial changes during the different phases of menstrual cycle, giving
its hormonal basis.
Short notes (5x4=20)
4. Factors influencing glomerular filtration
5. Heart sounds
6. Cell mediated immunity
7. Formation and functions of CSF
8. Referred pain
QP CODE:103002 Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY Marks: 50
Essay (14)
1. Enlist the sources and RDA of vitamin D. Name the active form of vitamin D and how it is
formed. Explain its biochemical functions. Mention the causes and manifestations
deficiency of vitamin D. ( 2+1+4+4+3=14)
Short essays (2x8=16)
2. What are the normal fasting and postprandial plasma glucose level. Explain the role of
hormones in blood glucose regulation.
3. Classify lipids with examples. Mention the functions of lipoproteins.
Short notes (5x4=20)
4. Mention four differences between marasmus and kwashiorkor.
5. What is the normal serum uric acid level and mention the causes of gout.
6. Explain the biochemical alterations seen in blood and urine in obstructive jaundice.
7. Name four clinically important enzymes and mention their significance.
8. Name the specialized products synthesized by glycine. Explain the synthesis of any two
of them.
*********** - FirstRanker's Choice
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