Download OU BA 2nd Year 3rd Sem 4020 Conversational English 2019 Dec Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA (Mass Comm & Journalism) 2019 December 2nd Year 3rd Sem 4020 Conversational English Previous Question Paper

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PART- A. [in WI
Answer any FIVE ef the 'feiiewt'i'?u' quee'tieIIIe-.
F?e?ee 'Dieieef? Give empiee'
j/What are the different etytee IrI- eemmuhbetiti?? _. I -_._ -
3 What dEI m underetend by 'lr-?ereglyphice?? Ghee eIIaIII . _ -_. r.
A? Expiein the preeeee efeernrnunleetien? ' . '
5 What ere the ehereeterietiee et a Dieiegue?
5 What is ?Ftegienel Dieleet'?
at are Registers in language?
De?ne ?Lenguege'. 1"
PART - B W 1.
Answer the feilewing queetiene. Q I
9 {e} Explain Mutual lnteliigihii' with reeve nt examples. a E
)thxeieI?h 'Cede Emmi? relevant examples
?i?. {etnieeuee ?Field ef in Register Verie?en.
MExpiem 'Ety ieeeuree in Register Variation.
11W eee?ding te Chariee Hedtett. ere the features at heiiieii. ?
tie OR
a brief hietery et Npheb?tic writing.
12Lte iein the verieue aspects ei vieuel eemmunieetien .
MEMHM eedie?vieeel Cemmunhatien with reievent exemplee.;
13. Attempt e dleteut? en the feilewinn teplc . .
a} Ten lest your paSSpD?rt. Request the passpm marmm?g 1
[IDme DR 2'
ii? Eli'eeue'e with yeur friend ihepmu?om. 1? ?Pi _.
lefedians'. ? it '1? . .

This post was last modified on 15 April 2020