Download OU BA 2017 3rd Year 1491E Journalism Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA (Mass Comm & Journalism) 2017 3rd Year 1491E Journalism Previous Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
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Code No. 1491 I E
B.A. III ? Year Examination, March I April 2017
Subject: Journalism
Paper ~ "I
Journalism (Advertising and Public Relations)
Max. Marks; 100
PART ? A (5x5 = 25 Marks) . -
Note: 'Answer the following.
a) Marketing
b) Role of Advertising for marketing
a) Accountexecutive
b) Outdoor advertising
a) Product analysis
b) MarketResearch
a) House Journal
t ._ OR ..
a) Public Sector ,2-
PART ? B (5x15 = 75 Marks)
. Note: Answer all questions
a) Define advertising. Explain the social relevance of advertising in the Indian Society.
OR ?
b) Discuss the social and economic effects of advertising; _
a) Discuss with examples the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic media
for advertising.
' , OR - ,
b) Describe the structure of an advertising agency and explain the functions of Account
Executive and Creative Director in detail.

Code No. 1491 IE
-2- ?
8 a) Advertising Campaign Planning is an important and integral part of a product launch.
Design a campaign for launching a new Ketchup ? Belmont. Identify objectives,
target audiences, media mix and messages.
* OR
\ b) Prepare an advertising copy for a new mobile phone, with all elements (headline,
slogan etc) in its layout.
9 a) Define Public Relations. Discuss the nature and scopepf P 8??p?urpose and role in
developing countries. "
? b) Discuss in detail the tools used by PR for effectiveco' mmmcation.
10 8) Discuss the functions-of media units of?Goverrigr?lnent of India as public information
disseminating agencies.
b) Discuss the role of PR in public and ?ctor organizations.

This post was last modified on 15 April 2020