Download JNTUK B.Arch B. Arch 5 years Reglations

Download JNTU Kakinada (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada) The Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) 1-1 Sem, 1-2 Sem, 2-1 Sem, 2-2 Sem, 3-1 Sem, 3-2 Sem, 4-1 And 4-2 Sem B. Arch 5 years Reglations

Kakinada ? 533003
Academic Regulations for B. Arch. Programme
(Under the CBCS, Effective from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
1. Preamble:

JNTUKs Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) aims to provide comprehensive learning opportunities which takes into
account individual interests and abilities of the students. Apart from the compulsory core courses, the students can choose
from the elective courses on offer in the university or also from approved online platforms like the MHRDs SWAYAM
or MOOCs.
These regulations are subject to amendments as may be decided by the Academic Senate/Committee of the University from
time to time. Any or all such amendments will be effective from such date and to such batches of students (including those
already in the middle of the program) as may be decided by the Academic Senate/Committee.

Glossary of Terms
1.1 Program: An educational program leading to award of a B. Arch Degree in a discipline.
1.2 Course: Generally referred as a ,,subject offered under the degree program.
Each course is identified by a unique course code and course title. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/
studio/tutorials/ laboratory work/fieldwork/ outreach activities/ project work/vocational training /seminars /term
papers/ assignments/ presentations/ self-study etc. or a combination of some of these. All courses do not carry the
same credits.
1.3 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): In addition to the compulsory core courses in a program, CBCS provides
choice for students to select from a number of elective courses offered. The term credit refers to the weightage given
to the course and is usually the number of periods per week allotted to it.
1.4 Re-admission: When a student is detained in a course due to shortage of attendance or the student takes a break of
study, the student has to take re-admission to continue the program.
1.5 Re-registration: When a student has failed in a course due to low internal assessment marks, but has satisfactory
attendance, the student can re-register to improve performance in internal assessment as well as external evaluation.
1.6 Re-appearance/ supplementary examinations: When a student has failed in a course and wishes to improve
performance only in end semester external examination he/she can register to reappear for the supplementary
1.7 Director of Evaluation (DE) means the Authority of the University who is responsible for all activities of the End
Semester Examinations of the University.
1.8 Director, Academic and Planning (DAP) means the authority of the University who is responsible for all academic
activities for the implementation of relevant rules and regulations.
Program Structure


Category of Courses: The program shall have a curriculum with syllabi consisting of courses as prescribed by
the Board of Studies, and broadly categorized under:
Compulsory Core (CC) are courses deemed to be the core learning required for the discipline. These
courses are part of the compulsory requirement to complete the program of study. A core course cannot be
substituted by any other course. A core course offered in this program may be treated as a Professional or Open
Elective by other programs.
Professional Electives (PE) are courses which are elective courses relevant to the discipline. An
Elective course is generally a course that can be chosen from a pool of courses on offer. Every student shall be
required to opt for the electives from the list of electives offered. Students can also opt for the electives on offer
from any of the other Programs, besides his / her own discipline courses, or even do online courses subject to
the respective Program specific regulations.

Open Electives (OE) are chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/ subject, with an intention to seek
exposure/ add generic proficiency. These may include Liberal Arts courses, Humanities and Social Science
courses, etc. and essentially facilitate the student to do courses (including Core Courses or Professional
Electives) offered by other departments/ programs / institutions or online. Open Electives need not be
specified in the course structure and the University may approve and offer any Open Elective courses in any
semester as an option for the students.
Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC). These are mandatory courses based upon content that lead to
general knowledge, ability and soft skills enhancement, such as, Environmental Studies, Communication
Skills, Value Education, etc.
Online Courses: Students may be permitted, with the prior approval of the Department, to take online
courses through SWAYAM or MOOCs or any other approved online facility, in lieu of the Electives (both
PE and OE) offered in the University.
2.2 Credits:
Credits are indicative of the importance of the course. In the case of core courses 1 period of direct
teaching per week (Theory / Tutorial/ Studio/ Practical) = 1credit
In the case of other courses like the Electives and the AEC courses, the credits are based on their level
of importance as decided by the Board of Studies and as described in their respective course structures.
2.3 Pre-requisites:
Some of the courses may have pre-requisites (i.e. the student may be required to have registered and
attended the course specified as a pre- requisite.)
2.4 Types of Courses and Learning Sources:
Types of Courses
Learning Sources
Compulsory Core (CC)
Parent Department (PD)
Professional Elective (PE)
PD / OD / online
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)
PD / OD / online/Univ
Open Elective (OE)
PD / OD / online/Univ
Extension Activity (EA)
PD / OD /Univ
Note: PD = Parent Department;
OD = Other Departments/ Institutions / Universities
3. Duration of Program
A student is normally expected to complete the Program in five academic years (10 Semesters) but in any case
not more than 10 years (including break of study for personal reasons or suspension/ detention due to
disciplinary action, etc.).
3.2 Each semester shall normally consist of 90 working days (excluding end semester examination days).
3.3 A student may be permitted to take a break of study for a maximum of one academic year for any personal or
medical reason with prior approval. In such cases also the student will be eligible for award of First Class with
Distinction/ other awards. Rules of re-admission will apply to such cases.
4. Registration for choice of Electives:
Each student shall be deemed to have registered for all the compulsory core and other mandatory (AEC)
courses of every semester that he/she is admitted to / promoted to, on the payment of the requisite fees.
4.2 However, in the case of electives (as per the course structure), students shall submit their preferences from the
list of electives on offer (including approved online courses), and after allotment of the elective course, register
for elective courses of their choice ? both professional and open electives.
4.3 The information on the list of all the courses offered in every department specifying the course code, course
title, credits, prerequisites, the timetable slots and the registration process with the time schedules will be made
available on the University website. Every student is expected to go through the above information, consult the
faculty members, understand the choices and select their choice of elective courses.
4.4 Every student shall submit their preferences from the list of electives on offer (including approved online
courses), register / re-register as per the registration process and the schedule notified.
4.5 The departments shall put up the list of electives allotted to the students, using their(departments) discretion
based on physical and other capacities, with first preference given to the students from the parent department
and later, considering a first come first and/or SGPA basis for students from other departments. However,
students who have registered for elective courses previously are allowed to re-register for courses in which they

have failed.
4.6 In case none of the students preferred choices is allotted, or even otherwise, the student may propose an
alternative choice from among the available ones after due consultation with the respective faculty. In any case,
the students shall register (which is effected only on their choice of elective being approved) for the courses
within the given schedule/deadline.
4.7 After registering for a course, a student shall attend the classes, satisfy the attendance requirements, earn
Internal Assessment marks and appear for the End Semester Examinations.
4.8 A student is permitted to cancel his/her registration for the elective courses, within two weeks of starting of
the semester.
4.9 To enable the students to choose electives from across the departments, the DAP shall in consultation with all
the departments, facilitate the announcement of a common time-slot for the elective periods in the individual
time tables of the departments.
4.10 No elective course shall be commenced unless a minimum number of students are registered (this number
may be different for different courses and Programs and may be decided by the Departments / College/
University every semester).
5. Attendance Requirements
5.1 A student has to put in a minimum of 75% of attendance, in aggregate of all the courses registered in the
semester (excluding approved online elective courses) for becoming eligible to register for the end examinations
and for acquiring credits in each semester.
Shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above, and below 75%) in each semester may be
condoned by the College Academic Committee on genuine and valid (including medical grounds), based on the
students representation with supporting evidence.
Condonation of shortage of attendance as stipulated above, shall not be automatic, but on the merits of the
case to the satisfaction of the College Academic Committee.
A stipulated fee shall be payable along with the application for condonation to the concerned college.
Shortage of attendance below 65% in aggregate (including medical grounds) shall in no case be
A student will not be promoted to the next semester unless the attendance requirement of the present semester
is satisfied. In case of such detention the student is not eligible to take the End Examination of that semester and
the course registration shall stand cancelled. The student shall seek re admission for that semester when offered
In the case of re-registration (clauses 10.4 to 10.7) for a course/s, the attendance requirement is not applicable.
6. Assessment
6.1 Distribution of Internal Assessment and End Exam Marks: Performance in each course shall be evaluated
as prescribed in the respective Programs course structure and syllabus. As a general pattern, 50% of the marks
in a course are through internal assessment and 50% through end semester examinations. A few courses may
have 100% of the assessment purely through internal assessment. The thesis, the internship courses and many of
the studio courses are assessed through a jury and viva-voce for the end semester examination.
6.2 Schedule for Internal Assessment: The students shall diligently follow the given internal assessment
schedule for the semester including submissions and tests.
6.3 The compiled cumulative internal assessment marks and attendance of the students will be displayed once in
every four weeks for information to the students. The internal assessment marks shall be finalized and displayed
before one week prior to finalization of students eligibility list for semester examinations. All internal
assessment marks have to be finalized and submitted to the CE before the first day of End Semester
Examinations of the semester.
6.4 Assessment for Online Courses: In case of credits earned through approved online modes, the credits and
grades shall be assigned by a committee consisting of Head of the Department or a teacher nominated by the
HOD and a senior faculty member nominated by the DAP/ Principal (in case the credits or grades are not
included by the online course faculty).
Non-Credit, Mandatory Courses / Activity: Assessment in these courses or activity will be only in terms of
"Satisfactory" or "Not Satisfactory". A ,,Satisfactory grade in these listed courses/ activities is compulsory for
the award of degree.
6.5.1 Co-Curricular Activity / Extension Activity (EA) (for all round development) : Every student has to
participate in any one of the following activities like NCC/ NSS/ Sports/ FSAI Universitys Pro-bono
project activity/ any national or international student camp /any other community development activity
listed by the University and acquire a "Satisfactory" grade to be considered eligible for award of a degree.
6.5.2 The students performance shall be examined by the faculty in-charge of the relevant extension activity
along with the Head/ Coordinator of the Department/activity.

6.5.3 Physically challenged students who are unable to participate in any of the above activities shall be
required to take a test in the theoretical aspects of any one of the above activities and be graded and
certified accordingly.
6.6 Any other course or activity as specified (including the mode of assessment) in the respective course structure
or syllabus.
7. Award of Letter Grades
7.1 The performance of a student will be reported using letter grades, each carrying certain points as detailed below:
%of Marks
7. Shortage of attendance and hence prevented from
writing end semester examination
Absent for End semester
Satisfactory *
Note: * Satisfactory grade will be given only for the non-credit courses/ activity such
as mentioned in clause 6.5. A ,,Satisfactory grade in these listed course/ activities is
compulsory for the award of degree.
Example of assignment of letter grade and grade points for marks:
Total Grad
Course Title Int.
Course X1
51 D
Course X2
80 A
Course X3
71 B
Course X4
59 D
Course X5
63 C
7.2 A student who earns at least a D grade in a course is declared to have successfully completed the course, and is
deemed to have earned the credits assigned to that course. A course successfully completed cannot be repeated.
7.3 Students who fail to appear for end semester examinations will be marked as ,,AB (Absent) and should register for
supplementary examination by paying the prescribed fees.
8. Academic Requirements: The following academic requirements have to be satisfied, in addition to the attendance
requirements mentioned in clause7.
A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course, if the student secures not less than 50% marks in the semester end examination, and a minimum
of 50% of marks in the sum total or aggregate of the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination taken
together; in terms of letter grades, this implies securing ,,D grade or above in that subject/course.
A student failing in any course in the first attempt will not be eligible for any awards, including the award of
gold medal at the end of the course.
A student eligible to appear in the end semester examination for any course, but absent from it or failed
(thereby failing to secure ,,D grade or above) may reappear for that course in the supplementary examination as
and when conducted. In such cases, the internal marks obtained earlier for that course will be retained, and added
to the marks obtained in the end semester supplementary examination for evaluating performance in that course.
9. Promotion between Semesters:
A student shall be promoted from odd to even semester if the minimum requirement of attendance as in clause
5 is fulfilled.
A student shall be promoted from even to odd semester, if the minimum requirement of attendance as in
clause 5 is fulfilled and as per the other requirements specified in the following table.

Table 9.3 indicating promotion requirements from even to odd semesters:
From 2nd semester to 3rd semester
A student shall secure minimum 18 credits in 1st
semester to be promoted to 3rd semester.
From 4th semester to 5th semester
A student shall secure minimum 78 credits out of 90
credits up to 3rd semester to be promoted to 5th
From 6th semester to 7th semester
A Student shall secure all 60 credits up to 2nd semester
and shall also secure a minimum of 78 credits out of
90 credits in semesters 3rd, 4th& 5th to be promoted to
7th semester.
From 8th semester to 9th semester
A Student shall secure all 120 credits up to 4thsemester
and shall also secure a minimum of 78 credits out of
90 credits in semesters 6th, 7th& 8th to be promoted to
9th semester.
10. Re-admission and Re-registration
10.1 A student may be detained in a semester either due to shortage of attendance, or due to having more than the
permissible number of credits. Students detained due to shortage of attendance may be re- admitted when the
same semester is offered in the next academic year for fulfillment of academic requirements.
10.2 A student detained due to not having enough credits shall be promoted to the next academic semester only after
fulfilling the requirements as per Table 9.3.
10.3 No grade allotments or SGPA/ CGPA calculations will be done for the entire semester in which student has
been detained.
10.4 The academic regulations under which a student has been first admitted shall be applicable in all cases ofre-
10.5 If a student fails in a Professional Elective or an Open Elective, the student may re-register for the same or
register afresh for any other Professional Elective or Open Elective course respectively in the subsequent
semesters. In case of re-registration in the same courses, attendance is not mandatory, whereas registration for
any other elective course/s requires the student to attend the classes and fulfill the attendance requirements as
per Clause7.
10.6 A student who fails in any course may be permitted the option of re- registering in that subject only if the
internal assessment marks are less than 50%, so as to enable him to improve/redo and resubmit the work for
internal evaluation. In such cases of re-registration, the students previous performance both in the internal
evaluation and end evaluation in the particular subject/s shall stand cancelled and he/she shall be required to
appear for the end semester evaluation again (end examination and /or external jury as the case maybe).
10.7 The maximum number of courses a student may be permitted for ,,re- registration in a semester, is limited to
three. Re- registration of any course should be done within 15 days from the date of commencement of class
work. A stipulated fee shall be payable towards re-registration in any subject.
10.8 The student may attend classes in the case of the re-registered courses, if the student wishes. However, the
attendance requirement is not compulsory for such courses.
11. Grade Points, SGPA and CGPA Calculation
After the results are declared, Grade Sheets will be issued to each student which will contain the list of courses
registered during the semester and the performance in each with details of whether passing or failing, credits
earned promoted or not, letter grades, grade points,etc.
11.2 Grade Points: The grade points obtained in a subject multiplied by the credits for that subject will be the
weighted grade points.
Weighted Grade Points (WGP) = CxGP
Where ,,C is the number of credits assigned for the subject and ,,GP is the Grade Point obtained as per the
Table in clause 7.1 above.
11.3 SGPA: The sum of the weighted grade points divided by the total number of credits in a semester will give the
Semester Grade Point Average(SGPA).
SGPA = CiGPi/Ci i = 1 to n
Where n is the number of courses the student registered for in the semester, ,,C is the number of credits allotted
to each of the courses, and ,,GP is the grade-point obtained by the student in the respective courses. An
example follows:

Weighted Grade
Course Title
Points (WGP)
Course X1
Course X2
Course X3
Course X4
Course X5
Course X6
Semester Grade Point Average
(SGPA) = Total WGP/ Total
credits =
11.4 CGPA: The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be computed for every student after he/she has
secured 283 credits,as:
i = 1 to m
Where ,,m is the number of subjects registered for in all the semesters from the 1stsemester onwards. ,,C is the
number of credits allotted to each of the courses, and ,,GP is the grade-point obtained by the student in the
respective courses.
11.5 The CGPA and SGPA will be rounded off to the second decimal place and recorded as such.
11.6 For the purpose of computation of the CGPA, award of degree, award of the class as in clause 14, and other
honors if any, including medals, the performance in the best 283 credits only will be taken into account.
12. Eligibility for the Award of Degree: A student shall be eligible for the award of the "B.Arch." Degree in the
specific discipline into which he/she was admitted, if the following academic regulations are fulfilled:
12.1 Has pursued the program of study for not less than five academic years and not more than ten academic years.
Students, who fail to fulfill all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within ten academic
years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in the program and their seat shall stand
12.2 Successfully secured at least 283credits
12.3 Successfully secured "Satisfactory" grades in all the mandatory non-credit courses/activity.
12.4 Has secured a minimum of 6.0CGPA
12.5 No disciplinary action is pending against the student.
13. Withholding of the results: The results of a student may be with held if:
He/she has not cleared any dues to the University/Institution/Hostel.
A case of disciplinary action against the student is pending disposal.
14. Classification of the Degree Awarded
After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program and is eligible for
the award of the B.Arch. Degree in the Program to which he/she was admitted, he/she shall be placed in one
of the four classes as shown in the Table.
1. 8.0 and above of CGPA and should have cleared each and every
subject within the five years of course duration.
2. Should NOT have been prevented from writing end semester
examination due to lack of attendance in any of the courses.
First Class
1. Below 8.0 but not less than 7.0 of CGPA
Second Class
Below 7.0 but not less than 6.0 of CGPA
Note: In all the above cases CGPA shall be calculated from the Grade Points secured for the best
276 credits.
A student who is absent in End Semester Examination in a course after having registered for the same
shall be considered to have appeared in that examination (except in the case of approved withdrawal from
end semester examinations as per clause 15) for the purpose of classification.
15. Provision for Withdrawal from Examination:
A student may, for valid reasons, (medically unfit / unexpected family situations / sports/ etc.) be granted
permission to withdraw from appearing for the end semester examination in any course or courses in ANY
ONE of the semester examinations during the entire duration of the degree program. The application shall be
submitted to the Principal/ Chief Superintendent of the Examination with required documents.
Withdrawal application shall be valid only if the student is otherwise eligible to write the examination
(Clause 5) and if it is made before the commencement of the end semester examination in that course or

courses and also recommended by the Head of the Department (excepting in the case of any unforeseen
incident occurring after registration for the examination, which prevents the student from attending/writing
the examination).
Withdrawal is permitted for the end semester examinations in the final semester only if the period of study
of the student concerned does not exceed 5 years.
16. Malpractice: If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the examinations, he/she shall be liable for punitive
action as prescribed by the University from time to time.
17. General
In case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the academic regulations, the decision of the Vice-
Chancellor is final.
he University may from time to time revise, amend or change the Regulations, Curriculum, Syllabus and
Scheme of Assessment.


This post was last modified on 16 March 2021