Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2018 May Basic CIvil Engineering Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2018 May Basic CIvil Engineering Question Paper

Summer Semester Examination, May 2018
B. Tech. First Year (Semester- II)
Subject with Subject Code: Basic Civil Engiheering (CV205)
Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 60
1 Attempt any ?ve questions from the given six questions Figures to the right indiCate full marks ?_
2.I11ustrate your answers with neat sketches, diagrams etc, where eVer? hecessary . v -
3 Necessary data IS given in the respective questions. If such data 1s no?t given,it111eans that the
lmowledge of that data ls a paIt 0f the examination. 3 1 1
4. If some part or parameter is noticed to be missing, you may appropriately assume it and should
mention it clearly
5. Use of logarithmic table, drawing instruments and non-programmable calculators 1s' permitted
Q. 1 a) De?ne the following te111is: ? Strength Hardness; Elastwlty, ahd Plastieity) (4)
b) Write a short note on composmon of cement clmker ? 1 ' 5 : (8)
Q. 2 Solve any two from the followmg I i 1 (6112)
a) Explain with 11': ?at sketch conventional spread footing
c) What are the functions ()f doo1s 11nd wmdows" L
Q. 3 a) :Enll-f the different elements ()f. a buildmgi 5 - (4)
b):fExpla1n 1n bn/ef the various aspects of erientation (8)
Q. 4 a) Draw a neat sketch of telescopic leveling staff. (4)
. :__? 5:11)?):- What atecthe??mdameiital? p1iheiples of surveying? Explain brie?y. (8)
, V. , . . . _ OR
b)iE)1pla1n 1n brief the p11mary divisions of surveying. (8)
5 Q 5 '53); 1 Draw a heat sketch of a general cross- -section of a road. (6)
_, . '1 , b) D1aw heat sketches of: No parking, Oveitaking prohibited, No entry. (6)
L Q6 11) What 15,111ea1'1t1by'air pollution and what are its sources. (6)
i 1 b)W11te'a?she_rt110te on rain water harvesting. (6)

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