Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8171E Chemistry (Instrumental methods of Analysis) Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8171E Chemistry (Instrumental methods of Analysis) Previous Question Paper

CBCS} Examination. November! December 2019
Subject : Chemistry {Instrumental Methods of Analysis}
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Time : 3 Hours aper VI {A} {D35 E1] Max Mark; so
PART- A {5 x 3 = 15 Marks]
{Short Answer Type}
Nate : Answer any ?ve of the following questions.
Q! What is continuous extraction? Give- nne example.
What is R1 value? Whatare the factors in?uencing R; value?
3 List any fwe cation anion resins.
ul/ Mat is the basic difference between paper and column chromatography?
3/ De?ne transmittance and absorbance. '
6?1What is difference between calorimetry and spectruphotametr?y
?i/ What is the principie involved in potentiometry'?
8 What '15 over potential?
PART ? E {#5 Marks}
{Essay Answer Type}
Nate: Answer ALL from the questions.
Q {a} What is the principle involved in solvent extraction? Explain counter current
{1 ?IJ
extrac?nn method. DR
{beaw d0 yau prepare ascending and descending chromatogram in paper
10 I: ) Expiain the p?ck'rng techniques in cniumn chromatography {wet packing and
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-::lr5rr packing} '? GR
M?Write Beer Lambert?s law and write its limiiations
I H d
rite short note on
12 {63/15: N????al Hydrogen Electrode
{ii} Duin hydrnne E1ectmde DR
11 Write brief note an .
( J{i} Micro Eiectrudes
{ii} Polarization m?

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020