Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8205E Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8205E Electronics Previous Question Paper

{m??l Eluctmnlus}
PART? E1513= 1E Hams]
[Short Answar Type}
??t? hit the fnllnwlng FIVE question.
19Ftnd-tl1a dectrnai Equivalent uf binary number 1111
2. Ex'piain the wurking af AND gate 1with Its circuit diagram 3113733111 131113-
3 Prawn thia Eaelaan identity (A + 31131 + G}: A + 30 ? ?
4. Expiain the operation at a decoder
5. Explain working of R93 flip ?op with diagrams and truth table
E. Explain Ring Cuunter.
1". Explain the working of synnhmnous cunnter.
ES. Differentiata between static and 9999mm. RAM.
FART? B 1115 Marks}
[Essay Answe: Type}
Hail; * All the following three question.
=9.- 'EI'. What 15 2'5 complement ?f binary number? Explain the Subtractinn of binary
numbers using 2.5 cumpiement method.
b Draw the circuit diagram [If Half adder and Full adder and give their truth tahias. Writel 9991 prove the De~Mnrgan thgtarems
t: raw. .fha aircuit diagram of De? multiplexer and discuss its operation with heip at
Q; t?bles
591-11 ?EL 9,5th 11.13 working of Master Slag: J11 111p flap With neat circuit diagram
19.. mm universal shift register ?5'"9 ?3 ?9-5
' -:'-thE a?mm. between HUME} PRDM and EFRGM
mnwarkmg 9f ripgiamur'ttEHFCT'19-31 1111.111 'tl't?h' table and 111111119 diagram

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