Download JNTUH M-Tech I Semester 2019 May English for Research Paper Writing Question Paper

Download JNTU Hyderabad (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) M Tech (Master of Engineering) I Semester 2019 May English for Research Paper Writing Question Paper

Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: BCSB32
M.Tech I Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) ? May, 2019
Regulation: .?R18
Time: 3 Hours (Common to All Branches) Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (a)
4. (a)
5. (a)
6. (a)
7. (a)
Explain the guidelines to be followed to write a research paper. [7M]
?Discuss how the word order, structuring of paragraphs, conciseness, ambiguity hamper planning
effect the preparation of research paper. [7M]
Discuss the role of english language and grammar in the drafting of a research paper. [7M]
?A good research paper is one that not only has accurate content but also well structured
paragraph.? Explain. [7M]
Discuss the difference between abstract and introduction in a research work. [7M]
?Ambiguity, Redundancy, ProliXity 0r Wordiness of written structures mar the quality of a re?
search paper.7 How true is this statement? Explain with suitable examples. [7 M]
How literature survey should be represented in the research paper? [7M]
?Improper referencing and acknowledgment of source material makes research work irrelevant?.
Discuss the steps to be taken to avoid plagiarism. [7 M]
Elucidate the utility and effectiveness of method, discussion, result and conclusion in a research
work. [7M]
Discuss on the relevance and effectiveness of title in research work. [7M]
Discuss the importance of reporting and interpreting results in research work. [7M]
HOW to write an effective conclusion for a research work? [7M]
Explain how to write an effective abstract. What are the language tools required to ensure the
same? [7M]
?Skills of writing are very important While drafting methods7 discussion, results and conclusion.?
Discuss. [7M]
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HOW effectively we can name the title of the paper and how English plays a Vital role in doing
so, explain. [7M]
Explain how to write review of literature effectively in a research report. [7M]
Explain the process for effective ?rst?time submission of a research paper. [7M]
Elaborate 0n the use of phrases and their effectiveness in successful presentation of research
paper. [7M]
What are the main sections of a research paper? HOW to identify authentic sources for a successful
research work? [7M]
?Well organized content, error free and effective draft is the secret of success of a research paper.7
Discuss. [7M]
? o o O o o ?
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This post was last modified on 20 January 2020