Download DBATU B.Tech 2019 March 2nd Semester Object Oriented Programming In Java Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B Tech 2019 March (Bachelor of Technology) 2nd Semester Object Oriented Programming In Java Question Paper

Mid Semester Examination ? March 2019
Course: S.Y.B.Tech(CSE) Sem: [1 .
Subject NamezE-l Object Oriented Programming in Java Subject Code: BTCOE404
Max Marks: 20 Date:- 1410312019 Duration:- 1 Hr. ___ f
? Instructions to the Students:
1. Check that you have received a correct Question paper.
2. Assume suitable data if necessary and mention it clearly
3. Draw NEAT labeled diagrams wherever necessary J
Q.1. Attempt Questions
1) What is ?out? in statement System.out.ptintln(_) ?
a)class name b)function c) object d) interface
2) Range of data type ?byte? in Java ?
a)-8 to +7 b)0t0256 c) -128 to +127 (1) -16 to +l5
3)System class is de?ned in
a)javautil package b)javaJang package c) d)none of these
4) int x=0,y=0,z=0;
x = (-H-x + y--) * z++; x = (++x + y--) * 2?H:
What will be value of x after execution?
a) -2 b) -l c) 0 d) l
5) What will be the output
i?1+1+l+ld){ System.Quf.ptintln(?TRUE?); }
else { System?outprintlnC?FALSE?); }
a)FALSE ? b)TRUE c)compiler error d)n0ne of these
6) size of int in java
a)32bit b)16bit c)64bit d)8bit
(2*3 =6 Marks)
Q. 2? Attempt any two of the following
1) List all, features of object technology. El
2) Write an application in Java to calculate
result in table format as Shawn. for eg
5*1=5 '
? a
aborate any three features with real world object.
the table of any number lead by the user Display the
3) Differentiate between Primitive Types and Reference Types.
Q.3. Attempt any one of the following (1* 8 = 8 Marks)
1) Design a class to represent a bank account. Include the following members :
Data members : Name of depositor, Account number , Type of account , Balance amount.
Methods : assign( ) to assign initial values, deposit( ) to deposit an amount, withdraw( ) tc
withdraw an amount after checking balance, display( ) to display name and balance. Create ar
object to access these methods. ?
2)De?ne Pseudocode. Take an example of
(marks) earned in this exam are input. Determine th
array. Formulate algorithm and write a program
class of 12 students had appeared an exam? The grack
6 average grade of this class. Do not us?
in java for same using counter contro

This post was last modified on 21 January 2020