Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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I S Sadan
Subject Title: Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry
Prepared by: Noor Jahan
Year: I
Semester: II
Updated on: 11.02.2020
Unit - I: Microbial nutrition & growth
Short Questions:
Macro Nutrients & Micro Nutrients
Growth factors
Facilitated Diffusion.
Active Transport.
Group Translocation
10. Methylotrophs & Mixotrophs
11. Autotrophs & Heterotrophs
12. Bacteriocholrophyll.
13. Photosynthetic Apparatus
14. Batch Culture
15. Continuous & Synchronous Culture.
16. Bi-Phasic(Diauixic Growth)
17. Viable count & Direct Microscopic
18. Turbidometry
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Essay Questions:
19. What is nutrition? Give a detail account of nutritional requirement of
20. What is activetransport? How bacteria uptake their nutrition by this
21. What is Facilitated diffusion? How bacteria uptake their nutrition by this
22. What is Grouptranslocation? How bacteria uptake their nutrition by this
23. Discuss the process of Photo-organoheterotrophs and
Chemoorganoheterotrophs in detail.
24. Discuss the process of Photoithoautotrophs and Chemolithoautotrophs in
25. Describe the photosynthetic apparatus in prokaryotes.
26. Describe different phases of growth in Batch Culture of microorganism
27. Describe various methods used to measuring Microbial growth.
28. Briefly discuss the Factors Influencing Microbial growth.
29. What is Biphasic growth? Why Synchronous growth system so useful to
30. What is Synchronous growth culture? Why Synchronous growth
system so useful to microorganism?
Unit - II: Microbial Metabolism
Short Questions:
31. Chlorophylls & Bacteriocholrophyll.
32. Carotenoids & Phycobiliprotein
33. Cyclic photophosphorylation
34. Non-Cyclic photophosphorylation
35. Anoxygenic photosynthesis
36. Glycolysis.
37. Hexose Mono-Phosphate Pathway
38. ED Pathway
39. Anaplerotic Reaction
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40. Oxidative Phosphorylation
41. Substrate Level Phosphorylation
42. Glyoxylate Cycle
43. Nitrate Respiration
44. Sulphate Respiration
Essay questions:
45. Explain briefly about aerobic respiration?
46. Explain briefly about anaerobic respiration?
47. What do you understand by electron transport chain?
48. Explain briefly about Glycolysis cycle?
49. Explain briefly about HMP cycle?
50. Write difference between Oxidative Phosphorylation and Substrate Level
51. Explain briefly about E D pathway?
52. Explain briefly about Glyoxylate Cycle
53. Explain briefly about TCA cycle?
54. Describe briefly about oxygenic photosynthesis.
55. Describe briefly about anoxygenic photosynthesis
Unit ? III: Biomolecules:
Short questions:
56. Monosaccharides
57. Oligossaccharides
58. Polysaccharides
59. Difference between phospholipids and glycolipids
60. Sterols & Sphingolipids
61. Phospholipids
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62. Nucleoside & Nucleotide
63. Nitrogenous bases
64. Amino Acids
65. Secondary structure of proteins
66. Enzyme Unit
67. Lock and Key model
68. Competitive Inhibition
69. Un-Cometitive & Non-Cometitive inhibition
70. Induced fit model
71. Co-enzyme & Co-factor
Essay Questions:
72. What are Carbohydrate? Classify carbohydrates and describe their
significance in biological
73. What are lipids? Describe different categories of lipids and its significance
74. Describe the general structure, classification and chemical properties of
amino acids
75. Give an account on different characteristics of proteins?
76. Describe double helix model of DNA with the help of diagram. Briefly
describe various forms of DNA double helix
77. Describe the structure and function of different types of RNA molecule
78. Describe the structure and functions of nucleic acids?
79. Give an account on Classification of Enzymes and Nomenclature of Enzyme?
80. Give a detailed account in inhibition of enzyme activity.
81. Give an account on properties of enzyme
82. What is Bio-catalysis? Write in detail about the factor affecting the catalytic
activity of enzyme?
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Unit - IV: Bio-Chemical techniques:
Short questions:
83. Hydrogen ion concentration
84. Beer - Lambert's law
85. Buffers
86. Paper Chromatography
87. Thin layer chromatography
88. Agarose gel electrophoresis
90. Colorimeter
Essay Questions:
91. What are buffers? Describe the role of buffers in biological reactions?
92. Give an account on principles and applications of Colorimetry
93. Describe paper chromatography in detail.
94. Define pH and its measurement
95. What is electrophoresis? Write its principles and application.
96. Give an account on buffers in biological reactions and its preparation
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
