Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Microbiology and Biological Chemistry Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam
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Subject Title: Microbiology and Biological Chemistry
Prepared by: M Madhavi
Year: I Year
Semester: II Sem
Updated on: 12/02/2020
Unit - I: Biomolecules
Essay Answer Type
Describe briefly about classification of carbohydrates and their importance.
What are essential and non essential amino acids? Explain their importance.
Describe the structure of proteins and their importance.
Explain about classification of lipids.
Describe the structure of DNA and RNA.
Derive the Michaelis Menten equation.
Explain the factors influencing rate of enzyme reactions.
Short answer type
Zwitter ion
10. Isoelectric pH
11. Peptide bond formation
12. Different forms of DNA
13. Phospholipids and glycol lipids
14. Carotenoids and terpenes
15. Classification of enzymes
16. Types of Enzyme inhibition
17. Co enzymes
Unit - II: Bioenergetics
Essay Answer Type
18. Explain different steps involved in glycolysis process.
19. Describe briefly about TCA cycle/Kreb's/Citric acid cycle
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20. Explain about various complexes involved in electron transport chain.
21. Discuss briefly about gluconeogenesis and its significance.
22. Write about transamination and deamination reactions.
23. Discuss briefly about -oxidation of fatty acids.
Short answer type
24. Oxidative phosphorylation
25. Transamination
26. Deamination
27. Glyoxylate cycle
28. Gluconeogenesis significance
Unit - III: Fundamentals of Microbiology
Essay Answer Type
29. Describe briefly about bright field microscopy and its applications.
30. Discuss briefly about scanning and transmission electron microscope and their application.
31. Write about outline classification of microorganisms.
32. Explain briefly about disease causing pathogens.
33. Describe the structure and general characters of micro algae and fungi
Short answer type
34. Dark field Microscopy
35. Phase contrast microscopy
36. Fluorescent microscopy
37. General characteristics of bacteria
38. General characteristics of Viruses
39. Mycobacterium
40. Hepatitis
Unit ? IV Culture and identification of Microorganisms
Essay Answer Type
41. Describe briefly about Sterilization methods.
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42. Explain bacterial nutrition and growth factors.
43. Discuss briefly about bacterial growth curve and factors effecting growth curve.
44. Write about culturing methods of anaerobic bacteria and viruses.
45. Explain the methods for measurement of bacterial growth, bacterial number and mass.
Short answer type
46. Autoclave
47. Laminar airflow
48. Chemical sterilization methods
49. Macro and micro nutrients
50. Continuous culture
51. Synchronous culture
52. Pure culture and its characteristics
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021