Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Nutritional Biochemistry Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Nutritional Biochemistry Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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BSc ANBC I year II semester
Nutritional Biochemistry
Question Bank
UNIT ? I Vitamins:
Short Answer type:
1. Mention the physiological functions of pantothenic acid.
2. List out the sources of vit K.
3. Give the RDA for Tiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin.
4. Mention the sources and requirements of vit B12.
5. Write a note on Biotin.
6. Give a note on physiological functions of pyridoxine.
7. Explain Wald's Visual cycle.
8. Write a note on vit B12.
9. Give the RDA for any two fat soluble vitamins.
10.List out the sources and requirements of vit C.
Long Answer type questions:
1. Explain in detail vit A, its history, chemistry, physiological functions and effects of deficiency. add a note on
its sources and requirements .
2. discuss about physiological functions and deficiency effects of vit D and vit K. Add a note on their sources
and requirements.
3. Explain about Riboflavin in detail.
4. Explain about Thiamine and Niacin in detail.
5. Discuss about the functions and deficiency of Folic Acid. Add a note on its sources and requirements.
6. Discuss in detail about vit C.
Unit ? II Minerals:
Short Answer type:
1. Functions of Iron.
2. Mention the sources of Calcium.
3. Deficiency of Iodine.
4. Give the RDA of Calcium and Phosphorus.
5. Mention the sources of Iron.
6. Role of Zinc and Selenium as Antioxidants.
7. Write a note on functions of Calcium in the body.
8. List out the sources of Iodine.
9. Role of Iron in the formation of RBC.
10. Write a note on Fluorine.
Long Answer type questions:
1. Explain about the physiological functions and efficiency of Iron. Add a note on its sources and
2. Explain about the physiological functions and efficiency of Calcium. Add a note on its sources and
3. Write about the Micro Mineral Iron in detail.
4. Dscribe the physiological functions and deficiency of Fluorine. Add a note on its sources and
5. Write about Iodine in detail.
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6. Explain in detail the role of Zinc and Selenium as Antioxidants.
Unit ? III Water balance and Electrolyte balance:
Short Answer type:
1. Write a note on regulation of water balance.
2. Abnormalities of water balance.
3. Water compartments in the body.
4. Japanese water therapy.
Long Answer type questions:
1. Write an essay on water balance and electrolyte balance.
2. Discuss about regulation of water balance and abnormalities of water balance.
3. Explain in detail about Japanese water therapy.
4. Describe in detail about water compartments in the body and regulation of water balance in the body.
Unit ? IV Enzymes and Hormones:
Short Answer type:
1. Define Enzymes and Classify them.
2. Discuss the properties of Enzymes.
3. Write about Mechanism of enzyme action.
4. Discuss the factors affecting the enzyme action.
5. Enzyme inhibitions.
6. Write about major endocrine glands and their secretions.
7. Classify the Hormones.
8. General mode of action of Insulin.
9. General mode of action of Insulin.
10. General mode of action of Thyroxine.
Long Answer type questions:
1. Classify the enzymes in detail and discuss about the mechanism of enzyme action.
2. Describe the factors affecting the enzyme action and write a note on enzyme inhibitions.
3. Write the detailed classification of Hormones of major Endocrine glands and their secretions.
4. Describe in detail the general mode o action of insulin.
5. Describe in detail the general mode o action of Thyroxine.
6. Give the classification of hormones and discuss the general mode of action of Insulin.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
