Download JNTU-Hyderabad MBA 4th Sem R15 2018 Dec 724AP Cyber Security Question Paper

Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) R15 2018 Dec 724AP Cyber Security Previous Question Paper

Code No: 724AP
MBA IV Semester Examinations, December - 2018
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries
10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

PART - A 5 ? 5 marks = 25

1.a) List and define the attacks on mobile phones. [5]
b) What are the similarities and differences between steganography and cryptography?
c) Explain in detail about network forensics. [5]
d) Discuss the Forensic of Handheld devices. [5]
e) Give a brief note on the evils and Perils. [5]

PART ? B 5 ? 10 marks = 50

2.a) Explain the credit card frauds in mobile and wireless computing.
b) Give a brief note on trend mobility. [5+5]
3. Explain the organizational measurement for handling mobile. [10]

4.a) List and explain the attacks on wireless network.
b) How does a trusted system defend Trojan horse attack? Explain. [5+5]
5.a) What are the typical phases of operations of a virus or worm? Explain.
b) Give a brief note on password cracking and spyware. [5+5]

6. Describe the developing standard procedure for Network Forensics. [10]
7. Explain the digital forensic life cycle-network forensic. [10]

8. Discuss the Forensic of i-pod and digital music devices. [10]
9. Illustrate the techno legal challenges with evidence from handheld devices. [10]

10.a) How can you reduce the risks of social media to your organization?
b) Elaborate the difference between security and threats and explain web security. [5+5]
11. Describe the Intellectual Property Issues (IPR). [10]


R15 - FirstRanker's Choice

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