Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years 2016 April 1st Semester General English I Question Paper

Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2016 April 1st Semester General English I Question Paper

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B. A. LL.B., (Semester -? l) Examination, April 2016
General English ?I
Duration: 3 hours Total marks: 75
Instructions: l ) All questions are compulsory
? 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks
01) Transform the following sentences according to the instruction given: (10)
a) She said that she did not want to play the game. (Change to Direct Speech)
b) The boy asked his friend, ?Do you have an extra pen?? (Change to Indirect Speech)
0) Meena said, ?Hurray! l have found the treasure!? (Change to Indirect Speech.)
d) I was washing his clothes. (Change the Voice)
e) The fruit had been cut by me. (Change the Voice)
0 Wilfred will send the wishes to Mala. (Change the Voice)
g) She is sometimes foolish. (Af?rmative to negative.)
h) He is not a healthy student. (Negative to Af?rmative.)
i) Asia is the largest continent in the World. (Af?rmative to Negative.)
j) I do not have the book. (Negative to Af?nnative.)
Q 2) Write the correct question tag for the given statement: (2)
a) You are going to Mumbai. ??
b) She will learn to dance, ?
c) l have not committed any crime, ?
d) They did not make the plan, ?
Q3) Correct the following sentences: (3)
a) She were a good girl.
b) I am an tea pot.
c) Womens are playing a signi?cant role in today?s world.
d) My teacher has two childrens.
e) Neither his brother nor his sister are as naughty as him.
i) The team have arrived.
Q4) Write a dialogue in ?fteen lines on any one ofthe following situations. (5)
a) Veda, a ?nal year student, wants to know about various career opportunities after
completing her graduation. Write a conversation between Veda and her teacher
regarding the same.
b) After a long and tiring day, you come home to see that your mother has cooked your
favourite dish for you. Write a conversation between you and your mother.
c) Sita ?nds a small girl lost in the fair one evening. Write a conversation between Site
and the girl about the same.
05) A) Answer any one ofthe following in about 300 words: "(10)
3) Compare the characters of Jack and Ralph from the novel Lord of the Flies
b) Explain how the theme of human evil is explored in the novel Lord of the Flies.
c) Discuss the plot ofthe novel Lord ofthe Flies.
B) Write short notes on any four of the following in about 100 words: (10)
a) What does the character of Simon symbolise? Explain with examples from the text
Lord of the Flies.

b) Write a short note on the group of ?hunters'.
c) Who are the littluns? Describe their lives on the island
d) Discuss the character of Piggy.
e) Why was the naval of?cer embarrassed at the end of the novel?
(Vocabulary/Communication Skills)
Q5 A) Make one sentence each for the legal terms given below: (5)
a) Af?davit
b) F .I .R.
c) Guardian
d) J urisdiction
e) Domicile
B) Explain the following legal terms : (10)
a) Appeal
b) Eviction
c) Inj unction
d) Plaintiff
(Comprehension Skill) (5)
Q7) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Much of the world's literature has been dominated by a canon that nearly dismissed
women's writing more than two centuries ago. The counter?canons that have emerged as the
result of this exclusion have helped to establish women?s writing in mainstream culture. but
still in some ways fail to acknowledge women's literature coming from non?white countries.
Although India has a history of ancient civilizations such as the Harappa and Mohenjodaro.
and of matrilineal societies in the south, no written records of women's literary prowess exists
predating the 6th century BC. The emergence of the ?rst body of poetry by women in india
could be attributed to the advent of Buddhism. Perhaps it was the freedom offered by the
religion, the way of life it offered to women, and the principle of equality that it propagated
which allowed women to pen their thoughts for the ?rst time.
Buddhism offered women the opportunity to break away from the restrictions of home life. a
major factor in the rise of Indian women's literature in the early 6th century BC. The earliest
known anthology of women's literature in India has been identi?ed as those belonging to the
Therigatha nuns. the poets being contemporaries of the Buddha.
1) Provide an appropriate title to the above passage.
2) Why did women writing develop during the age of Buddhism?
3) Which is the earliest known compilation of women?s writing in India?
4) During the era of Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilizations. which societies existed
in the south of India?
5) Literature of women from which countries has been neglected in the main stream

(Compositional skill) (5)
Q8) a) As a student reporter write a repon about the debate competition organized by the
? b) As a news reporter for local daily write a report about a robbery taken place in the
Q 9) Read the following passage and make a note of the main ideas. (5)
The coffee plant, an evergreen shrub or small tree of African origin, begins to produce fruit 3
or 4 years after being planted. The fruit is hand-gathered when it is fully ripe and a reddish
purple in colour. The ripened ?'uits of the coffee shrubs are processed where they are
produced to separate the coffee seeds from their covering and from the pulp. Two different
techniques are in use: a wet process and a dry process.
During the wet process, the fresh fruit is pulped by a pulping machine. Some pulp still clings
to the coffee, however, and this residue is removed by fermentation in tanks. The few
remaining traces of pulp are then removed by washing. The coffee seeds are then dried to a
moisture content of about 12 per cent either by exposure to the sun or by hot-air driers. If
dried in the sun, they must be turned by hand several times a day for even drying.
For dry process, the fruits are immediately placed to dry either in the sun or in hot-air driers.
Considerably more time and equipment is needed for drying than in the wet process. When
the fruits have been dried to a water content of about 12 per cent, the seeds are mechanically
freed from their coverings.
The characteristic aroma and taste of coffee only appear later and are developed by the high
temperatures to which they are subjected during the course of the process known as roasting.
Temperatures are raised progressively to about 220-230?C. This releases steam, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide and other volatiles from the beans, resulting in a loss of weight of
between 14 and 23 per cent. Internal pressure of gas expands the volume of the coffee seeds
from 30 to 100 per cent. The seeds become rich brown in colour; their texture becomes
porous and crumbly under pressure. But the most important phenomenon of roasting is the
appearance of the characteristic aroma of coffee, which arises from very complex chemical
transformations within the beans. The coffee, on leaving the industrial toasters, is rapidly
cooled in a vat where it is stirred and subjected to cold air propelled by a blower. Good
quality coffees are then sorted by electronic sorters to eliminate the seeds that roasted badly.
The presence of seeds which are either too light or too dark depreciates the quality.
Q10) Write a paragraph of about 150 words, on any one of the following topic: (5)
1) My views on leadership.
2) A day spent amidst nature.
3) Student life
4) Gadgets and Us!

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