Download JNTUA MCA 2014 Aug Supple 1st Sem 9FHS103 Accounting And Financial Management Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MCA (Master of Computer Applications) 2014 August Supplementary 1st Sem 9FHS103 Accounting And Financial Management Question Paper

Code: 9FHS103
MCA I Semester Supplementary Examinations August 2014
(For students admitted in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Define accounting and give the main attributes of accounting.
Explain the main objectives and functions of accounting.

2. ?Accounting equation is true under all circumstances?. Justify this statement with the
help of five illustrations.

3. Define operating and financial leverage. How can you measure the degree of operating
and financial leverage? Illustrate with an example.

4. Distinguish between the weighted average cost of capital and the marginal cost of
capital. Which one should be used in capital budgeting and valuation of the firm? Why?

5. With the help of the following ratio?s regarding Sarath & Company, draw the balance
sheet of the company for the year 2007.
Current ratio 2.5
Liquidity ratio 1.5
Networking capital ? 3,00,000
Stock turnover ratio 6 times
Gross profit ratio 20%
Fixed assets turnover ratio 2 times
Debt collection period 2 months
Fixed assets to shareholders net worth 0.80
Reserves and surplus to capital 0.50

6. Explain the role of non - current assets and non - current liabilities in the generation of

7. In 2006, Srikanth Ltd., sold its products worth Rs 40 lakhs and made a profit of Rs 4
lakhs. But in 2007, the sales dipped to Rs 30 lakhs due to competition in the market
and the profit is reduced to 3 lakhs. Calculate break even points and profit volume
ratios in 2006 and 2007.

8. Under what circumstances do the net present value and internal rate of return methods
differ? Which method would you prefer and why?
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 28 July 2020