Download AKTU B-Tech 3rd Sem 2018-2019 Network Analysis And Synthesis Ree 305 Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 3rd Semester (Third Semester) 2018-2019 Network Analysis And Synthesis Ree 305 Question Paper

Printed Pa cs: 02 . . Sub Code: REE305
Paperld:l 120305 1 RonNo.|_j ] [J l l l [Li
B. TECH. -
Time: 3 Hours T otal Marks: 70
Note: ]. Attempt all Sections. lfrequire any missing data; then choose suitably.
l. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
:1) explain continuous and discrete time signals
b) obtain the Laplace transform ofe"?1:0314?t, 9 being a constant.
c) Explain the necessary 1:011ditions for transfer function.
d) Write the applications of bode plot.
6) explain the parameters oftwo port network
1) What is Hurwitz polynomial
g) explain the characteristics of. positive real functions (PRF).
2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3= 21
a) Distinguish between the mesh current analysis arid node voltage analysis.
b) Explain the following: linear and nonlinear cirCuits, active and passive circuits.
0) State and prove maximum power transfer theorem with example.
d) Check the stability criteria of the followmg polynomial by applying Routh?-
Hurwitz c1iterion: P(s)? ? s4 + 253 + 452 + 125 + 10
e) An admittance function IS given a?s Y(s)=? (452 + 65) /(s+l) realizes the network.
3. Attempt any one part Of the following: , ii 7 x 1= 7
3) Explain the temis: deterministic and random sig11als,powe1. and energy signals.
b) Write the characteristics oftest signals and also draw its Waveform.
4. Attempt any one part of the following: 71 I 7 x l = 7
:1) Obtain h parameters in terms of z paramete1s fmf two port networks.
b) Explain the term: Butterwmth ?lter, ba11d :stop ?lter, band pass ?lter.
5. Attempt any one part of the following i 7 x 1? -? 7
a) Check whether a polynomial expressed as: P(s)= s3 + 652 + 11s + 6 1s Hurwitz or
b) Check the positive Iealness ()f'the function: F(s .)= (sz+l05+4)/(s+2)
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) Draw the bode plot of the following transfer function having unity feedback
G(s) = l/s(i+s) (
b) Draw the oriented graph of the network shown in ?gure and write the incidence

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) Find the current through 10 resistor shown in ?gure using Thcvenin?s method
b) F ind poles and zeroes of following transfer ???lj??:
N(s) = (5+1) / (52 +25 +2) ? ?

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020