Download AKTU B-Tech 3rd Sem 2015-2016 EEC 303 Electromagnetic Field Theory Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 3rd Semester (Third Semester) 2015-2016 EEC 303 Electromagnetic Field Theory Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 - 594 EEC-303
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Book)
Roll No.
[Time:3 hours] ' [Total Marks: 100]
1. , Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer of each part in short. (10x2=20)
(a) State the conditions for a ?eld to be solenoidal
and irrotationa].
(b) Transform the point P (-2, 6, 3) in spherical
coordinate system.
(c) What are the various types of charge distribution?
Give an example for each.
((1) State the applicatiion of Gauss?s law.
(e) Give any one dissimilarity between electric and
magnetic circuits.
2850 (1) P.T.O.

Attempt any ?ve questions from this section.
(f) Distinguish between solenoid and toroid.
(g) Define Poynting vector and State Poynting
(h) What is skin effect?
(i) How to avoid the ?equency distortiion that occurs
in the line?
(i) What is Impedance matching?
State and explain Maxwell?s equations. Discuss its
physical signi?cance. ' '
Enlist the properties of conductors, dielectrics and
semiconductor and obtain an expression for continuity
current relation.
State the divergence theorem. Determine the ?ux of
D = p?2 cos2 ??p + Z sin?5, over the closed surface
of Cylinder 0 s z s l, p = 4. Verify the divergence
theorem for this case. '
(2) 13130-303
A ?_._v...\,._..~_._... ~ t,? . . U-? .A
Write the Laplacian equation in all three coordinate
system. Find the potential function and electric ?eld
intensity for the region between two concentric right
circular cylinder where V=Vo at r=a and V=0 at r=b
Derive the expression for inductance per unit length of
co-axial conductor. A current ?lament of 2.5 A is placed
along 2 axis and current in the directiion of at. then
calculate the magnetic ?ux crossing the portion of plane
de?nedby ?=%,0.0lsrs 0.05 and ogzgzm.
Derive the expression of re?ection and transmission
. ' coef?cients. Derive the relation between two.
A distortion less line has Z0 = 609,01 = 20mNp / m,
u=0.6c, where?c is the speed of light in vacuum. Find R,
L,G, C and ,1 at 100 MHz.
A 30m long transmission line with Zn: 500hms operating
at 2 MHz is terminated with a load ZL=6O+j400hms. If
the velocity of the wave v=0.6c on the line, ,?nd the
re?ection coef?cient?l? standing wave ratio and input
(3) P.T.O.

Attempt any two questions from this section. (2x15=30)
Discuss the solution of plane wave equation in
conducting media (Lossy Dielectric). Derive the above
up to propagation constant, attenuation constant and
phase constant.
De?ne displacement and conduction current densities.
Derive the boundary conditions' between
dielectric (?r1)_ dielectric (5,2) interfaces.
De?ne transmission loss, re?ection loss and return loss.
The 600 ohms lossless transmission line is feeded by
50 ohms generator. If the line is 200m long arid
terminated by load 500 ohms. Determine in dB (i)
re?ection loss, (ii) transmission loss, and (iii) return
(4) EEC-303

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020