Download AKTU B-Tech 8th Sem 2015-16 EME 801 Power Plant Engineering Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 8th Semester (Eight Semester) 2015-16 EME 801 Power Plant Engineering Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 EME-801
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
RollNoJ l | LI [7 l lj
Theory Examination (Semester-VIII) 2015-16
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
1. Attempt all parts. (2XIO=20)
(a) Mention any two drawbacks of a stationary gas
turbine power plant for generation of electricity.
(b) What are the applications of diesel engine power
(c) Why is the maximum cycle temperature of gas
turbine plant much lower than that of diesel power
((1) What are the methods used in ash handling system?
(c) What is the mechanism of pulverized fuel ?ring
(I) What are the advantages of nuclear power plant?
(g) What do you understand by moderation?
(1) P.T.O.

Attempt any ?ve parts of the following.
What are the components present in the diesel elec-
tric power plants ? 5\
What is the components used in fuel injection
system of a diesel power station?
Mention the various processes of the Brayton cycle.
A steam boiler generates steam at 30baI, 300?C at
the rate of 2kg/s. This steam is expahded
isentropically in a turbine to a consider pressure of
0.05bar, condensed at constant pressure and pumped
back to boiler.
i. Draw the schematic arrangement of the above
plant and T-s diagram of Rankine Cycle.
ii. Find heat supplied in the boiler per hour
iii. Detenm'ne the quality of steam a?er expansion.
iv. What is the power generated by the turbine?
v. Estimate the Ranking efficiency considering
pump work.
Explain the principle involved in preparation of coal
and what are the methods of preparation?
A power station has two 60MW units each running
for 1500hours a year. The energy produced per year
is 700 x 106 kW-hr. Calculate the plant load factor
and plant use factor. -
A petrol engine uses a fuel of CV 43963 kJ/kg the
compression and expansion curves follow the law
PV l-35=Const. at 25% and 75% of compression stroke
the pressure are 1.96 bar and 5.54 bar the relative
ef?ciency and mechanical e?iciency of the engine
may be taken as 48% and 78% ?nd the speci?c ?iel
consumption based on Brake Power.
A reversible engine receives heat from two constant
temperature source at 1000K And 600 K. It rejects
3500KJ/Min to a sink at 340K. The Engine develops
85KW.Determine heat supplied by each source and
the efficiency.
Enlist various method to control the nuclear pollution?
Explain any one?
What is pre-ignition? What are the disadvantages of
pre ignition?
Sketch the Brayton cycle. Air enters the compressor
of the cycle at 1 bar and 25? C. Pressure after
compression is 3 bar. Temperature at turbine inlet is
650? C. Determine per kg of air the
i. cycle ef?ciency
(3) P.T.O.

ii. heat supplied to air
iii." IIWOrk available
iv. heat rejected in the cooler
v. Temperature of air leaving the turbine.
Note: Attempt any two parts of the following. (ISXZ=30)
What are the elements which contribute to the cost of the
electricity? And how can the cost of power generation be
Explain the term unit power, unit speed and unit discharge
with reference to a turbine. What is the Function of dra?
tube in turbines and the various types of dra? tubes?
Consider a stationary power plant operating on an ideal
Brayton cycle. The pressure ratio of the cycle is 8 and the
gas temperature at the compressor inlet and turbine inlet
are 27? C & 10270 C respectively. Determine the following:
i. Gas temperature at the compressor and turbine exit
ii. Back work ratio
iii. Thermal ef?ciency.
Assume pr1 = 1.386 and pr3 = 330.9. Where, pr is the relative

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020