Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech 4th Semester 2381 Software Engineering Question Paper

Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 4th Semester 2381 Software Engineering Question Paper

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[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]
Sr. No. onuestion Paper : 2381 F?4 Your Roll No ................
Unique Paper Code : 2341402
Name of the Course : B.Tech Computer Science
Name of the Paper : Software Engineering
Semester : IV
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates *
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
The paper has two sections.
All questions in ?Section A? are compulsory.
Attempt any four questions from ?Section B?.
Parts of a question must be answered together.
(i) Comment on the statement ?Software does not wear out. Justify your answer
by explaining bathtub failure curve for software. (3)
(ii) Explain any three umbrella activities used in Software development
Process. (3)
(iii) What is the signi?cance of creating a risk table ? (2)
(iv) What are disadvantages of waterfall model ? (3)
(v) Explain any three agility principles. (3)
(vi) Differentiate between functional abstraction and data abstraction. (3) ?
(vii) What are the factors effecting coupling ? (3)

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(viii) Differentiate between private and public metrics. (3)
(ix) Explain any three components of an SRS ? (3)
(x) Explain the drawbacks of both LOC and PP (Function Point) used as an
estimation variables. (3)
(xi) Explain regression testing. (3)
(xii) What is risk exposure ? How is Risk Exposure determined ? (3)
2. (3) Explain spiral model With suitable diagram suggested by Boehm. What is the
signi?cance of anchor point milestones ? (5)
(b) What are various generic process framework activities that are applicable to
vast majority of software proj ects ? (5)
3. Create context level and level 1 DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and its associated
data dictionary of a system that generates paycheck considering the following
' The basic input is the weekly timesheet
? The sOurce for the input is a worker
? The basic output is the paycheck
0 The sink for the output is also a worker
? Procedure:
0 In this system, ?rst the employee?s record is ietrieved, using the
employee ID, 'which is contained in the timesheet.
0 From the employee record, the rate of payment and overtime are
0 These rates, and the regular and overtime hours are used to compute
the pay. ' ' '
0 After the total pay is determined, taxes are deducted.

0 To compute the tax deduction, information from the tax rate ?le is
0 The amount of tax deducted is recorded in the employee and company
0 Finally, the paycheck is issued for the net pay.
0 The amount paid is also recorded in the company records.
Create a ?ow graph to ?nd the cyclomatic complexity of the following code.
Also show all the independent paths and regions :
1. Begin
2. i = 0; n=4;
3. while(i4. j?-i + 1;
5. while (i 6. if A[i]7. swap(A[i], Am);
8. end do;
9. i=i+l;
10. end do;
11. End (6)
Explain how maintainability and integrity of the so?ware are used as a measure
of software quality. ' (4)
Compute Function Point value for a proj ect with the following information
domain characteristics :

Measurement Parametels (bunt Weighing factors
? Low Average High
Number of user inputs 30 3 4 6
Number of user outputs 51 4 5 7
Number of user inquiries 24 3 4 6
Number of ?les 6 7 10 15
Number of external interfaces 3 5 7 10
Assume the measurement parameters equally divided among low, average
and high complexity. Further, assume that the complexity adjustment value is
1.05. (6)
Explain the cost impact of the software defects using Defect Ampli?cation
model. . 7 (4)
Differentiate between the following :
Alpha testing and Beta Testing
Cohesion and Coupling
Reactive and Proactive risk strategies
Analysis and Design Model (10)
De?ne Unit Testing. Explain any three considerations of unit testing. (4)
Use the COCOMO II model to estimate effort required to build software
that produces 12 screens and 10 reports, and will require approximately
80 software components. Assume average complexity (screen-Z, reports-S)
. and average developer/environment maturity as 13. Use the application
composition model with object points. (6)

This post was last modified on 31 January 2020