Download OU B.Pharma 1st Year 2014 7203 Pharmaceutics I Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2014 7203 Pharmaceutics I Previous Question Paper

Code No. 7203 / M
B. Pharmacy I  Year (Main) Examination, June 2014
Subject : Pharmaceutics - I (General and Dispensing Pharmacy)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Write about the registration procedure for a pharmacist. 7
b) Write a note on pharmacy as career. 7
c) If the adult dose of a drug is 500 mg. Calculate the dose of the drug for children of
6 years age. 6
d) Write about the method of allegation in with two examples. 8
2 a) Define prescription? Write about the parts of prescription with the diagram of a
label. 8
b) Write a note on containers and closures for different dispensing products. 6
c) Define the following dispensing products
i) Irrigations ii) Draughts iii) Collodions iv) Poultices 14
v) Elixirs vi) Lozenges vii) Liniments
3 a) Write the principle and procedure for the preparation of the following : 14
i) Simple syrupI.P. ii) Calamine lotion
iii) Liquid paraffin emulsion iv) Paracetamol elixir
b) Distinguish between the following : 14
i) Aromatic waters Vs Spirits ii) Solutions Vs Mixtures
iii) Elixirs Vs Syrups iv) Throat paints Vs Gargles
4 a) Write about the different bases of ointments with their advantages and limitations? 10
b) Identify the type of incompatibility in the following prescription and add a note on
rectification? 4
Arachil oil - 20 ml
Water upto - 100 ml
Make a mixture
c) Define displacement value? Calculate the displacement value of a drug at 40% in
the total of 1 g. (Prepare 6 suppositories each of 1 g containing 40% of drug). 7
d) Write about the preparation of the following : 7
i) Effervescent granules ii) Cold cream
5 a) Discuss about the percolation process for extraction with suitable examples. 10
b) Define the following : 4
i) Digestion ii) Decoction iii) Tincture iv) Infusion
c) Discuss in detail about the diagnostic uses of radio pharmaceuticals. 14
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