Download MBBS UHS Lahore 2nd Year Forensic Medicine MCQ Question Paper

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) UHS Lahore (University of Health Sciences Lahore) 2nd Year Forensic Medicine MCQ Previous Year Question Paper



Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

(Multiple Choice Questions)


A surgeon under the effect of Alcohol performed laparotomy operation of a

female patient. During the operation she was quite wreckless. As a result of

this death of the patient occurred. The surgeon is guilty of:

a) Civil medical negligence.

b) Criminal medical negligence.

c) Ethical malpraxis.

d) Therapeutic misadventure.

e) Contributory medical negligence.


Death of a person occurred when he was hit by revolver bullet. On

postmortem examination there was deposit of soot around the entry

wound. Tattooing was spread over a large area. The skin was not burnt and

hair was not singed. The approximate distance of fire is:

a) Firm contact.

b) 6 Inches.

c) 1-2 feet.

d) 6-8 feet.

e) 15-20 feet.


A fully conscious person reported to the emergency room of a Tertiary care

hospital. He sustained injury on the head during a fight. There was a boggy

swelling measuring 6 x 4cm on the right parietal area. On X-ray

examination there was fracture of parietal bone without displacement of

the ends. The nature of injury is:

a) Shajjah Khafifah.

b) Shajjah munaqillah.

c) Shajjah Damigah.

d) Shajjah Hashimah.

e) Shajjah Ammah.


The dead body is lying on autopsy table. There is leathery, fine, tenacious,

persistent froth at mouth and nostrils. The death is due to:

a) Opium poisoning.

b) Barbiturate poisoning.

c) Throttling.

d) Drowning.

e) Traumatic Asphyxia.


Death of a person occurred due to multiple bullets hitting the head. The

skull and brain are shattered. Brain matter is coming out. There is no injury

on any other part of the body for determination of cause of death. What will

you do?

a) No need to do further examination.

b) Only cranial cavity to be opened.

c) Cranial and chest cavity to be opened.

d) Cranial and abdominal cavity to be opened.

e) Cranial, thoracic and abdominal all to be opened.


The drug which is said to reduce appetite and fatigue; is commonly used as

Aphrodisiac; its addicts use it as a Snuff and feel as if insects are creeping

on the skin. The drug is:

a) Cannabis indica.

b) Amphetamine.

c) L.S.D.

d) Cocaine.

e) Aspirin.


Salt solution is used as an emetic in cases of poisoning. Its overdosage in a

child can cause damage to:

a) Liver.

b) Heart.

c) Kidney.

d) Brain.

e) Pancreas.


A person after ingesting a toxic agent is in a state of Narcosis. The pupils

are contracted. However, on pinching the neck the pupils dilate initially and

slowly return to their original size. The toxic agent is:

a) Barbiturate.

b) Alcohol.

c) Strychnine.

d) Organophosphate.

e) Carbolic acid.


The person is being examined for age certification. On examination of X-ray

skull the closure of the saggital suture has started. The approximate age is:

a) 20-25 years.

b) 25-30 years.

c) 30-35 years.

d) 40-45 years.

e) 45-50 years.

Q.10 The findings on the neck area are extensive laceration of neck structure,

tears in sternomastoid and facture dislocation of C2-C3 vertebrae. These

findings are present in:

a) Accidental hanging.

b) Autoerotic hanging.

c) Incomplete hanging.

d) Suicidal hanging.

e) Judicial hanging.

This post was last modified on 04 December 2021