Download KUHS MBBS 2nd Year Pathology Syllabus

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year Pathology Syllabus

Short answer questions (10 X2) = 20 marks
Total =
40 marks
Microbiology Paper II ? Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Clinical Microbiology
Structured Essay = 10 marks
Short Essays (2 X5) = 10 marks
Short answer questions (10 X2) = 20 marks
Total =
40 marks
Total marks (40 + 40) = 80 marks
Internal assessment = 15 marks
Viva voce = 15 marks
Total for theory = 110 marks
(Duplication of the questions should be avoided)
Internal assessment -15 marks. University ?25 marks
University Practical -Exercises
1. Gram staining (Clinical material) ? 5marks
2. AFB staining (Clinical Material) ? 5 marks
3. Applied microbiology ? 5 marks
4. Spotters-10 numbers ? 10 marks (preferably OSPE)
2 minutes for each spotter, 2-4 sub questions with each spotter.
(2 Mycology, 3 Parasitology, 2 General Bacteriology, 2
Virology/Immunology & 1 Clinical Bacteriology)
The broad goal of teaching undergraduates Pathology is to impart the knowledge
skills and attitudes in the learner to understand the etiopathogenesis, morphology and
pathological concepts related to various common diseases.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, the learner shall be able to:
1. Know the principles of collection, handling, storage and dispatch of clinical samples
from patient, in a proper manner.
2. Perform and interpret in a proper manner the basic clinico-pathological procedures.
3. Have an understanding of the common hematological disorders and the
investigations necessary to diagnose them and determine their prognosis.
4.Understand the concept of cell injury, the change produced thereby, in different tissues
and organs and the body capacity for healing.

5. Understand normal haemostatic mechanism, the derangements of these mechanisms
and the effect on human system.
6.Understand the etiopathogenesis, the pathological effects, and the clinico pathological
of common infectious and non-infectious diseases.
7. Understand the concept of neoplasia with respect to etiology, gross and microscopic
features, diagnosis and prognosis of neoplasia in different tissues and organs of the body.
8. Correlate normal and altered morphology (gross and microscopy) of different organ
systems in
different diseases to the extent needed for understanding of the disease processes and
their clinical significance.
9. Have knowledge of common immunological disorders and their effects on human body.
Course content
1. Cell injury-

? Cause and mechanism: Ischemic, Toxic injury and Apoptosis
? Reversible cell injury: Types morphology, hyaline, fatty change
? Irreversible cell injury: Types of necrosis, gangrene
? Calcification: Dystrophic and Metastatic calcification
2. Inflammation and repair


? Acute inflammation: features, causes, vascular and cellular events.
? Morphological variants of acute inflammation
? Inflammatory cells and mediators
? Chronic inflammation: causes, types, non ? specific and granulomatous with
common examples
? Wound healing by primary and secondary union, factors promoting and delaying the
process and complications.
3. Immunopathology

5Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
? Immunopathology: organization, cells, antibodies and regulations of immune responses
? Hypersensitivity: types and examples, antibody and cell mediated
? Tissue injury with examples.
? Autoimmune disorders like Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
? Organ transplantation: immunological basis of rejection and graft versus host reaction.
? Amyloidosis, classification, Pathogenesis, morphology.
? HIV-AIDS, etiology, modes of transmission, pathogenesis, pathology,
complications, diagnostic procedures and handling of infected materials and health
4. Infectious diseases

5Hrs lecture +4hrs symposia
? Mycobacterial diseases: tuberculosis and leprosy
? Bacterial diseases: Pyogenic infections, typhoid, diphtheria, gram ?ve infections,
bacillary dysentery, syphilis
? Viral: polio, herpes, rabies, measles: Rickettsial and Chlamydial infections

? Fungal diseases and opportunistic infections
? Parasitic diseases: malaria, filariasis, amoebiasis, Kala azar, cysticercosis, hydatid disease
5. Circulatory disturbances

5Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
? Oedema: pathogenesis and types
? Chronic venous congestion: lung, liver, spleen
? Thrombosis and embolism: formation, fate and effects
? Infarction: types, common sites, gangrene
? Shock: pathogenesis, types, morphological changes
6. Growth disturbances

7Hrs lecture
? Atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, Metaplasia, malformation, agenesis, dysplasia
? Neoplasia: causes, classification, histogenesis, biological behavior, benign and
malignant, carcinoma and sarcoma
? Malignant neoplasia: grades and stages, local and distant spread
? Carcinogenesis: Environmental carcinogen, chemical, viral, occupational, hereditary
and basics of molecular basis of cancer.
? Tumor and host interaction: systemic effects including para neoplastic syndrome,
tumor immunology.
? Premalignant lesions
? Laboratory diagnosis: cytology, biopsy, tumor markers
? Tumors and tumor like conditions of soft tissues.
7. Miscellaneous disorders 4Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
Autosomal and sex-linked disorders with examples. Genetics-cytogenetics, molecular
genetics, non-Mendelian disorders (details of diseases not needed ?only inheritance
pattern) ? lysosomal storage diseases
? Protein energy malnutrition and vitamin deficiency disorders
? Disorders of pigments and mineral metabolism such as bilirubin, melanin, haemosiderin.
? Environmental pathology ? pathology of radiation injury and pollution injury (air and food)
8. Haematopathology 15Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia (Symposia for WBC disorders)
? Anaemia: classification and clinical features
? Nutritional anemia: Iron deficiency, folic acid/vit B12 deficiency anaemia including
pernicious anemia
? Hemolytic anaemia: classification and investigation
? Hereditary hemolytic anaemia; thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, hereditary
spherocytosis and G 6 P D deficiency.
? Acquired Hemolytic anemia: malaria, Kala Azar, autoimmune, alloimmune, drug
induced, microangiopathic
? Haemostatic disorders: platelet deficiency, ITP, drug induced, secondary
? Coagulopathies: coagulation factor deficiency, hemophilia, DIC and anticoagulant control
? Leucocytic disorders: Leucocytosis, leucopoenia, leukemoid reaction.

? Acute and chronic leukemia : classification and diagnosis
? Multiple myeloma and dysproteinemias
? Blood transfusion: grouping and cross matching untoward reactions, transmissible
infections including HIV and hepatitis. Blood components
? Myelodysplastic syndrome
? Myeloproliferative disorders: polycythemia, myelofibrosis
9. Cardiovascular Pathology

5Hrs lecture +4hrs symposia
? Acute rheumatic fever: etiopathogenesis and morphological changes and
complications including rheumatic heart disease.
? Infective endocarditis: etiopathogenesis and morphological changes and complications.
? Atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease: myocardial infarction
? Hypertension (pathology in various organs including kidney) and hypertensive heart
? Myocarditis
? Pericarditis
? Cardiomyopathy
? Vasculitis, aneurysm
10. Respiratory pathology

5Hrs lecture +2 hrs symposia
? Structure of bronchial tree and alveolar walls, normal and altered Inflammatory
disease of bronchi: chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis
? Pneumonias: lobar, broncho, interstitial
? Lung abscess: etiopathogenesis and morphology and complications
? Pulmonary tuberculosis: primary and secondary, morphologic types including pleuritis
? Concepts of obstructive and restrictive lung disorders ? chronic bronchitis
emphysema, Asthma.
? Emphysema: type and pathogenesis.
? Occupational lung disorders: anthracosis, silicosis, asbestosis, mesothelioma.
? Atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease.
? Tumors: Epithelial Malignant Neoplasia of Lung, Etiopathogenesis
? Nasopharyngeal and laryngeal tumors
11. Renal & Urinary tract Pathology
3Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
? Basics of impaired function and urinalysis
? Glomerulonephritis: classification, primary Proliferative and non-proliferative,
secondary (SLE, polyarteritis, Amyloidosis, diabetes)
? Clinical presentation of renal disorders including nephritic, nephrotic syndrome, nephritic-
nephrotic syndrome, acute renal failure, recurrent hematuria, CRF
Morphology of MCD, FSGS, membranous and membranoproliferative GN
? Acute renal failure: acute tubular and cortical necrosis
? Pyelonephritis, reflux nephropathy, interstitial nephrititis
? Nephrolithiasis and obstructive nephropathy
? Renal malformations (including dysplastic kidney) and polycystic kidney

? Renal cell tumors: renal cell carcinoma, nephroblastoma.
? Progressive renal failure and end stage renal disease
? Renal vascular disorders
? Urinary bladder: cystitis, carcinoma
? Urinary tract tuberculosis
12. Pathology of Gastrointestinal tract 6Hrs lecture +4hrs symposia
? Oral pathology: leukoplakia, carcinoma oral cavity and carcinoma esophagus
? Peptic ulcer: etiopathogenesis and complications, gastritis types
? Tumors of stomach: benign, polyp, leiomyoma, adenocarcinoma, other gastric tumors.
? Inflammatory disease of small intestine: typhoid, tuberculosis, Crohn's disease,
? Inflammatory disease of large intestine: amoebic colitis, bacillary dysentery,
ulcerative colitis
? Large and small intestine tumors: polyps, carcinoid, carcinoma, lymphoma
? Pancreatitis
? Salivary gland tumors
? Ischemic and pseudomembranous enterocolitis, diverticulitis
? Malabsorption ? celiac disease, tropical sprue and other causes
? Pancreatic tumors: endocrine, exocrine and periampullary
13. Liver and Bilary tract pathology 5Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
? Jaundice: types, etiopathogenesis and differentiation
? Hepatitis: acute and chronic, etiology, pathogenesis and pathology
? Cirrhosis: etiology, classification, pathology, complications
? Portal hypertension: types and manifestation
? Diseases of gall bladder: cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, carcinoma
? Tumors of liver: hepatocellular carcinoma, Metastatic tumours, tumor markers
14. Lymphoreticular System

3Hrs lecture
? Lymphadenitis: non ? specific, granulomatous
? Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: classification, morphology
? Hodgkin's lymphoma: classification, morphology
? Thymus-hyperplasia (myasthenia gravis), thymomas
? Diseases of spleen: congestive splenomegaly and infarction spleen.
Hypersplenism. Conditions producing rupture spleen, involvement in storage
15. Reproductive system
6Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
? Disease of cervix: cervicitis, cervical carcinoma, etiology, cytological diagnosis
? Hormonal influences of different phases of menstrual cycle and the abnormality
associated with it.
? Diseases of uterus: endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma, adenomyosis, smooth
muscle tumors

? Trophoblastic disease: hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma
? Diseases of breast: mastitis, abscess, fibrocystic disease Neoplastic lesions:
fibroadenoma, carcinoma, phylloides
? Prostate: nodular hyperplasia, carcinoma
? Ovarian and testicular tumors
? Carcinoma of penis
? Pelvic inflammatory disease including salpingitis
? Genital tuberculosis.
16. Osteopathology

2Hrs lecture
? Osteomyelitis: acute, chronic, tuberculosis
? Metabolic diseases: rickets/osteomalacia, osteoporosis, hyper parathyroidism
? Neoplasms: osteosarcoma, osteoclastoma, Ewing's sarcoma, chondro sarcoma and
metastatic tumours
? Arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and tuberculous arthritis.
17. Endocrine Pathology
? Diabetes mellitus: types, pathogenesis, pathological changes in adrenals, kidney and
other organs.
? Non neoplastic lesion of thyroid: Iodine deficiency goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis,
thyrotoxicosis, myxedema
? Tumors of thyroid: follicular adenoma. Carcinomas: papillary, follicular, medullary,
Lymphoma of thyroid
? Adrenal diseases: cortical hyperplasia, atrophy, tuberculosis, tumors of cortex and medulla
? Parathyroid hyperplasia and tumors
18. Neuropathology

1 Hours
? Inflammatory disorders: pyogenic and tuberculous meningitis, brain abscess, tuberculoma
? WHO classification of brain tumors
? CNS tumors ? primary-glioma and meningioma and Metastatic tumous, schwannoma
and neurofibroma
? CSF and its disturbances: cerebral edema, raised intracranial pressure
? Cerebrovascular disease: atherosclerosis, thrombosis, embolism, aneurysm, hypoxia,
infarction and hemorrhage.
? Degenerative diseases: Alzheimer's disease and parkinsonism
? Retinoblastoma and malignant melanoma choroid
19. Dermato-pathology
2 Hours
? Skin tumors: squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.
? Inflammatory dermatoses of skin ?psoriasis, lichen planus, bullous diseases

Examinations Skills
The students should be trained to perform independently the following
1. Be able to collect, store and transport Materials for various pathological tests
Including histopathology, Cytopathology, Clinical pathology, hematology and
2. Interpret abnormal laboratory values of Common diseases
3. Do complete urine examination including Microcopy
Do/ perform and interpret haemoglobin estimation, TLC, DLC, ESR, PCV, blood smear
preparation (thick and thin) and staining. Reporting peripheral smears
4. Do blood grouping
5. Adapt universal precautions for self-Protection against HIV and hepatitis
One ? third of allotted practical hours to be devoted to
a. Performing a complete urine examination and detecting abnormalities and correlating
with pathological changes.
b. To performs with accuracy and reliability basic hematological estimations: TLC, ES
R, PCV, DLC, peripheral smear, staining, reporting along with history.
One third of allotted practical hours to be devoted to
a. Identify and interpret gross and microscopic features of acute inflammations in
organs such as appendix, lungs, meninges,
b. Cellular components of chronic and granulomatous
inflammation, c. Granulation tissue, callous
d. Typhoid, tuberculosis, amoebic ulcers in intestine
e. Rhinosporidiosis, actinomycosis, malaria, kala-azar, filaria
f. Amoebic liver abscess, malaria liver and spleen, filarial lymphadenitis, cysticercosis
g. Fatty liver, Amyloidosis of spleen, kidney and liver
h. Types of necrosis : caseous, coagulative, liquifactive
i. Identify and interpret gross and microscopic features of organs in commonly
occurring neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases
j. Study cytology slides-fibroadenoma,squamous cell carcinoma,granuloma,
Adenocarcinoma in fluid, papillary carcinoma thyroid
One third of allotted practical hours to be devoted to
a. Discussion of case studies -clinical, gross and microscopic features and other

parameters wherever applicable -to learn clinicopathological correlations inclusive of
autopsy studies and cytology slides / cases.
Clinicopathology posting Clinical pathology for two weeks may be taken from the
dept.willing to provide slots/can be arranged by reallocating the timings of theory classes
and it may be done at the level of individual Institutions in accordance with the
availability of slotsin various departments.
a. Rheumatic heart disease
b. Ischemic heart disease
c. Hypertension and Hypertensive disease
d. Tuberculosis lung
e. Nephrotic syndrome
f. Inflammatory disease of small and large bowel
g. Cirrhosis
h. Metabolic bone disease
i. Diabetes mellitus
k. Iron deficiency anemia
l. Jaundice
m. Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Avian Flu, swine flu
n. CML, Hemolytic anemia ,deficiency anemia, Leukemia.
o. immunology
p. infectious diseases
q. clinical pathology(selected topics)
r. multi-dimentional pathophysiology of chronic diseases
A minimum of seven topics in the integrated teaching should be organized
with the help of medical education department and other clinical/nonclinical
? Structured interactive sessions
? Small group discussion
? Practical including demonstrations using micro image projection system.
? Problem based exercises
? Autopsy case studies
? Self learning tools
? Seminar and symposia

? E-modules (can be done by renovating part of museum as a digital lab)
? Text books
? Reference books
? Practical note books
? Internet resources


There should be regular formative assessment. In Formative assessment, day to day
performance should be given greater importance and forms the basis of internal
Internal assessment
The internal assessment marks for Pathology are 15 for Practical and 15 for Theory Since
the minimum percentage required for appearing for University exam is 35%, the total
minimum marks required for internal assessment would be 5.5 out of 15, There need to
be a separate minimum for Practical and Theory internal assessment. The total marks for
University exam in Pathology is 150 (Theory 80 (2 papers) + Viva 15 + Practical 25 +
internal assessment 30).
The pass has to be decided as follows:
1. Total aggregate marks should be 75 out of 150marks or more for pass.
2. Theory and Practical Internal assessment marks should be added to the marks
obtained in
3. Theory and Practical University exams respectively for deciding the pass
4. For Theory (80 + 15 viva+ 15 marks internal assessment = 110) the minimum for
pass should be 55marks.
5. For Practical (25 + 15 marks internal assessment = 40) the minimum for pass should
be 20marks.
If moderation is given (in the event of no double valuation) it should be added to
Theory marks only since the logic for moderation is ambiguity in question paper No
moderation need to be given for practical exam.
Before printing, question Paper scrutiny should be strictly enforced in University
exams since question papers shows many mistakes, which necessitates moderation
Marks for internal assessment
Theory - 15 marks (including viva)

Practical - 15 marks
One exam for theory at the end of each semester (viva to be conducted preferably
with each exam)
The last exam will be as per University exam pattern-theory, practical and viva
Internal assessment may be calculated as follows
Theory =15 marks (minimum 3 exams)
Final theory exam - 5marks
Best of other two exams - 5 marks
Seminar presentation/class tests - 2 marks
Viva - 3 marks
Practical = 15 marks
Records = 1 mark (Histopathology, clinical pathology and Autopsy/CPC records)
Records to be maintained and evaluated ? Histopathology record, clinical pathology
record, a common record of Post mortem findings in 10 cases and 5 clinicopathological
conferences Practical = 14 marks
The details of marking scheme for Pathology Practical would be
Internal Assessment exam
University exam marks
Pathology 20
(1 out of 6)
Blood grouping
Urine analysis
Spotters (20x3)
(20x3) 60
Records (4+3+3)
(HP + CLIP + Ax/
To be converted to

Marks for Record has to be added to Internal assessment in Practical only and not in
the University Practical since it will result in duplication.

University examinations
Marks break up are
Theory 80 marks
Theory internal assessment 15 marks
Viva 15 marks
Total for theory 110 marks
Practical 25 marks
Practical internal assessment 15 marks
Total for practical 40 marks
Grand total for Pathology 150 marks
Pattern of theory paper (University)
There will be 2 theory papers of 2 hours duration
The theory papers for University are Paper I 40 marks and Paper II 40 marks.
The content area would be Paper I =Clinical pathology (disease aspects of hematology
will be included in paper II only) + General Pathology Paper II = Systemic Pathology +
Detailed pattern of theory questions
Out of 40 marks for each paper the marking scheme would be
Answer in single sentence- (4x1/2) =2 marks
STRUCTURED(Case Study) ESSAY = 6 marks
Short answers questions(SAQ) 4x2
= 8 marks
= 8 marks
Write short notes on:
(4x4) =16 marks
Section A and B are needed in each paper only if there is no double valuation so

that each examiner can value one paper
If there is section A and Section B then the marking scheme for each paper will be as follows:
Paper I
Section A
Single word type
2 marks
Problem based structured essay
6 marks
SAQ-4 questions
8 marks
Short notes- 1 question
4 marks
Section B
8 marks
Paper II
Section A
Short notes
4 marks
Single word type
4 marks
Problem based structured essay
6 marks
SAQ-2 questions
6 marks
Section B
8 marks
essay SAQ-4questions
Practical-OSPE-(objective structured practical examination)
Total marks = 25 marks
No marks for records in the university practical
Practical marks to be split up as follows
Procedural stations =four =15 marks
Response stations/spotters=20 stations = 10
Procedure stations (15 minutes per station) (questions can be asked during the
Blood grouping
Urine analysis (including sediments demonstrated as charts)
Peripheral smear preparation (thick and thin) /staining / Hb estimation/TLC/ESR/PCV
Peripheral smear reporting (one out of 5)
Response station (spotters) (2minutes each=20 stations) (with questions)
Specimens-mounted and wet =7

Histopathology slides =6
Hematology slide =2(one bone marrow)
Cytology slide =1 (20% should be with Clinico patholologic correlation (CPC) i.e. 4 spotters in
Histogram interpretation =1
Interpretative clinical pathology charts with photos =1
Clinicopathological correlative exercise (specimens/slide combinations with clinical
history) =1 Instruments =1
Viva =15 marks
Total 4 stations for viva
Stations will be for Clinical pathology and hematology
General pathology
Systemic pathology I
Systemic pathology II
Pathophysiology of Pain
Practicals guidelines
The slides for histopathology will be divided into 30 for spotting and drawing in
records and 20 for demonstration in class.
There would be
For diagnosis/spotting
For demonstration
Acute Appendicitis
1 CVC Lung
Granulation tissue
2 CVC Liver
Calcinosis cutis
3 Filarial Lymph node
T.B. lymph adenitis
4 Infarction (Spleen/placenta)
Lepromatous Lepresy
5 Actinomycosis/Aspergillosis
6 Fatty liver
Capillary Haemangioma
7 Warthin's tumor
Cirrhosis Liver
8 Neurofibroma
9 Intradermal anevus

10 Leiomyoma
10 NHL
11 Fibroadenoma
11 HCC
12 Pleomorphic Adenoma
12 Cavernous Haemangioma
13 Schwanoma
13 Secretory endometrium
14 Osteochondroma
14 Adenoma thyroid
15 Malignant Melanoma skin
15 Molluscum contagiosom
16 Squamous cell carcinoma skin 16 Vesicular mole
17 BCC
17 Adenomyosis/endometriosis
18 Hodgkin's lymphoma
18 Mets lymphnode from SCC
19 MNG
19 Bronchopneumoma
20 Papillary carcinoma thyroid
20 Nephro blastoma
21 Hashimoto's thyroiditis
22 Giant cell Tumor bone
23 Osteosarcoma
24 Adenocarcinoma colon
25 Teratoma ovary
26 Infiltrating duct carcinoma
27 Renal cell carcinoma
28 Tuberculoid Leprosy
29 Atheroma aorta
30 Meningioma
History for Histopathology slides can be given by examiner for spotting.

The specimens for histopathology will be divided into 50 for spotting /diagnosis and 23 for
demonstration categories.
There would be
For spotting /
for demonstration
1. Chronic Gastric Ulcer
1. Gangrene intestine with round worms
2. Carcinoma Stomach with omental ? metastasis, cancer pain , Nociceptive. Neuropathic
pain , visceral pain
3 Lipomatous polyp intestine
4. Polyp small intestine
5 Typhoid ulcer intestine
6 Multiple Polyposis large intestine
7. Intussuception intestine
8 Gangrene intestine
9 Tuberculous ulcer intestine with stricture
10. Amoebic ulcer large intestine
11 Acute appendicitis
12. Carcinoma colon
1. Cirrhosis liver (Macronodular)
1. Fatty liver
2. Calculous cholecystitis
2. Amyloidosis liver
Amoebic liver
3. Calcifying Pancreatitis
3. abscess
4. CVC liver
5. Angioma liver
6. Hemochromatosis liver- Perls stain
1. CVC Spleen
2. Infarction Spleen
1. Carcinoma Cervix
2. Leiomyoma uterus
3. Benign cystic Teratoma ovary
4. Adenomyosis uterus
5.Adenocarcinoma uterus
6.Vesicular mole
7.Choriocarcinoma uterus

1. Carcinoma Penis
1. Fibro adenoma breast
2. Carcinoma breast
1. Retinoblastoma
2. Melanoma ? Eye
1. Fibrocaseous tuberculosis lung
2. Pulmonary artery embolism
3. Lung abscess
4. Bronchogenic Carcinom
5.Lobar pneumonia
6.Hydatid cyst lung
1. Atheroma aorta with thrombus
1. Aneurysm aorta
2. Fibrinous pericarditis
3. Mural Thrombus Heart
1. Caseating TB adenitis
2. Lymphoma
1. Multinodular goitre
2. Carcinoma thyroid
1. Pleomorphic adenoma
2. Diffuse colloid goiter
3. Hashimoto's thyroiditis
4. Adenoma thyroid
1. Sequestrum
1. Melanoma deposits
2. Osteochondroma
2. Malunion
3. Giant cell tumour bone
4. Osteogenic sarcoma

1. Suppurative Meningitis
1. Calcinosis Cutis
1. Filariasis skin
2. Lipoma
3. Squamous cell Carcinoma Foot
4. Basal Cell Carcinoma
5. Melanoma Foot
1. Renal Cell Carcinoma
2. Nephroblastoma
3. Carcinoma bladder
4. Hydronephrosis
5. Nephrolithiasis
The slides for hematology will be divided into 10 for spotting and 10 for demonstration.
They would be
For spotting
Lymphocytosis with atypical
4 Neutrophilia
5 Eosinophilia
Thalassemia with target cells
6 Megakaryocyte
Toxic granules
7 LE cell
Myeloperoxidase stain
8 Multiple myeloma
9 Normoblast
Sickle cells-Spotter
10 Malaria ? PV/PF
10 CLL
11 A plastic anaemia


Cytology slides (for spotting)
1. Fibroadenoma
2. Granulomatous reaction lymph node
3. Squamous cell carcinoma sputum
4. Cervical smear Invasive squamous cell carcinoma
5. Adenocarcinoma in body fluids
6. Papillary carcinoma thyroid
Recommended Textbooks
Pathologic Basis of Disease-Robbins and Cotran 7th edition
Text Book of Pathology-Harsh Mohan 6th edition
General and Systematic Pathology-5th edition-JCE Underwood
Haematology-G E De Gruchy
Text and Practical Haematology MBBS-Tejinder singh
Manual of Basic Techniques for Health laboratory-WHO
I. Goal:
The broad goal of teaching Pharmacology to undergraduates is
? To impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to the students so that they can prescribe drugs
safely, effectively and maintain competency in professional life.
? To inculcate in them a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics.
II. Educational Objectives. a)
At the end of the course, the learner shall be able to
? describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used
? list the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly
used drugs
? indicate the use of appropriate drug in a particular disease with consideration of its cost,
efficacy and safety for individual needs, and mass therapy under national health
? integrate the list the drugs of addiction and recommend the management
? classify environmental and occupational pollutants and state the management issues
? explain pharmacological basis of prescribing drugs in special medical situations such as
pregnancy, lactation, infancy, old age, renal and hepatic failure
? explain the concept of rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology with special focus
to usage of antimicrobial drugs.
? prescribe drugs for the control of fertility and be aware of the effects of drugs on the foetus.
? describe the clinical presentation and management of common poisoning including the
bites and stings.

This post was last modified on 06 August 2021