Download SGBAU BCA 2019 Summer 4th Sem Visual Basic Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 4th Sem Visual Basic Previous Question Paper

AVV?l 806
B.C.A. (Part?II) Scmcstcr?IV Examination
Time : Thrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks ; 60
NJ}. :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
l. (a)
2. (a)
3 (8)
4 (a)
5 (8)
6 (a)
7 ('d)
(2) Each question carries equal marks.
(3) Use suitable data wherever necessary.
Explain the IDE 01' Visual Basic. 6
What is Array ?.7 Explain the array in VB with suitable examples.
Explain :
(i) Label Control
(ii) Command Button
(iii) F orm Layout Window. , 6
Explain the concepts of cvcnt-driven programming. Write an example of an event
in VB. 6
What arc the common dialog controls 2? Write procedure to add common dialog control in
VB application. 6
What is class module in Visual Basic ? Explain. 6
What are the Windows common controls 7 Explain.
Write a procedure to create font dialog box.
Explain the following functions :
(i) lSNumber (, )
(ii) Val ( )
(m) ISDatc. 6
What is an lnputBox ( ) ? Write a program using InputBox ( ) function in Visual Basic.
Explain the private and public procedure with an example. 6
What is MsgBox ( ) ?2 Write a program to display message using MsgBox ( ) with "Yes? and
?No? button. 6
Explain acccssing the form collection using subscripts. 6
Explain the following terms :
(i) Count property
(ii) Uploading fmms. 6
YBC~ 15370 1 (Con:d.)

8. (a)
9 (a)
10. (a)
Explain the fnllcming 13111::
(i) Properties
(ii) Fvcms
(iii) Method.
l?lxplain the different funny;
Explain :
(i') prim ?1'
(ii) input ii
(iii) mm x:
v. ith print.
Write a VB pmgmn m rend and write data into random ?le.
0 R
Expain 111C lbllnwing ?le related commands :
(i) put#
(ii) gct ii
\VrLc a VB program to cop) the comm! 01? one ?le mm another ?le.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020