Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Food Science Food Preservation n Quality Control Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Food Science Food Preservation n Quality Control Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?Il) Semester-IV Examination
(Food Preservation & Quality Control)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum
Note :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw a neat diagram if necessary.
(A) Fill in the blanks :
(i) 'lhe Chemical name of vinegar is
(ii) Benzoic acid is a Class __ 7 Preservative.
(iii) The removal of water due to action of salt/sugar is know as __7
Marks : 80
(iv) Caustic soda is a name of 7 #___?_ cleaning agent.
(B) Match the pairs by selecting the correct alternative : 2
(i) ECA (a) System of quality management
(ii) HACCP (b) Arti?cial Sweetener
(iii) Saccharin (c) Packaging Material
(iv) Polyethylene terephthalate (d) Act of Indian Government
(C) Answer in one sentence : 4
(i) Which method of dehydration is used for preparation of Milk Powder ?
(ii) What is ?Gray?, the term related to irradiation ?
(iii) De?ne quality.
(iv) De?ne blanching.
Give an account of Food Spoilage, types and causes and common spoilage in basic
What is quality ? Explain the factors contributing to the quality.
(A) Enlist the various methods of Food preservation.
(B) What are the principles of Food Preservation '3 Explain its importance.
(C) Di?brentiate between Freezing and Refrigeration.
(P) Discuss the changes in Food during freezing.
(Q) Explain the mechanism of preservation by low temperature with examples.
(R) Explain freeze drying.
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Food Stuffs.

.1_ (A) Dc?nc drying. Explain the aduntagcs and disadvantages of sur drying. 4
(B) Explain spray dning with ?ow diagram 1 4
(C) What is sterilization ?? Di??crentiate with pasteurization. 4
(P) What is pasteurization " Give various methods. ?1
(Q) Explain canning. 4
(R) Explain the e?ects of high lumperature methods on food. 4
5. (A) Discuss the factors a??ccting thc e??ectix?encss of radiation. 4
(B) Explain the mechanism of presen'ation by salting & sugaring \xith examples. 4
(C) Explain smoking and acidi?cation as a method of food preservation. 4
(P) Explain the working of microwave oven. 4
(Q) Explain Class I prcsenmives
(R) Explain preservation by concentration. 4
6. (A) Explain the bene?ts of HACCP. 4
(B) What is ECA ? Explain the t-lause.
(C) What is Adulteration ?? Give the laws of Prevention.
(P) Discuss the simple methwds nl' detection of adultcration in milk and honey.
(Q) Give an account of Food Sal?sty. 4
(R) Give the principles of HACCP.
7. Discuss the functions and classi?cation of packaging. Discuss metal (IS a packaging material.
Give an account of importance of Food labelling with the mandatory labeling. 12
YBC?I 5299 7

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020