Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Seed Technology Seed Development Seed Physiology n Introduction To Plant Breeding Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Seed Technology Seed Development Seed Physiology n Introduction To Plant Breeding Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?I) Semestcr?I Examination
(Seed Development, Seed Physiology and Introduction to Plant Breeding)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :??(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat and well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks 2
(i) Seed with endosperm is known as 7_' 1/2
(ii) __ is the measure of the quality of seed and involves the viability of seed.
(iii) __7 is the mechanism to prevent germination during unsuitable ecological
conditions. 1/2
(iv) Fusion of male gametes with femal gametes is known as _ _ {/2
(B) Choose the correct alternative (MCQ) :
(v) __ is required by the germinating seed for mctabolism. V:
(a) Methane (b) Sulphur
(0) Oxygen (d) None of above
(vi) Pollinalion carried out by insect is known as : 1x":
(a) Anacmophily (h) Entomophily
(c) Hydrophin (d) Nonc of above
(vii) Meiosis is a process in which there is formation of _ _a haploid spores. 1/:
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four
(viii) Micropropagation was ?rst put forth by -_ in 1960 in Orchid. V:
(a) Flemming (b) Schenk
(c) Morel] (d) Hildrehrandt
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(ix) De?ne Autogamy. l
(x) De?ne apomixis. 1
(xi) De?ne fertilisation. 1
(xii) What is the use of electrophoresis ? l
2. Comment on :
(a) Texture of seed. 3
(b) Nuclear endosperm. 3
(c) IIarvcslable maturity of seeds. 3
(d) Sequcmial approach in testing. 3
YBC?15202 I (Could)

(p) Peroxidase test.
(q) Use of laboratory techniques.
(r) Electrophoresis.
(?s) Diauxic development of fruit.
Describe in detail factors affecting seed germination and its implications.
Explain :
(a) Chemical composition of sccd<.
(b) Seedling abnormalities in dicm cropv
Dcscribe in brief seed germination stimulators and inhibitms.
Explain :
(a) Seed dormancy and ecological implicalimls.
(b) Seed deterioration during storage.
Commcnt 0n :
(a) Seed longcvity.
(b) Seed pelleting.
(c) Signi?cmcc of micropropagation tcchniqucs.
(dv Arti?cial seed production.
([3) Seed vigour.
{q} Trcatmem to minimize sced ageing,
(1'! Problems of seed dormancy.
(5) Scope and limitations in micropropagalion Iechniqucsz.
Discuss : '
(a) Nature and scope of plant breeding.
(h) DL?S system.
(c) Structch 0f micrOSporangium.
(d) Development 01' female gamelophyte.
(p) Structure of A/Iegasporangium.
(q) Autogamy.
(r) Grow out test in cotton.
(.5) Objectives of plant brccding.
Explain :
(a) Bio-c'nemical basis 01' self incompatibility.
(b) Germination of pollen grain.
(c) Parts of plums used for propagalion.
(d) Double fertilisation.
(p) Utility of male sterility in hybrid sued production,
(q) Agencies for cross pollination.
(1') Structure of ?ower.
(3) Cytoplasmic sterility.
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