Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Botany Diversity n Applications Of Microbes n Cryptogams Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Botany Diversity n Applications Of Microbes n Cryptogams Previous Question Paper

'l?ime : Three Hours]
B.Sc. (Part-I) (Scmestcr?l) Examination
Diversity & Applications of Microbes and Cryptogams
[Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) There are seven questions in all.
1. (A)
(2) Q. No. l is compulsory and cam'cs 8 marks.
(3) Q. Nos. 2-7 carry equal marks.
(4) Draw ncat and well labelled diagrams whcrcvcr necessary
Fill in the blanks :
AW?l 626
(i) Microorganism which grows on dead and decaying organic matter is known as
(ii) The air bladders are present in __-___ algae.
(iii) White rust of crucifcr is caused by
(iv) Gemma cup is found in
Choose the correct alternatives (MCQ) :
(v) Malc Scx Organ in Chara is known as :
(a) Nuculc (b) Spcrmatium
(c) Globulc (d) (?Tarpogonium
(vi) Teleutospm'es in Puccinia arc _ ___
(a) Onc ccllcd (b) Two celled
(0) Three celled (d) Four celled ?
(vii)Thc spore producing organ in quiixcmm is :
(a) Spomcurp (b) Strobilus
(c) Synangium (d) Zoosporangium
(viii) AIDS disease is caused by .
(a) IIIV (b) TMV
(c) Bacteria (d) Fungi
Answer in one sentence :
(ix) What is Fertilization '.?
(x) Which Fungus causes Tikka Disease of Groundnut '3
(xi) What is I?rotostclc '?
(xii) What are lichens ?
2. Explain :
(a) General characters of Cryptogams.
(b) Structure of 'I?MV.
(0) Role of microbes in Agriculture.

(d) Cell structure uf Bacteria 4
(c) Autotmphic Bacteria 4
(0 Role of microbss in mcdlcinc. 4
3. Describe in detail sxruuurc of Thnllus and Asexual chroduction in ()cdogum?um? [2
Explain :
(g) Thallus structure in 5:12ch mu 6
(h) Sex Organs m (31mm 6
4. Explain :
(i) Sex Organs in Allmgn 4
0) 'I?ciial stage in l?uuinu. 4
(k) General characters of I'lcutcrvnn?culina 4
(I) Ascxual Reproduclion in .v1.s'/wrgi.?/us
(m) Urcdial stagc in Pucunfu
(n) Economic importuncc of lichens. 4
5. Explain :
(0) L5. 01'Anlhcridinphm'c 01? ,\/.Irclmnl."u 6
(p) LS. 0f Capsule in Fzmuria 6
(q) LS. 0f Amhcridiul bnmch in 1"unuria
(r) LS. Sporophvtc ul? ,Umclmnlia
6. Explain :
(s) 'l?ypcs 01' Siphonomqlc m Ptcridophytcs
(t) L.S. 0f Strobilus in liqui?verum 4
(u) T.S. 01' .ilarsileu I?vtioic 4
[)raw well labelled diagrams only i
(v) T.S Aerial 81cm 0t I':(/It.?3(.?lum (lmcrnodc)
(w) T.S. Rhizome of UH'WK u 4
(x) ILLS. Sporocarp 0" Alwu'i/cu
7. Explain :
(y) Economic Ixnpommx u! Algae in Food 4
(2) Black arm of comm
(a) Types of Mycorrhiz;
(b) Role of Fungi in mcdici 16 4
(c) Tikka disease of (iround'ml 4
(d) Harmful Aspect: UI?.\I{_".?C.
YBC?A15200 2 625

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020