Download VNSGU MBBS Third Year Part I 2023 April RAN 2206000103030103 Community Medicine Paper I Question Paper

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University or South Gujarat University) MBBS 3rd Year Part I (Third Year Part I) 2023 April RAN 2206000103030103 Community Medicine Paper I Previous Question Paper

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T. Y. MBBS (Part - I) Examination April - 2023
Community Medicine : Paper - I (New Course)
k|Q"p : / Instructions
(1) "uQ? v$ip?h?g r"ip"uhpmu rhNsp? D?fhlu `f Ah?e gMhu.
Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
T. Y. MBBS (Part - I)
Name of the Subject :
Community Medicine : Paper - I (New Course)
Subject Code No.: 2206000103030103
Student's Signature
Q. 1.
Multiple Choice Questions. (each carry 1 mark)
20 Marks
1. James Lind is known for
(a) Germ theory of disease
(b) Multifactorial causation of disease
(c) Prevention of scurvy by citrus fruits
(d) Web of causation
2. Breast Feeding Week is celebrated on?
(a) 1st week of March
(b) 1st week of July
(c) 1st week of August
(d) 1st December
3. Who is regarded as Father of Public Health?
(a) Louis Pasteur
(b) Cholera
(c) John snow
(d) Robert Koch
4. Human Development Index (HDI) does not include:
(a) Mean years of schooling
(b) Life expectancy at age 1
(c) Real GDP per capita
(d) Adult literacy rate
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5. Most universally accepted indicator of health status of whole population
and their socio-economic conditions among the following is:
(a) MMR
(b) IMR
(c) Lifeexpectancy
(d) Diseasenotificationrates
6. When a child `lost' his hands and unable to do routine works called as:
(a) Handicap
(b) Disability
(c) Impairment
(d) Battered baby syndrome
7. Missing cases are detected by
(a) Active surveillance
(b) Passive surveillance
(c) Sentinel surveillance
(d) Monitoring
8. Incidence can be calculated in:
(a) Case-control study
(b) Prospective study
(c) Retrospective study
(d) Cross-sectional study
9. Screening of the diseases is which type of prevention?
(a) Primordial
(b) Primary
(c) Secondary
(d) Tertiary
10. Thediagnosticpowerofatesttocorrectlyexcludethediseaseisreflected
(a) Sensitivity
(b) Specificity
(c) Positive predictivity
(d) Negative predictivity
11. Respiratory rate can be diagnosed as fast breathing in a less than
2-month-old infant, if respiratory rate / minute is more than:
(a) 29
(b) 39
(c) 49
(d) 59
12. BCG is:
(a) Live attenuated vaccine
(b) Killed vaccine
(c) Toxoid
(d) Immunosuppressant agent
13. The freshly prepared ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) should not be
used after:
(a) 6 hours
(b) 12 hours
(c) 18 hours
(d) 24 hours
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14. Yellow fever vaccination starts protection after how many days of
(a) 5 days
(b) 10 days
(c) 15 days
(d) 20 days
15. Most common cause of blindness due to easily preventable cause in children:
(a) Diabetes
(b) Trachoma
(c) Vit.Adeficiency
(d) Cataract
16. India belongs to which demographic trends:
(a) High stationary
(b) Low stationary
(c) Early expanding
(d) Late expanding
17. Minipills contain:
(a) Only progesterone is small quantity
(b) Progesterone and estrogen
(c) Estrogen in small quantity and progesterone in large
(d) Estrogen
18. Under ICDS, caloric supplement for pregnant women
(a) 300 Kcal, 8-10 grams of proteins
(b) 200 Kcal, 6-8 grams proteins
(c) 600 Kcal, 16-20 grams proteins
(d) 500 Kcal, 20-25 grams proteins
19. Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) is:
(a) EmpowermentoffemalesunderMaternityBenefitScheme
(b) Adolescent girl's scheme under ICDS
(c) Free and compulsory education for girl child
(d) Child care home scheme for female juvenile delinquents
20. An example of secondary health care level would be:
(a) Primary Health Center
(b) Sub Center
(c) Community Health Center
(d) Apex Health Institutions
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[ P.T.O. ] P1889

Q. 2.
Write full question on following : (any 1 out of 2)
10 Marks
1. Classify various epidemiological studies. What are elements of a cohort
2. Whatissafeandwholesomewater?Discusspurificationofwaterona
small scale.
Q. 3.
Write down your comments on the following : (any 2 out of 3)
(5 Marks each)

10 Marks
1. Integrated vector control.
2. Case control study.
3. What is triangle of epidemiology.
Q. 4.
Write in one or two line short questions. (10) (2 Marks each) 20 Marks
a) Secondary attack rate.
b) Whatisblockedflea.
c) ClassificationofIUCDs.
d) 4 important blood born infections of public health importance.
e) Draw symbol of biomedical waste disposal system.
f) Non-scalpel vasectomy.
g) Residual chlorine.
h) Additional requirement of chlorine during lactation.
i) Stratifiedsampling.
j) Amount of light reaching a surface is measured in which unit.
Q. 5.
Write full question on following : (any 1 out of 2)
10 Marks
1. DefineEpidemiology.Whataretheusesofepidemiology?
2. What are different types of families? What are functions of the family?
Discuss the cultural factors in health and disease.
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Q. 6.
Write Short Notes on following : (5 Marks each) (any 2 out of 3) 10 Marks
1. Steps of epidemic investigation.
2. Cafeteria approach in family planning.
3. Importance of age at marriage.
Q. 7.
Write Short Notes on following : (any 5 out of 6) (4 marks each) 20 Marks
a) Cyclic trend of disease.
b) Adverse effects following immunisation.
c) Levels of disease prevention.
d) Iceberg phenomenon of diseases.
e) Epidemiology versus clinical medicine.
f) What is sanitary barrier.
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