Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University or South Gujarat University) MBBS 3rd Year Part II (Third Year Part II-Final Year) 2024 January-February 2306000104020202 General Surgery Paper II Previous Question Paper
Examination January ? February ? 2024
[Time: Three Hours]
[Max. Marks: 100]
Seat No:
1. Fill up strictly the following details on your answer book
a. Name of the Examination: M.B.B.S (Third Year)
b. Name of the Subject: General Surgery (Paper-II)
c. Subject Code No: 2306000104020202
2. Sketch neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question.
4. All questions are compulsory.
Student's Signature
Section -1
Q.1 Give answers in brief: (Any two out of three)
20 marks
a. A 65yr old lady presents with a lump in right lower abdomen, intermittent
dark coloured stools, anemia. On Examination, there is around 5 cms mass
palpated in right iliac fossa.
2 marks
What is the most likely diagnosis?
3 marks
Which investigations will you advise to reach to a complete
5 marks
What treatment options are available? Write about her long term
b. A 40 yr mother of three, overweight, with complain of pain in upper
2 marks
abdomen and vomiting comes to emergency.
3 marks
What are the common differential diagnosis?
5 marks
What investigations may be needed to confirm the diagnosis?
Write about the treatment plan of this patient, in brief.
c. A 35yr male farm labourer, chronic alcoholic, presents in emergency with
abdominal distension and significant blood in vomiting.
vii. What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 marks
viii. Enumerate management steps in emergency room to treat this
3 marks
[1 of 3]
ix. Long term management plan of this patient.
5 marks
Q.2 Write Short notes (Any three out of Four)
12 marks
Clinical features and management of pancreatic Pseudocyst
Causes of paralytic ileus and management principles of the same in
post-operative patient
Criteria for certifying brain death
Prescription techniques advised by NMC
Q.3 Write in brief (Nine out of ten)
18 marks
Treatment options for acute fistula in ano
List complications of colostomy in children
(iii) Herniotomy
Enumerate causes of neonatal intestinal obstruction
Cork screw esophagus
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis of newborn
(vii) Goodsall's rule
(viii) Scoring systems for appendicitis
Patient's right to refuse suggested treatment
Enumerate Likely Complications of Laparoscopic surgery
Section -2
Q.4 Write notes on: [any 2]
14 marks
a. Define Osteomyelitis (2 marks). Describe the clinical features (2 marks)
and management (3 marks) of Acute Osteomyelitis of Distal femur in a
child of 3 years.
b. Classify Intracapsular fractures of Neck femur (2 marks). Describe the
management (3 marks) and complications (2 marks) of Fracture neck
Femur in a 70 year old woman.
c. Define dislocation (2 marks). What are the clinical features (2 marks) and
methods of reduction of Shoulder dislocation (3 marks)?
Q.5 Write short notes on: [any 3]
12 marks
a. Fracture clavicle
b. Foot drop
c. Gout
d. De Quervain's synovitis
[2 of 3]
Q.6 Write short notes on [any 3]
12 marks
a. Complications of spinal anaesthesia
b. Intravenous urography
c. Mention radiation hazards. Enlist radiation protection measures in imaging.
d. Compare propofol and ketamine as anaesthetic induction agent
Q.4 Write in brief: (Any six)
12 marks
a. Ludwig's angina
b. Dentigerous cyst
c. Radiological findings in Rickets
d. Importance of documentation of communication in health care
e. Stages of general anaesthesia
f. Advantages of teleradiology
g. Uses of Lignocaine
[3 of 3]
This post was last modified on 10 December 2024