Download VNSGU MBBS Third Year Part II 2024 January-February 2306000104020201 General Surgery Paper I Question Paper

Download VNSGU (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University or South Gujarat University) MBBS 3rd Year Part II (Third Year Part II-Final Year) 2024 January-February 2306000104020201 General Surgery Paper I Previous Question Paper

Examination January ? February ? 2024

[Time: Three Hours]
[Max. Marks: 100]
Seat No:
1. Fill up strictly the following details on your answer book
a. Name of the Examination: M.B.B.S (Third Year)
b. Name of the Subject : General Surgery (Paper-I)
c. Subject Code No : 2306000104020201
2. Sketch neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question.
4. All questions are compulsory.
Student's Signature
Section - 1
Q.1 Give answers in brief: (Any two out of three)

(a) A 20 yr girl presents with a small lump in left upper outer part of the breast,

with cyclical pain pre-menstrual, for 3 month. On Examination, 3cm firm

lump mobile within the breast.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 marks
Which investigations will you advise to reach to a complete diagnosis?
3 marks
(iii) What treatment options are available? Write about her long term
5 marks

(b) A 21 yr student is brought to emergency when his motorcycle skids in speed.

He is conscious, has Pulse rate of 130/minute, BP of 80/50mmHg. He has

contusion on left upper abdomen, abdominal distension with severe pallor

What is the likely diagnosis?
2 marks
Write briefly about the treatment of this patient, in emergency
3 marks
(iii) Write briefly about the investigations needed to confirm the diagnosis
5 marks
& definitive treatment of this patient.

(c) A 40 yr postman, heavy smoker, presents in OPD with difficulty in walking

beyond 100 meters due to pain in calf, non healing ulcer over right great toe

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for 3 months. On examination, pulsations of dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial

artery on right leg are not palpable.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 marks
Enumerate investigations to decide line of management of this patient.
3 marks
(iii) Long term management plan of this patient.
5 marks
Write Short notes (Any three out of Four)
Clinical presentation and treatment options of Grave's disease
Principles of Post exposure prophylaxis after blood spill in the eye to a
doctor while operating
(iii) Management of a sucking chest wound
Management of a child with pig bite
Q.3 Write in brief (Nine out of ten)
Uses of tissue expanders
Causes of nipple retraction
(iii) Treatment of umbilical hernia
Limitations of FNAC
Treatment for paronychia
Segregation of biomedical waste at site in wards
(vii) Principles of triaging in mass casualty
(viii) Management of small deep seated Breast abscess in lactating woman
In-growing toe nail
Clinical features and management of post mastectomy arm edema

Section - 2

Q.4 Give answers in brief: (Any two out of three)
(a) A 2 yr boy with poor stream of urine, repeated attacks of urinary tract

infection, is brought to OPD. His Ultra sonography shows bilateral gross

hydro-nephrosis and hydroureter.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 marks
What investigations may be needed to confirm the diagnosis?
3 marks
(iii) Write about the treatment plan of this patient, in brief.
5 marks

(b) A 20 yr male student with complain of pain in left lower abdomen,

radiating to same side scrotum and vomiting comes to emergency.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 marks
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What investigations may be needed to confirm the diagnosis?
3 marks
(iii) Write about the treatment plan of this patient, in brief.
5 marks

(c) A 60 yr lady presented with history of blood in urine and on examination is

found to have large lump in left flank, bimanually palpable.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 marks
What investigations would be needed to reach a diagnosis?
3 marks
(iii) Outline management plan of this patient.
5 marks
Q.5 Write Short notes (Any three out of Four)
Modes of spread of prostate cancer and management of the same.
Informed consent process for enrolling a patient into research protocol
(iii) Steps to be taken for a case of suspected torsion of testicle.
Importance of documentation &communication with patient's relatives
in ICU setting
Q.6 Write in brief (Nine out of ten)
1) Phimosis
2) Criteria for brainstem death
3) Treatment of chronic prostatitis
4) Mumps orchitis.
5) Hypospadias
6) Patients right to know the risks and benefits of all treatment options
7) Causes of unilateral hydronephrosis.
8) Role of doctor as leader of health care team
9) Treatment options for old lady with stress urinary incontinence
10) Agents used to sterilise urology endoscopes
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This post was last modified on 10 December 2024