Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) KUHS (Kerala University of Health Science) 3rd Year (Third Year) 2019 July 303001 Community Medicine Paper I Previous Question Paper
Q.P. Code: 303001
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Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Supplementary Examinations
July 2019
Community Medicine - Paper I
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 60
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
1. A drug company has produced a new formulation of zinc in the form of a sweetened
beverage which they claim has the ability to reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea
in children below five years of age. 25 ml of the beverage has to be given to children
below the age of one and 50 ml for those one to five years of age, in a once-daily dosage.
They request you to assist with preparing an outline for a study which they wish to do to
demonstrate the efficacy of the beverage. Answer the following:
What is an appropriate study design for this study and why
List and briefly describe the steps of the study design chosen by you.
List and briefly describe TWO ethical considerations which might need to be
addressed in performing this study.
2. The incidence of all mosquito borne diseases are increasing in your PHC area, as the
medical officer of the PHC how will you apply the levels of prevention to reduce the
incidence and control the situation.
3. In a small remote village in a predominantly agrarian community, a large proportion of the
children under five years of age are found to be malnourished. You are asked to address
a group consisting of parents of the children regarding measures to improve their
nutritional status. List and describe the measures which you would suggest.
Short answer Question:
4. Contribution of John Snow to public health in the 1850s
5. Problems of nuclear families
6. Effects of heat stress on humans
7. Precautions in collecting a sample of water for bacteriologic examination
8. Principles of designing a mid-day meal for school children
Differentiate between:
9. Bagassosis and byssinosis
10. Isolation and quarantine
11. Sandflies and mosquitos
Substantiate your answer with reasons:
12. Pulse polio immunization is done using OPV in the months January-March every year
13. "Green belts" are established between industrial and residential areas
List the following:
14. First four stages of demographic cycle
15. Enumerate four measures of dispersion
16. The classification of insecticides used in public health
17. The kinds of biomedical waste disposed in BLUE/WHITE TRANSLUCENT containers
18. FOUR measures of fertility
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