Download KUHS MBBS First Year 2012 March 1101 Anatomy Paper I Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MBBS First Year (1st Year) 2012 March 1101 Anatomy Paper I Question Paper.

Q.P. Code: 1101 Reg. no.: .....................
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, March 20 12
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (10)
1. A 60 year s old man while rushing to catch a train in the railway station felt severe chest
pain with profuse sweating and tingling sensation along the medial aspect of his left
arm. He was soon taken to the hospital where an ECG showed irregularities. His
blood pressure dropped dramatically and he lapsed into deep coma and died several
minutes later. Post mortem study revealed total obstruction of the left coronary artery
and near complete obstruction of the right coronary artery. Based on your anatomical
knowledge answer the following questions:
? Explain how a coronary artery diseases produces retrosternal chest pain, tingling
sensation along the medial side of his left arm and increased sweating.
? Briefly describe the origin, course and areas of distribution of coronary arteries.
? What is meant by left artery dominance.
? Obstruction to which coronary artery is more likely to produce irregularities in hearts
rhythm and why.
? Mention the sites where the branches of left and right coronary arteries
anastomose; what is the functional significance of these anastomosis
Short essay (3x5=15)
2. External ligaments of knee joint
3. Synovial joints : classification with examples
4. Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the breast
Short notes
5. Yolk sac and its fate in humans
6. Azygos vein
7. Superficial palmar arch
8. Microscopic structure of lymph node
9. Femoral sheath
Short answer
10. Turners syndrome
11. Boundaries and contents of quadrangular space of scapular region
12. Neural crest
Draw diagrams
13. Mediastinal surface of left lung
14. Transverse section through middle of right thigh.
 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 11 November 2019